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View Full Version : Object Collision Borders

Maloch Octavia
16-06-04, 23:14
This might not be the right term I've used, but you'll see what I mean anyway

Is it just me, or does anyone else feel that some objects have been introduced with no effort put into refining the collision border? I'm referring to objects such as the tables and desks, chairs and fences, and a multitude more, where you can plainly see, you are not hitting the item border, but you're still coliding with an invisible part of it?

The desk in everyones apartment has to be the best example, it might have shape and contour, but the actual border appears to be just one solid rectangle you can't move into.

Surely this wouldn't require too much to resolve?

16-06-04, 23:23
a load more pollys

16-06-04, 23:29
This might not be the right term I've used, but you'll see what I mean anyway

Is it just me, or does anyone else feel that some objects have been introduced with no effort put into refining the collision border? I'm referring to objects such as the tables and desks, chairs and fences, and a multitude more, where you can plainly see, you are not hitting the item border, but you're still coliding with an invisible part of it?

The desk in everyones apartment has to be the best example, it might have shape and contour, but the actual border appears to be just one solid rectangle you can't move into.

Surely this wouldn't require too much to resolve?I would love to see this resolved. I hate bumping into GoGu's when I'm still 3 feet away.


16-06-04, 23:30
I like how after the GR-backing-into exploit was fixed, you can no longer use walk through the areas behind GRs, expecially at many of the OP GRs.

You don't see anything, yet you can't run through it. Makes it easy to kill/be killed when you're running through there.

Maloch Octavia
16-06-04, 23:46
Yes, interesting fix to that GR hiding problem.

When it would have perhaps been far more logical to simply redesign the GR shelter instead, seeing as it looks shit, and doesn't suit most of the places it is at.

I've been caught out by that already, ran into it with a tank up my ass, and I died, not surprisingly.

I only say, because the biggest gripe I have, is when you're driving, and you know in your heart, you're not touching that object, but no, it appears you are. *Sighs*

Or when tanning along in your Hovertec, being chased, you swerve, and clip the invisible border, coming to a complete halt, your enemy leaping onto your hover and sexing your corpse.

17-06-04, 07:38
Personally I think they should add in a hotkey so you can cycle through nearby targets. You ever see a bunch of things on the ground stacked near each other and you want only one object but you'll end up having to pick most of them up in order to get it. I'd rather have the ability to just target hit a key to pick up the right object. Would help with things falling too near cabinets and such. In fact think I'll start another thread for this.

17-06-04, 10:01
Man, maloch.. AMEN!

It's ridiculous how badly object collision has been handled in this game...

Big example is the starter apartment in TG Canyon.

And those grs in the shelter hut thingies... very wrong to just walk around to the gr and find out you can't do it inside the shelter, you have to go OUT the shelter and around then back in... hardly sheltering, huh?

And more.

Oh, and what about misplaced world objects, like that tree behind the MB Bunker? Or that bush by the ramp in the Neo Terra holodeck? Several of the railings on stairs in TG Canyon? Could go on and on about many of those things.

17-06-04, 12:15
it can't be fixed, the things you speak of are static meshes, not BSP. BSP collision is calculated per poly as is terrain. Static mesh collision "hulls" are just cylinders. kinda hard to explain without a picture, but imagine the tables you ever walk into the edge of one? or throw a drink on to it ? see what happens ? if you test it you will see that the table has a cylinder in it's center that is as high as the table is. This I would bet money on that it will never be fixed, static mesh collision is deep into the code and since it works "ok" now, they wont fix it.