View Full Version : Spirit Mod

15-06-04, 12:30
Ok The game goes on and I ask ....
What is the Spirit Mod, Where do I get it, how does it work, and where is the ammo for it ?

I had a spy once but he died, now I believe the spy role has changed a little and I want to know more .....

15-06-04, 12:33

15-06-04, 12:33
search forum for it there has been countless topics on this subject

15-06-04, 12:34
Watch yourself while your out in wastelands ;)

Theres a rouge sniper on the prowl using a curious ammunition modification on his silent hunter a rare sniper rifle, rumours say that if you manage to hunt him down he will reveal his secrect to what he uses and hand you over a sample :)
/me slaps self, /roleplay_off
Basicly - GM Sniper you kill him, he drops a mod and some ammo, you can clone the ammo i believe but you only get one mod, so find him, kill him and its yours.
