View Full Version : How do i get the new in-game screen?

04-07-04, 18:43
anyone got a link they cud gimme (plz) for the new (ish) in-game nc ? .....hmm... dunno how to say wot it looks like ...but its kinda silverish .

if ANYONE knows wot the hell im on about . plz cud ya drop me a link .

boobs in da face!


05-07-04, 08:23
The only hud mod that i know comes with NeocronLauncher pro (http://www.creitive.com/neocron/)

There colors is possible to change by editing the rpos.ini file in your neocron/ini/ folder (make sure to take a backup). There are also some programs for this, cant remember links though (do a search in forums).