View Full Version : Make appartment doors hackable, but you need to gimp yourself to hack them +Take drgs

20-06-04, 00:26
@ Make appartments hackable so long as you have all your INT in hacking, your buffed and on drugs. The owner gets a warning.
@ Add a hackable container to every appartment minus starter apps.
@ Allow starter appartments to change there password.
@ Make Appartment GR's hackable and taggable, but you can get your own hacker in to sort out the problem.
@ You can always change your password.
@ It makes Neocron a less trustworthy place. I'm sick of feeling safe letting peeps into my appartment.
@ Sex at all.

20-06-04, 00:30
I'd jusst hate to GR home after a hard day of hunting rares, and find a bisexual man standing in my apartment :lol:

20-06-04, 00:31
I'd jusst hate to GR home after a hard day of hunting rares, and find a bisexual man standing in my apartment :lol:
Not funny Gohei.
Besides, why not?
Ahm ah not sexeh?

Scroll down. Ahm Sexeh fo' sure! (http://forum.neocron.com/showthread.php?t=38126&page=19&pp=15)

20-06-04, 00:34
Okay, I'm the first to admit it.
This idea is flawed. What would happen if your offline?

But you get the generall gist of the idea.
Neocron is still way too carebear.

*wants appartment raiding to be implamented somehow*
*Safeslot? Remove it and give hackers appartment looting somehow*
*Sex @ All*

20-06-04, 01:19
maybe hackable if your SL drops too low :p

would stop all the hardcore low SL pk'ers from hinding in their apts ;)

but i can see if everyone can get hacked a whole world of grief happening . . .

20-06-04, 01:21
maybe hackable if your SL drops too low :p

would stop all the hardcore low SL pk'ers from hinding in their apts ;)

Thats awesome! I hate it when red players hide in there appartment. If you have bad soulight you shouldn't be able to safely go AFK overnight.

Good idea amfest.

20-06-04, 01:22
@ Make appartments hackable so long as you have all your INT in hacking, your buffed and on drugs.

Because thats worth gimping a character for... U taking the piss? 8|

20-06-04, 01:26
Because thats worth gimping a character for... U taking the piss? 8|I don't think you will be gimped with all in hack. Although right now You will be but that might change somewhat come hacknet :p

Might be seeing really damn high hack skills as that will be their combat ability also ;)

20-06-04, 01:30

Therefore, via Mumbly's law:


20-06-04, 01:31
I don't think you will be gimped with all in hack. Although right now You will be but that might change somewhat come hacknet :p

Might be seeing really damn high hack skills as that will be their combat ability also ;)

You wont be gimped?
Thats like being a barter, with pistols.

Sure you can deal damage, but you wont ever be practicle.

Why should I have to take drugs, and spec 100% hack, just to open someones apartment door?

20-06-04, 02:43
refering to the combat ability in HackNet, with full hack you'll be uber in hacknet, crap everywhere else

Richard Slade
20-06-04, 02:49
I'd say make doors like belts.
Simple as that.
But no tagging on my GR in there damnit

20-06-04, 03:23
I'd say make doors like belts.
Simple as that.
But no tagging on my GR in there damnit
although I say alot harder than a belt . . this is an apt.

I'd have to agree also with not being able to mark apt GRs.

refering to the combat ability in HackNet, with full hack you'll be uber in hacknet, crap everywhere else You could always be a vehicle driver with HC to do some gunning. You can fly people around and such. and you would for sure not be a cookie cutter :p. Although I have to agree that requiring full points in hack would be a bit too much . . . but it should be high . . . AND there should be a penalty for trying and failing. maybe SL loss, faction loss <-- Don't really see that as a loss though, pay a CR fine <-- don't really see that as bad cause if you have the skill to attempt the hack you most likely have the money, or death <-- the panel could explode and actually kill you. Personally I think hackbelts shoudl be that way that if you have someone who has a very high SL the dmg received from a failed hack is harsher to a person with who died and dropped a belt that had 100 SL . .their belt actually killing a person trying to hack it and failing ;) (though I'd rather get rid of belts in someway or at least make them able to pick them up for the person who did the kill after a certain time)

20-06-04, 03:29
Proposed this idea so long ago the server dropped it into the paleolithic age.

My solution to the password thing was to make it so it was an one-time key, random access, so the hacker never knows the actual pass. Only the lowest-value item in a random cab would be examinable (so you decide if its worth a fuck) and you had to hack each cab separately to see if you could even look into that one slot.

THe gr thing is a bit different, but I like it - a hacker could make it so that apt locks the owner from gring in (if primary) so it makes it really unpleasant for the owner to find out. he'd be booted to the nearest public gr to the apt, which is how he'd know.

20-06-04, 06:49
No what you need is a clan or team gang to smash the door down :p using lots of swearing F**KING OPEN THE DOOR NIB!!! I F*UKIN KILL YOU!!!111

Nah what I mean is you should need about 5 people to use a tool to smash the door in only problem is when they do that they all goto -17 soullight cause its a crime to break into someones house

Chainsaw anyone ? BRRRRRRBRRRRRRR :lol:

20-06-04, 07:50
The idea of playing a theif would be great - if done right. It was actually in BETA - you could pick pocket other players. However, the costs of making a thief viable would definatly have to be at the expense of any real combat ability. Also it has to be balanced to where poeple aren't afraid to use their apartments for their good items - but at the same time the theif would still have a chance at getting something worth his time and effort.

20-06-04, 07:55
I kinda like this idea, always wanted to make a pure hacker. but there wasnt much for them to do *gets all hyper about hacknet* only change i would make to this tho is make all cabs hackable but the person who owns the appy gets a warning like a clan gets with an outpost. only think tho the owner wouldnt be told which of his aps was getting attacked. oh yea and make it so LE runners cant hack appys and theres cant get hacked.

SiL ..:..

Rai Wong
20-06-04, 12:35
I don't see much use in this though....

20-06-04, 16:20
Fuck no I personally dont like the idea of somebody being able to guess your password and then being pretty much able to strip your account.

People leave when their accounts get hacked and thats almost as bad.

uber java
21-06-04, 04:45
I like the idea, but it needs a lot of work.

Say, first they have to hack the Apartment Lift, to get into your apartment hallway, then they have to hack the door, then hack your cabs.

Although, say the computer system you have to hack into the APT will, will be offline, until the apartment owner is online, then the apartment can be hacked so to say.

21-06-04, 12:51
lol again Benjie let us take part of his great idear "How do i destroy NC?"
Very good Benjie go on with that!

How about,
no doors at apps?
cabinets in apps can be open by all players that go there?
instant kill and backpacks are lootable by the killer, cuz hey not only take the guns from them! I also whant his DS, SA, Herc etc!


21-06-04, 12:58
Make all characters called B-something hackable.

You point your hacktool at them and hack em, just like a warbot. When done you can take all their stuff. You should be able to hack through walls too. or even from a totally different zone. And you should be able to hack and steal their XP too..!!

Fact: 2 misguided ideas CAN appear in the same thread.

21-06-04, 13:15
So you open the door.. then what? O_o
it's not like you can loot the cabs.

And besides, ppl will exploit teh stupid syncs.
Like my monk is now stuck in some apt, because I got warped up when I just got out my own apt O_o

If doors are going to be hackable, gimme turrets ;)

sir retail
21-06-04, 13:53
no i dont think this is an good idea.

i need a safe place to dance my rain-dance.
and i dont like ppl comming in when im doing that.

21-06-04, 14:19
I'd jusst hate to GR home after a hard day of hunting rares, and find a bisexual man standing in my apartment :lol:


21-06-04, 16:46

Thats awesome! I hate it when red players hide in there appartment. If you have bad soulight you shouldn't be able to safely go AFK overnight.

Good idea amfest.

Screw that....Bad idea..red players that have to stay in their apartment aren't having fun playing neocron...that's punishment enough:)

21-06-04, 18:30
hmm there could be some good ideas they should make everything bigger than a small apartment hackable, including clan apartments. Also a hacker should be able to disable the apartments genrep to buy them time when the player knows their apartment has been hacked into. So now theyd haveto genrep to a close sector and runto their apartment. ALL the containers in the apartment should be hackable because if you dont want hackers in ur apartment you can make ur password hard to guess.

ALSO just for kicks they should make spy's able to RIG the homecoms so when the person who owns that apartment goes to use it they get a small shock that brings them down to like 3/4 health. :angel:

21-06-04, 19:06
@ Make appartments hackable so long as you have all your INT in hacking, your buffed and on drugs. The owner gets a warning.
@ Add a hackable container to every appartment minus starter apps.
@ Allow starter appartments to change there password.
@ Make Appartment GR's hackable and taggable, but you can get your own hacker in to sort out the problem.
@ You can always change your password.
@ It makes Neocron a less trustworthy place. I'm sick of feeling safe letting peeps into my appartment.
@ Sex at all.

I agree with the things in Green. I think it should require around 150 hack to hack it and even then, it should be like hacking an OP with 95/100 hack. Overall, I like the idea that apts can be hacked by high level hackers.

22-06-04, 08:43
Just reread the whole thing, and the - SL is a good thing.. wouldnt solve anything because you CAN own more than one appartment. It's hard to track someone down that owns 38 of them.

22-06-04, 08:50
I'd jusst hate to GR home after a hard day of hunting rares, and find a bisexual man standing in my apartment :lol:

oh my god, too true.....