View Full Version : Greece > All

Hey Burner
25-06-04, 22:37

France 0 - 1 Greece hahahahhahaahhahahahahhahahahahhahaahhahahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahhahahhahahahhahah ahahahhahahhahhahhahahahahhahahahahhahahahhaahhahahahhahahhahhahahahahahahahhaha

25-06-04, 22:38

[ edited ]


Jock Rockwell
25-06-04, 22:39
Not that a big a shock tbh. Football is changing. Western Europe is yet to catch on. Czech will win this tournament (16-1 £50 yay) Greece deserved it, France never really got going, Henry, Zidane and Pires were non existent. They got exactley what they deserved.

25-06-04, 22:41
If you can't discuss the game without resorting to insults there will be no more discussion of the game. Simple.


25-06-04, 22:44
france england italy spain germany all out. Its turned into Euro Charity 2004

Hey Burner
25-06-04, 22:44
Ok then, Greece played rather well. Organised and it was just a great goal. They deserved it indeed. France were crap basically... But still, ha!

Doc Holliday
25-06-04, 22:52
not a massive footy fan so have nfi who is left still in the tournament. any give me a run down?

Hey Burner
25-06-04, 22:56
not a massive footy fan so have nfi who is left still in the tournament. any give me a run down?

Portugal through to semi-finals. Beat England 6-5 on pens, great game!

Greece through to semi-finals. Beat France 1-0, go Greece!

Sweden vs. Holland tomorrow I believe.

Denmark vs. Czech Republic on Sunday.

25-06-04, 23:22
ima root for holland then i think.

25-06-04, 23:54
My game the Netherlands vs Sweden tomorrow, be good dutchies :)

26-06-04, 02:27
Ima rooting for the czechs to win :)

Jock Rockwell
26-06-04, 02:51
Ima rooting for the czechs to win :)
me to.

I can taste my winnings already.

26-06-04, 02:58
haha, were still in?