View Full Version : Change Strange Books To Strange Pages!

09-06-04, 21:34
How about it? So instead of raping the techpart drops, maybe just make it so that you get strange pages, have to get about 12-15 of them together before taking to a NPC to assemble into a strange book... THEN start the terminator run?


09-06-04, 21:57
PLAN! or make the books so you need 20 to make it into a collection item thingy and you start the run with that :D

09-06-04, 22:01
I say no. It would be fine if kk could figure out the drop rate :rolleyes:

09-06-04, 22:03
Heavy, check other threads floating about before you post - there's a thread about this already...

I give it 2 minutes before Nid's shiny "merged" hammer bashes this thread into the firey pits of hell.

10-06-04, 01:51
This idea is sufficently diverged enough that it can stand on its own.

Now just bring all the drops to what they were so things aren't so uberly screwy.

Mmmm.. strange pages...

10-06-04, 02:02
It makes sense... give people somthing else to trade about.

10-06-04, 02:12
I say no. It would be fine if kk could figure out the drop rate :rolleyes:

It took them 6 mon to get it right... ohhh wait its still screwed.