View Full Version : [idea] outposts

23-06-04, 23:39
hey all,

i had some ideas about outposts and stuff.

my idea is to rename all fortress named outposts and just call them outposts, for example jeriko outpost, instead of jeriko fortress, and in turn make 4 big outposts around the map, and call them fortresses. but make these fortresses HUGE outposts, not just underground but on the outside to, giant walls energy fields, etc.

but have some attributes which are different to normal outposts.

1). wall turrets,

this idea is similar to tribes 2, well in most respects its just directly stolen off tribes 2, when you take the fortress, there are turret template blocks on each entrence, and you have to buy turret mods from the shops to activate them, so there could be plasma mods, lazer mods, fire mods, artillary mods, machine gun mods, which are all expensive.

when you buy them, you place them into your process box, press tab to close the hud and when you click on one of the turret blocks, and it starts constructing, it doesnt need any const requirements, but it takes a minute or two to put on, but when its finished the turret appears on the block and sits there, and when any enemies come into range, it pops up and starts attacking, when its attacked and destroyed though, people have to use repair nanites and etc to repair it, but it only becomes active again when its fully repaired, and becomes inactive again when all its HP is gone.

secondly it will be like a little town, have a medicare, 2 grs, 3 or 4 gogos, a few citycoms, a a&w, hew shop, a vehicle depot possibly, everything.

secondly you can buy guards, they are naturally baught from a special window in the citycom, and the weapon of choice is baught to, but you have to work for it for the guards to gain more levels, im still not sure how this could be worked out, maybe collecting certain items like tech parts or other piece of expensive junk and recycling them and the guards gain more levels, i dont know, BUT they could only reach a certain level, they can be placed anywhere and cost a lot of money to create, your also limited to how many can be created. id also like to see all this outside instead of all shoved in an underground place

theres amny more ideas which could be made, but i think this would create such a great atmosphere and create much better inter faction and allied relations since one clan couldnt just overpower it, they would need help from there factions etc, the same with the clan who owns the OP to, it could end up faction vs faction fights :p , i know places like TH and TG base might become giant OPs but i think this would be good as well, so your thoughts?

23-06-04, 23:47
that crazy is a very nice idea.

perhaps owning ops of certain types would enhance your fortress, such as uplinks would incread security or somthing i dunno but YEAH!

23-06-04, 23:50
First they'd have to redesign all the OP's.

Speaking of redesigning OP's - anyone else enjoying the new DAoC frontiers addon? Nifty nifty stuff.