View Full Version : You can always hope.

14-06-04, 22:33
I'm ready for the flaming, and I don't care if someone wants to flame me for saying this. I will say it anyway and hope we can still get along. :p

I still hope there will be a char wipe for BDoY, ie a fresh start in the upgraded world and the old chars on the "classic" server...


Someone already asked me that question, and I replied something like:
"It'd only be fair if everyone got an equal start."

Well, wouldn't it be?

We have a new engine, a new city, and 1000 people with 200 million in cash in their clanaccounts... Would you want to start playing a new version of NC with that scenario in mind? Would you? I doubt it...

Think about it. Take your time, and you'll see what I mean (maybe)... :)

If not, I take pity on you for not being able to see what it is like to play fair and be nice once in a while. It pays off. ;)

14-06-04, 22:35
sry but stfu with the char wipe, ive invested a lot of time in my 3 accounts, if they were to be wiped then the likely hood is that 2 would be cancelled if not all 3

Lucid Dream
14-06-04, 22:37
Im Just About To Fucking Cap. No Fucking Way.

14-06-04, 22:45
Sorry, but i have no interest in *your* version of "fair". I have only played one character in Neocron, this spy, and because i level slowly (even with a hell of a lot of play time) it took me nearly a year to fully cap this character. Sure, okay, maybe i am incompetent when it comes to leveling - so what, thats my business, not yours. So i have ZERO interest in starting all over again just because *you* think it would be a good idea. My only interest in this game is the PvP; the PvM aspects are too mediocre and too boring to go through all over again - if i want entertaining PvM i play some other MMORPG, thank you very much. Since my interest is PvP, and i already have a PvP capable character, why should i have to pay and play for a long time just to get back to where i am now?!? And on top of that there is all my very hard won, very hard to re-acquire *stuff* that i hold very dear.

Edit: Heh, all of the preceding was my *polite* way of saying "NO FUCKING WAY!!!". That clear enough for you?

Spook @ Pluto

14-06-04, 22:45
Char whipe will push away more players then DOY will bring, they should add 1 new server and merge saturn and uranus (their both 4 chars right ? )

Rude Boi
15-06-04, 00:56
i been playing a char for over a year and its just about halfway capped ;)


Maloch Octavia
15-06-04, 01:10
I have a better idea.

When B:DoY begins, all Clans that have over one hundred million NC in their accounts, are sent an email saying:

"City Admin hereby declares marshal law on the Citizens of Neocron, due to the Dome of York threat. As such, you are only permitted one hundred million NC in your Clan Account, hereforth, all monies over, will be taken by CA to fund the War Effort."

As well as this one to ever player:

"Same as above, we take your Techparts over 100, thanks."

There! Nice and even(ish!)

15-06-04, 01:19
yeah, we've investing tons of time in our characters, wiping them at the end of Beta was one thing, if they wiped my retail chars, I would leave NC...

15-06-04, 01:22
I think that, at the very least, credits should be deleted. It should, hopefully, go some way to stabilising the economy.

Sure, there might be a wee bit of recession shortly after; but come on....if you amassed a silly amount of credits before, you can at least make ends meet the second time through.



15-06-04, 01:24
Yeah, if they whiped my character i would quit the game no questions asked, i don't care if DOY came in the box with my own personal real life stripper. If your idea of fair is to erase thousands upon thousands, days upon days, weeks upon weeks(you get the idea) of play, then i'd say you're not only unfair but also delusional. While i understand while you say it would benefit NC, and in some ways it would (inflation), you're gonna have the same problems in DOY as NC, you'll just delay them again by about a year, which is how long it took for the problems to be evident. So all in all, NO!

Lucid Dream
15-06-04, 01:25
The only people that think its stupid to have a silly amount of money, dont have a silly amount of money. The people that got that money, deserve that money, or at least deserve to get something WORTH that money at the current rates. For example, wipe all money right now, but for every 30 mil you wipe from a person, they get a MC5 chip of their choice. This way, people get something for their money, AND inflation is fixed.

Maloch Octavia
15-06-04, 01:30
You're forgetting Lucid, that it's the people with all that money, that have made it worthless.

I have a lot of money, I've got about 85 million sitting in my Clan account, but it pains me to see, that for the most part, it's worth jack and shit.

I got my 85 million by selling 700 Tp's from my now defunct old Clan, as well as hunting, trading, etcetc.

If money were to become worth something again, I'd happily wave goodbye to my fortune, as long as I was left with 500,000nc, which is all you really need to survive. I got rid of my Tp collection, because the amount of effort to maintain it, simply was not on, and most of them were still unressed.

So yes, I say fix the cash problems, introduce some serious cash sinks, big time cash sinks, mega-fuck-off cashsinks, and let us spend our way to bankruptcy.

15-06-04, 01:32
I don't think they'll ever do such a wipe; they know how many people will be upset. The most they'll do is a rollback if theres some exploit or bug - like in the past.

Personally, I want to start over on some characters for BDoY, but I would never force that upon anyone else. It should be a choice of the player unless theres an explot/bug that needs to be reversed.

As far as a credit wipe? Well, if they can't figure out a way to fix the economy so that it couldn't get like it is now (I have no ideas), then wiping money would only have a short term effect... and as far as MMOs go, if the effect isn't long-term, then why bother? If they can think of some ways to fix the economy, then maybe a partial credit wipe can help in the long-term. I say partial because 0nc is a little too harsh. :P

BTW: Don't confuse anything I've said: I'm not in support of anything regarding wipes at this point.

15-06-04, 01:49
fuck a wipe just make a whole new server bring on NEPTUNE

15-06-04, 01:54
No charwipe. But a complete item- and moneywipe would help a lot. Theres ppl with so much stuff and money, its not even funny anymore. Also think about problems we had with spirit mods being researchable for some time, rare drugs being cloneable some time ago and things like this.

Maybe let ppl keep their QB though. Would be hard to start earning money again by punching spiders. :lol:

15-06-04, 01:59
So because all you idle bastards who want a wipe, cant be arsed to get off your fat asses, and level, and trade for items, you want a wipe?

Well what will change from me capping all my characters in a week, and having better items than you will ever amass.

As lets face it, if you really cant get anywhere now, with how established each server is, then you dont stand a chance when DOY hits.

Sorry, but ive not waisted thousands of hours on my characters, for them to be wiped because of idle pricks who have zero ability to play a game unless everything is handed to them on a plate.

Fuckin mummys boys.

15-06-04, 01:59
I think that, at the very least, credits should be deleted. It should, hopefully, go some way to stabilising the economy.

Sure, there might be a wee bit of recession shortly after; but come on....if you amassed a silly amount of credits before, you can at least make ends meet the second time through.


im not sure a crdit wipe would do that much, the people who have the masses of money have it because they have the items that are worth so much, removing the money doesnt remove the worth of the item.

today i saw some idiot selling a MC5 chip for over 40 million, and a even bigger idiot bough it for 42 mil(or that was the highest bid when i logged off) sure it might slow it down, but it seems some people can pull cash from seemingly nowhere.

personally over the 3 accounts my cash totals maybe 10 mil tops.

i saw one person pay 30 mil for a part of a melee weapon.

ive never been able to afford that kinda money, sure my fault for not explioting something along with everyone else.

but people will always find a way of making the insane money.

the problem is that the items are rare so people can charge insane amounts and people will pay.

even if you remove the money, you would instead get trades for like 5 slot CS + 5 slot rav + 5 slot Dev or whatever

15-06-04, 02:00
the same argument could be used 6 months after doy, heck, it could be used now for NC, but with MMORPG's, whenever you join there is always people with "everything" whilst you start with "nothing" eventually u get everything, and new people join with nothing, its the circle of life :)

15-06-04, 02:02
the same argument could be used 6 months after doy, heck, it could be used now for NC, but with MMORPG's, whenever you join there is always people with "everything" whilst you start with "nothing" eventually u get everything, and new people join with nothing, its the circle of life :)

Imagine when a new EQ expansion pack comes out, and sony decided to wipe EVERYTHING - wow, there fan base would love it :rolleyes:

15-06-04, 02:05
Imagine when a new EQ expansion pack comes out, and sony decided to wipe EVERYTHING - wow, there fan base would love it :rolleyes:

they would, anythin for another 5000 hours of camping for that rare dildo :p

15-06-04, 02:07
they would, anythin for another 5000 hours of camping for that rare dildo :p

LMFAO :lol:

actually *scratches head* thats worryingly true.

Just look at last months EQ convention - Nutta's :lol:

15-06-04, 02:08
bout as bad as camping MC5 for a migrane :p

Richard Slade
15-06-04, 02:44
No wipe, but a new server would be nice.
A new server with new stuff for new chars in a new world.
In other words, we're just about to get to the point where we need something changed.

15-06-04, 07:01
Someone already asked me that question, and I replied something like: "It'd only be fair if everyone got an equal start."

Perhaps we should apply this concept in reality as well, and every new year's eve we can wipe out the income of anyone who earns more than 50 k per year and put everyone at the same level, so that they can all start over again.

That sound fair to you?

This would only seem 'fair' to those who have nothing in the game and dislike the fact that others do, so they wish to bring them down.

We have a new engine, a new city, and 1000 people with 200 million in cash in their clanaccounts... Would you want to start playing a new version of NC with that scenario in mind? Would you? I doubt it...

On the contrary, this is the only reason ill be around for DoY. I'd like to jump right into the new parts of the game without having to undergo the tedious chores of re-leveling or hunting just so that i can have atleast a quarter of what i did before.

Who exactly are you trying to be 'fair' to, here? The people who've invested time in this game, or the ones who have nothing and dont wish to do anything about it?

And if you DO have quite a few valuable items in this game, i suggest we all vote to have only your character wiped so that you can start on an equal footing with all the noobs who come to the game with the release of DoY.

If not, I take pity on you for not being able to see what it is like to play fair and be nice once in a while. It pays off.

You have yet to convince us of it being 'fair' and 'nice' to begin with. And if you wish to prove your point to someone, it's best not to make such idiotic remarks about how you'd pity them if they didnt see things your way.

Especially when your perceptions make little sense.

15-06-04, 07:13
sry but stfu with the char wipe, ive invested a lot of time in my 3 accounts, if they were to be wiped then the likely hood is that 2 would be cancelled if not all 3 i completly agree, i have invested to much time, and effort into my chars to have them whiped and jest have KK say fuck it to hell and whipe them, im sorry but id leav lol...

edIT: its an MMO, people are joing, people are leaving all the time, what your saying is a larger scale of saying every time someone joins we should reset all the ppl in the game to 0/2 so that the new ppl have a "fair" chance have IMO...

personally over the 3 accounts my cash totals maybe 10 mil tops.
i agree, over my 2 i probly have 4 mil tops.

did you say, 30 mil for a melee rare? holy shit... thats ludacris... something needs to be done about this now:o, i never knew how bad it was untill i jest herd that right there...

15-06-04, 07:19
Ok if your trying to think of a way to make even more people leave the game
i think you just thought of it.

Any sort of wipe on that scale would just be a slap in the faces of the people
who have worked months to get to the point they are at now. If anything the
people who have stayed with the game this long should get some sort of one
off item for backing KK this long not some wipe followed by a "Fuck You".

Besides if kk really wanted to get money out of the game just charge clans
to hold them instead of giving out cash for each day the clan keeps it.

SiL ..:..

15-06-04, 07:21
Ok if your trying to think of a way to make even more people leave the game
i think you just thought of it.

Any sort of wipe on that scale would just be a slap in the faces of the people
who have worked months to get to the point they are at now. If anything the
people who have stayed with the game this long should get some sort of one
off item for backing KK this long not some wipe followed by a "Fuck You".
i agree, if i hear on the forums there saying chars are being whiped, im not even going to bother buying the game...

15-06-04, 07:22
Id be willing to bet that if more people knew what has happened behind the scenes for certain people, myself included, would agree that a server wipe is needed.

I speak from personal experience, so you all should listen.

When B:DoY comes, servers should be wiped-- any time a re-launch or repackaging comes, and a huge influx of players are (hopefully) expected, the playing field should be leveled, especially considering the shit that has happened that kk has let go unchecked.

A server wipe is 100% in the right, and I hope KK has the balls to do it.

15-06-04, 07:24
Well, Im not a poor guy ingame, SA, DS and the sorts + lots of cash and whatever rare weapons I need + I can get some that I don't need from my clan... :)

I've had my char for about 9 months, almost capped PPU (levelled him as a ppu upto lvl 40 or something, by doing missions) so there is no way I'm lazy or would want to get everything handed to me. In fact I despise people who want such things. I like to work for what I have, because if I don't, I tend to get bored very quickly and even depressed at times... :o

I want a char wipe, because there are too many players and clans with too much stuff around. It's not fun anymore...

IMO, not wanting a char wipe is admitting to being lazy and ignorant.
To me and many more it's the leveling that counts, the evolution, the changes in your character...

Char whipe will push away more players then DOY will bring

Sorry, but how can anyone be sure about what will happen? Are you some kind of relative to the famous Nostradamus? o_O

The people who've invested time in this game, or the ones who have nothing and dont wish to do anything about it?

None of the above. I count myself to the first ones, the ones who have spent time to level and get to a decent state. (I have 2 accounts, one that has had the same char all the time, and one that I like to reroll ever so often :D ) I played the game non-stop for about 6 months, working to get my stuff together.

What the hell does the last part have to do with anything? If they have nothing, and don't care to lift a finger to get it, how the hell would they get it after a char wipe? O_o

15-06-04, 07:27
there is not suppsoed to be a wipe so i wouldnt hold my breathe

but kids kids enough flaming and bashing, thread closed

i think this horse has been beaten enough for one day