View Full Version : Best Infinity Engine game.

25-06-04, 01:08
For me... it has to be BGII. I liked how in BGI you could just wander off into the wilderness, bu BGII was alot more epic and you gained levels faster which was more interesting. Also magic is alot better than in BGI.

I was never really captured by IWD 1, and I'm playing IWD 2 through atm but tbh with you its really just not that inspiring its all far far too linear for me thanks very much.

25-06-04, 01:23
Planescape: Torment

nothing else compares.

25-06-04, 01:34
Baldur's Gate II + Throne of Bhaal expansion.


Bar none.


25-06-04, 01:42
Baldur's Gate II + Throne of Bhaal expansion.


Bar none.


It was cool in that it advanced the story, and you got to control the great Sarevok.. but it did get SO boring after a while.

Level. Get some cool feats. Get stupid amounts of XP for doing something simple. Get more feats. *sigh*

It was just high level content which had to follow the AD&D rules...

I gave up in the end.


25-06-04, 01:45
Baldur's Gate II + ToB + Mods (specially Ascension by David Gaider, man this mod made it sooo much better)

Torment was an awesome game aswell.

I think I had near 20 mods installed the last time I went throught this game, now I have more than 40 ready just incase...

25-06-04, 01:47
Yeah the expansion wasn't as good as BGII itself, not enough depth.

I haven't finished it yet, got to Draconis (or whoever the mage/dragon guy is) and eventually killed him after MANY attempts, entered the next room and game fucking crashed! Save was corrupted so I got so angry I uninstalled it and haven't tried since. Was over 2 maybe 3 years ago lol. Might try it again soon.

Still, getting to control Sarevok was fucking fantastic.

25-06-04, 01:49
Yeah the expansion wasn't as good as BGII itself, not enough depth.

I haven't finished it yet, got to Draconis (or whoever the mage/dragon guy is) and eventually killed him after MANY attempts, entered the next room and game fucking crashed! Save was corrupted so I got so angry I uninstalled it and haven't tried since. Was over 2 maybe 3 years ago lol. Might try it again soon.

Still, getting to control Sarevok was fucking fantastic.

Yeah. That draconis dude was so damn hard.
Remember buffing myself with everything possible and drinking every potion before approaching him - so much so that my char. portrait was completely full.

I guess I hate ToB because my char (dual weilding ranger with all the good stuff on him) couldn't 1v50 anymore.. and it was hard :P


25-06-04, 01:56
Gotta try Improved Dragon AI from IEEAIS community (improved AI for all monsters aswell), you will see some uberized liches, dragons and stuff.
Altho, if you want to be cheesy most fights are a breeze :p

25-06-04, 02:11
Gotta try Improved Dragon AI from IEEAIS community (improved AI for all monsters aswell), you will see some uberized liches, dragons and stuff.
Altho, if you want to be cheesy most fights are a breeze :p

Well yeah, you can use cheese tactics like the Set Traps cheese. But it's so pointless it's, well pointless really :p Ruins the game using cheese tactics.

And yes, I've got the IDAI mod plus various others but haven't used them yet. I will when I complete ToB finally :)


Yes, indeed he was incredibly hard. I was the same, had full buffs etc. Tried it with a Fighter, a Monk and a Sorcerer. I believe I finally killed him with the Sorcerer and a combination of Lower Resistance and Jaheira's Magic Resistance spell. Still took forever though.

25-06-04, 02:20
Well yeah, you can use cheese tactics like the Set Traps cheese. But it's so pointless it's, well pointless really :p Ruins the game using cheese tactics.

And yes, I've got the IDAI mod plus various others but haven't used them yet. I will when I complete ToB finally :)
Completely agree, actually I love to uberize the mobs so much that sometimes I get frustrated :p

Anyway, ToB without Ascension losses much and gains nothing, I wouldn't recommend playing the game without this mod, not even the first time. Altho I did think like you, and completed the game without mods just to see it like originally was created.

25-06-04, 02:24
Yes I'm definitely going to be installing the Ascension mod once I get around to completing it. An improved AI Draconis is going to shred me I think.. :)

I'm playing Hordes of the Underdark at the moment, such a pity NWN isn't even a patch on the BG games. They should have ditched Shadows of Undrentide as it was utter shit, and concentrated all resources on improving HotU. HotU is pretty good though, much better than SoU. Not that that's difficult though :p

25-06-04, 06:35
i gotta choose fallout 1/2 on this one. the storylines where incredible.

25-06-04, 08:13
I never got into planscape torment (pc game) I duno why .

Loved all the BG games and IWD.

IWD is fun and easy to relate to if u still play 3rd edition, but BGII + TOB has to win it. Its really long and u really get a grip for being ur character. YOu actualy make a histroy for the character and wonna make it in a Table top game jsut to use it more and improve its history :)


25-06-04, 08:26
actually i hate baldur's series, i think they were terrible rpgs (i find it hard to call it an rpg actually). But i simply love fallout series and its variations, like arcanum & lionheart

25-06-04, 08:42
Icewind Dale

It would probabally be Planescape Torment, but I didn't play it enough. (lost the CD)

Anyone play Neverwinter Nights? I'm currently making a simgle player campaign for it that will most likely feature multiplayer support too. *loves the Aurora Toolset* Check out "Phoberg Home" when I release it into the Neverwinter Vault in July. It's set in a swamp/marsh backwards hamlet, and is a Medium Roleplay, Heavy Puzzle, Light Hack n' Slash module. (Feels like a mystery game.) You don't even need any of the expansion packs to play. I'm making it for anyone, because i've noticed there is a distinct lack of NWN only modules being made recently. Bleh...

25-06-04, 08:55
Icewind Dale

It would probabally be Planescape Torment, but I didn't play it enough. (lost the CD)

Anyone play Neverwinter Nights? I'm currently making a simgle player campaign for it that will most likely feature multiplayer support too. *loves the Aurora Toolset* Check out "Phoberg Home" when I release it into the Neverwinter Vault in July. It's set in a swamp/marsh backwards hamlet, and is a Medium Roleplay, Heavy Puzzle, Light Hack n' Slash module. (Feels like a mystery game.) You don't even need any of the expansion packs to play. I'm making it for anyone, because i've noticed there is a distinct lack of NWN only modules being made recently. Bleh...

waah, Icewind Dale was boring like hell to me...
Neverwinter Nights were pretty cool though - its not an classic rpg, rather some hybrid type game, but with the right modules and multiplayer support can be pretty cool and relaxing.

25-06-04, 09:03
Fall out being the only game that used this engine I can stomach, even in the slightest.

25-06-04, 09:25
Fall out being the only game that used this engine I can stomach, even in the slightest.
IIRC, Fallout wasn't Infinity.
And fallout was more than just a toleratable game. It is a marker in Classic RPG history!

waah, Icewind Dale was boring like hell to me...
Neverwinter Nights were pretty cool though - its not an classic rpg, rather some hybrid type game, but with the right modules and multiplayer support can be pretty cool and relaxing.
I liked Icewind Dale because of my fascination with the Antartic.
Neverwinter Nights best feature is by far the Aurora toolset. Besides, 75% of the communitys modules are far supirior to the origional Neverwinter Nights campaign.

25-06-04, 09:29
Planescape: Torment hands down.

But as an engine the Infinity is like a ancient rusty steammachine when compared to Aurora.

25-06-04, 09:32
Planescape: Torment hands down.
This trailor for Planescape: Foundations has me sexed up. (http://nwvault.ign.com/Files/movies/data/1082077687000.shtml)
It's made in the Aurora engine by a group of people called the City of Doors Initiative. The trailor ranks as the 3rd best movie on the Vault, and really kicks some ass!
I watched in with a massive gawp on my face, drooling down my chin. :p

25-06-04, 09:36
IIRC, Fallout wasn't Infinity.
And fallout was more than just a toleratable game. It is a marker in Classic RPG history!

I liked Icewind Dale because of my fascination with the Antartic.
Neverwinter Nights best feature is by far the Aurora toolset. Besides, 75% of the communitys modules are far supirior to the origional Neverwinter Nights campaign.

The fallout engine was used as a base to make the BG1 engine, like reakktor took theirsand modded it, black isle already had a perfectly good engine in the fallout engine, and just upgraded its effects for BG, i think anyway, sure i read that somewhere :p

25-06-04, 09:50
This trailor for Planescape: Foundations has me sexed up... (http://nwvault.ign.com/Files/movies/data/1082077687000.shtml)

Omg, that looked very sexy. I hope they finish it someday.

25-06-04, 10:49
IIRC, Fallout wasn't Infinity.
And fallout was more than just a toleratable game. It is a marker in Classic RPG history!

Yeah, I think so too, fallout was it's own thing. But Interplay made BG's engine based on fallout. and Fallout2 = the best single player rpg ever, the series is better than final fantasy (not including graphics or music... FF games are just newer).

What's IIRC, btw?

25-06-04, 10:56
The BG series, definately. The epic storyline kept me interested the whole way through (even if my mages were all "Lower Resistance" whores throughout BGII:ToB) and as much as I loved Fallout 2, Baldurs Gate II and ToB are my RPG benchmarks - I've played lots of RPG's since then and the only game that has since bettered it was KOTOR.

NWN was a huge dissappointment and as much as I love the Planescape setting, but for some reason I just couldnt get in to Torment.

Yay BG.

25-06-04, 11:38
Arcanum was pretty sweet

IIRC means if i recall correctly

25-06-04, 12:49
Bg series aswell,never liked icewindale ,never played the bg2 expansion, the thing of bg2 that i still remember is how they handled Drizzt stuff. The fact that the game kept track of loading/saving a particular event. For those who dont know what i'm talking about.
When you left the grave where you had the fight the vampires and if you had managed to get hold of Drizzt stuff a mage appears and takes them off you everytime you reload. Nice thing was that everytime you did that he used another way to get them till in the end he just imprisons you (=game over).

Or he can forget Noober from BG1?

25-06-04, 15:34
omg noober lol....

Then there was a similar guy in Trademeet in BGII. I'm thinking of doing a fresh re-install of both BGI and BGII then installing a load of mods and playing the games all the way through. Atm, I've got loads of left over mods lying around which are fucking everything up.

25-06-04, 15:44
Were there not some much older Infinity games, Pre-dating Balders Gate?
What where those called?