View Full Version : Countdown for BDoY trailer?

30-06-04, 15:36
Could somebody make some sort countdown thing for BDoY trailer? :D

30-06-04, 15:37
its like waiting intill christmas :D

30-06-04, 15:37
i marked it in the calender ;)

30-06-04, 15:46


var interval = "";
var i = 604800;

function startInterval()
interval = window.setInterval("tTimer()",1000);
function stopInterval()
window.clearInterval (interval);
function tTimer()
document.f.display.value = i--;
if (i == -1)
alert ("TIME'S UP");



<form name=f>

<input type=text name=display value="">




roughly in seconds

30-06-04, 15:52


var interval = "";
var i = 604800;

function startInterval()
interval = window.setInterval("tTimer()",1000);
function stopInterval()
window.clearInterval (interval);
function tTimer()
document.f.display.value = i--;
if (i == -1)
alert ("TIME'S UP");



<form name=f>

<input type=text name=display value="">




roughly in seconds
Where does that go?
And wtf is up with your signature?

30-06-04, 16:05
Where does that go?
And wtf is up with your signature?

copy n paste into notepad, save it as anything.html and open it in IE/Netscape, you cant close it though coz timer resets, so I made..

Complete countdown timer script in PHP from Jeff Holmans Countdown Timer (http://cgi.dgwebb.force9.co.uk/cdown/timer.php)

And whats up with my siggy? :confused: :confused:

/edit added

<META HTTP-EQUIV=Refresh CONTENT="1; URL=http://cgi.dgwebb.force9.co.uk/cdown/timer.php">
to META for 1 second refresh, kinda like a countdown.

30-06-04, 16:39
hes enquieing about why it says enlarge your guinea pig.

30-06-04, 16:40
why not enlarge your Guinea Pig?

30-06-04, 17:01
It is not true when they say size doesnt matter, i mean, if your going to eat a guinea pig, it must be large!

30-06-04, 17:39
mines allready enlarged :)

30-06-04, 17:41
Are we all excited? :D

30-06-04, 17:42
It is not true when they say size doesnt matter, i mean, if your going to eat a guinea pig, it must be large!
mines allready enlarged :)

The people who feel they need to enlarge there guinea pig are the people who have a small guinea pig in the first place. I'm already proud of the size of my guinea pig, and I'm not so insecure that I need to have it enlarged.

30-06-04, 17:44
stop talking in terms of guinea pigs lol

30-06-04, 17:45
The people who feel they need to enlarge there guinea pig are the people who have a small guinea pig in the first place. I'm already proud of the size of my guinea pig, and I'm not so insecure that I need to have it enlarged.

5" guinea pig isnt big benjie :p :lol:

30-06-04, 17:49
The people who feel they need to enlarge there guinea pig are the people who have a small guinea pig in the first place. I'm already proud of the size of my guinea pig, and I'm not so insecure that I need to have it enlarged.

I must admit, i feel my 9 inch guinea pig is too small :( :( :(

Rai Wong
30-06-04, 17:57
this is the same ol discussion, average to tall people think height doesn't matter. Same with everything, you are there but you don't really know where you are.

People can't see anything beyond themselves sadly.

30-06-04, 17:59
yes, I can already see the spam in my mailbox.
"Ënlarge your guinea pig"
"Guaranteed enlargment for your guinea pig"

oh yeah to get a bit back on topic

yay trailer

30-06-04, 22:05
behold of the great secrets of the guenea pig :http://www.guineapigsecrets.com - this great link will uncover things like : "How To Keep Your Guinea Pig Fresh, Clean, And Sweet Smelling! " - interested? then wait no more and direct er browser to teh link and ENLARGE ER GUENEAPIGSss

55 minutes left ill me can go home last hour is always the worst ....

Mr Friendly
30-06-04, 22:12
easiest way is to just forget about it, the days pass by & boom, suddenly its time for the bdoy trailer :DD

30-06-04, 22:16
you must be really bored if all you can do is think about enlarging your guinea pig O_o

30-06-04, 22:36
you must be really bored if all you can do is think about enlarging your guinea pig O_o
lol u have no idea, i'v tryed evrything but it wont just go away......any sugestions?

30-06-04, 22:37
lol u have no idea, i'v tryed evrything but it wont just go away......any sugestions?

http://www.furious-angels.com :angel: :angel: either that or pr0n

30-06-04, 22:40
this is the same ol discussion, average to tall people think height doesn't matter. Same with everything, you are there but you don't really know where you are.

People can't see anything beyond themselves sadly.

women dont like small guinea pig's. They like to be fulfilled. You know there is a guinea pig pump as well dont you?

Richard Slade
30-06-04, 23:33
Where are those muppets with constant updating server stats siggys?
Get a friggin countdown siggy!!

30-06-04, 23:38
mines allready enlarged :)
Don't you mean already large, as opposed to you've already had it enlarged? :lol:

J. Folsom
30-06-04, 23:45
Don't you mean already large, as opposed to you've already had it enlarged? :lol:
Shh, you shouldn't have said that, poor him.

But as said, real men don't need their guinea pigs enlarged, their guinea pigs are naturally large enough for all situations already.


Uhhhh.... Anyway to get back on topic. I think there's some site out there which makes those kind of timers, or you could always just schedule windows to shout at you on the day of release. :p

01-07-04, 00:40
lexx i voted for u for faction representitive on DRE on pluto long live teh lexxisgay damn hinch's script is on here as well anyway

<3 lexxisgay

01-07-04, 00:43
lexxisgay for president!!!

Or you could try http://www.medizona.net/countdown.php?date=2004-7-7 if the damn thing works

nope it doesnt work *sigh*

ah ha!!


w00t it works, just use the img tags with http://cgi.dgwebb.force9.co.uk/gdtimer/countdown.php in between :D

01-07-04, 01:19
heh, gettin the hang of this now


/edit - really it should refresh and the clock countdown, but, pfft, i dunno stupid thing >.< url for this one is http://cgi.dgwebb.force9.co.uk/gdtimer/countdown2.php

01-07-04, 01:21
Very nice logo you made there lexxuk, but I get an error


01-07-04, 01:22
Very nice logo you made there lexxuk, but I get an error


Y do you still think it isnt coming? Were you always let down as a child? :rolleyes:

01-07-04, 01:23
Ok well they will pull through with this video...I think. :rolleyes:

Ima get my oll domeofyork website going again if it gets delayed!

01-07-04, 01:25

ph34r GD & PHP mad hax skillz

01-07-04, 01:26
Lol :lol:

Lexxuk your so kos
[Edit: Mine was mad paint skillz0rz]

01-07-04, 01:27
much better, xmas day 2010 :D

anyhow, back on topic, the source code..

1st you need a htaccess file with...

<Files *.png>
ForceType application/x-httpd-php

Then a PHP file with

// Bizzar PHP GD Countdown Script
// Written by: Brad Derstine (Brad@BizzarScripts.net)

$month = 12; // Month of the countdown
$day = 25; // Day of the countdown
$year = 2010; // Year of the countdown

// mktime is the marked time, and time() is the current time.
$target = mktime(13,33,33,$month,$day,$year);
$diff = $target - time();

$days = ($diff - ($diff % 86400)) / 86400;
$diff = $diff - ($days * 86400);
$hours = ($diff - ($diff % 3600)) / 3600;
$diff = $diff - ($hours * 3600);
$minutes = ($diff - ($diff % 60)) / 60;
$diff = $diff - ($minutes * 60);
$seconds = ($diff - ($diff % 1)) / 1;

header ("Content-type: image/png");
$imgname = "nc.png";
$im = @imagecreatefrompng ($imgname);

//Here are some common color codes in case you want to change the colors.
//$white = imagecolorallocate ($im, 255, 255, 255);
//$blue = imagecolorallocate ($im, 0, 0, 255);
//$black = imagecolorallocate ($im,0,0,0);
//$gray = imagecolorallocate ($im,153,153,153);
//$red = imagecolorallocate ($im,255,0,0);
//$orange = imagecolorallocate ($im, 255, 127, 36);

$background_color = imagecolorallocate ($im, 0, 0, 0);
$orange = imagecolorallocate ($im, 255, 127, 36);
$yellow = imagecolorallocate ($im, 247, 246, 201);
imagestring ($im, 2, 60, 5, " Countdown till G.O.D Reforms: Available from www.furious-angels.com", $yellow);
imagestring ($im, 3, 65, 18, "[ $days day(s) ] [ $hours hour(s) ] [ $minutes minute(s) ] [ $seconds second(s) ]", $orange);
imagepng ($im);
imagedestroy ($im);


$imgname = "nc.png";

Is the filename (must exist) that the text is written to and

imagestring ($im, 2, 60, 5, " Countdown till G.O.D Reforms: Available from www.furious-angels.com", $yellow);
imagestring ($im, 3, 65, 18, "[ $days day(s) ] [ $hours hour(s) ] [ $minutes minute(s) ] [ $seconds second(s) ]", $orange);

Is the text you wanna change, other variables are self explanitory (just look for the $whatever= things)

01-07-04, 01:27
Woot, well at least you are setting reasonable goals for me...

01-07-04, 01:38

/me runz

/edit - i have discovered a new bug, its the 2555 bug, or somewhere like that, when all computer clocks will start counting down backwards! be prepared!!

01-07-04, 02:51
That reminds me, have not seen any guiny pig for a long time, regardless of size, all because of gaming.
I guess it is about time to go out and find one before I totally forget what one looks like

01-07-04, 02:58
you want some hints and tips on enlarging your guinea pig?

01-07-04, 03:24
Ohhh its on now lexxuk, just you wait. My revenge will be swift and brutal! Just like it was when SXR made the "G.0.D. sucks" comic strips :p ... Oh and when TKnukem made the power point presentation on how much I suck...

There goes my self esteem :(

[Edit: Any one have a copy of those comics I lost mine]

01-07-04, 04:38
That reminds me, have not seen any guiny pig for a long time, regardless of size, all because of gaming.
I guess it is about time to go out and find one before I totally forget what one looks like
:( shame ur down under

01-07-04, 04:49
Spam, Closed.


01-07-04, 08:48
There is only one forum where you manage to combine a guniea pig discussion with a php countdown ticker tutorial :p

This forum is like a warm blanket. You just wrap yourself in it and you feel all cuddly inside :D


EDIT: *twitch* Damnit, I told Cliff I would need my medication by now. *coughs up a fur ball*

Well isn't this this my corner? Alrighty th-th-then. *sits*

01-07-04, 09:14
I slipped the mods some ruffies and let lexxuk have his way with them,

They wont be up for at least 5 more hours
oh... and they wont be shitting right for a week.

Oh, ok now it has become spam :o

01-07-04, 09:22
And now it has been closed. ;)

Spam. Closed.