View Full Version : [Threads Merged]is nc down again?

Ch1n Th3 M4g
08-07-04, 00:07
is nc down for any 1 else??

08-07-04, 00:08
ah was waiting for sum 1 to ask that its down for me but i wasnt sure

Ch1n Th3 M4g
08-07-04, 00:09
is it?
question or statment?

08-07-04, 00:14
Not sure whats going on. For a lot of people it's fine but for some it seems to be going up and down like a yoyo :wtf:

EDIT: Been at least 5 minutes now without even being able to get to the login screen. Hearing a lot of comments to that effect over TS too so I think it's affecting more people now.

EDIT2: UK-German connection problem aparently. Bummer :o

08-07-04, 00:15
I get server connection errors all the time atm

Could not right click, then relogged after one more error...

Lots of people were on the servers though...