View Full Version : as cm is getting a new home, mb should like THIS!

29-06-04, 13:27
well, i think i remembver doy plan file saying cm was getting a new home :D

if they do i think mb should look more like this, it says merc hang in the abandoned military base but it dont look that abandoned and/or military, so here is my suggestion

29-06-04, 13:30
awesome dude,
its a shame u never designed your own game :D

29-06-04, 13:37
Another fine piece of post-modernistic art.

I think MB is good as it is.

29-06-04, 13:37
Leet skills... :eek:

29-06-04, 14:05
OMG I <3 the height differences of the CM guards! Why are all CM Guards the same height? There should be some really tall ones, and some really short ones! Seriously though, isn't that possible? The Fire mobs; are they the same model but rezised in game? If this is so then applying it to the Individual NPC's would be awesome! Like the reflecting eyes in Half Life 2 that add so much realism.

29-06-04, 14:11
I think everyone should have at least once in their Neocron time have been all the way to MB Sector 3.

The MB would be a great place to hold a man hunt

29-06-04, 14:24
I think everyone should have at least once in their Neocron time have been all the way to MB Sector 3.

The MB would be a great place to hold a man hunt

Yeah it would, MB is pretty fucking big :D

Speaking of Manhunt, think I'll go execute a few people :D:D

29-06-04, 15:06
I think everyone should have at least once in their Neocron time have been all the way to MB Sector 3.

The MB would be a great place to hold a man hunt

mb sec 3 would be good if it had a purpose.

mb is only good atm coz us city mercs have their own swimming pool :D

29-06-04, 15:27
Its been used a few times when a fugitive pker has run down there, it was funny seeing all us defenders trying to track him around the base. It probably ended when he crashed between zones ;)

29-06-04, 15:32
Wasn't it FA and TG which are getting a new home. I thought that CM were staying put.

29-06-04, 15:52
yup i though Cm were staying put also

29-06-04, 15:56
Yeah, we're gonna get the fusion cannons on the roof working again, and the we'll be able to close off the main gates.

Also there's gonna be gatling turrets at the bunker to the north.

And our first major assault on doy will start from battledome.

But they told me to keep quiet about our secret plans, so i'm not gonna tell you about them !

(I think we're staying put too. Don't see the point in moving a mercenary army inside the city. Hell, even the Roman legions had to stay away from Rome itself, for fear of coup d'etats.)

29-06-04, 16:18
i would like to see static defences on the MB work and shoot any inc hostiles.
the you can lower the guards levels to make them more realistic.

how awsome would it to see a attack from teh dome of york attack MB and see RC and fusion bolts wizzing accross the desert and shots firing back in tanks.

big ass static defences out side NC MB and DOY that would rock. that would stop all but the largest attacks. also make the players have to repair them to get them working again. that would make trade skillers useful in other areas