View Full Version : HUD changes

23-06-04, 17:10
can someone plz help me learn how to change my HUD?
i see people with some really cool dif ones and like blue ones etc.
plz post here if ur ub3r enough to know ty

24-06-04, 07:59
Making simple color changes to your RPOS (HUD) is done by editing rposcolor.ini file (in your neocron/ini/ folder) .(make sure to back up the original one before editing)

G0D colorchanger tool: clickety click (http://g0dsoft.com/modules.php?name=Downloads&d_op=viewdownload&cid=5)

more hud chnges by Dazist : clickety click (http://neocron.jafc.de/showthread.php?t=101114)

and the wonderful NeoLauncher PRO by Bram : clickety click (http://forum.neocron.com/showthread.php?t=101294&page=1&pp=15)

more about making your own hud, read the forums and use the search...

31-12-05, 16:43
links dont work.. any new ones? I dont like the rpos, the borders are way too big and bulky , so if there is a way to modify it, i'd be happy to know :)


http://forum.neocron.com/showthread.php?t=129937 this helped a bit :D

31-12-05, 17:23
just type ingame in your chat window /set gfx_hudcolor 0-9 (Zero being default)