View Full Version : TH bots speed wtf?

09-06-04, 04:59
why in hell are the TH bots so damn fast? they could probly outrun a damn car O_o, they are VERY hard to hit with melee, they somehow go thru walls now and get stuck in the damn wall and then they can shoot you from anyware in the entire core O_o...

09-06-04, 05:50
as said quite a few times before . . .

when TH security bots were upped in power they also increases their speeds .. . apparently this uppsed the speeds of all spiderbot types . . along with cyberhounds .. umm was there another one?

I personally don't mind the speed of Large spider bots but the small spider bots and such shouldn't be that dern fast . .neither the hounds. What should be fast are some high level mobs . . Rather have some super fast 3 star mutant butchee that punched super hard. ;)

problem is while some call it annoying and such . . there are alot of others that say that they desrve the speed increase . . I think they needed to be upped but sheesh :P

09-06-04, 22:12
If FA needs anything its a bloody Noob lvling spot.
I recently rolled a New monk with a friend who decided to play.
Was talking him thru the game when i said "hey lets do some lvlin" looked in all of THs places.
The hard tunnels are TOO hard for a noob monk who gets eaten alive in like 2 seconds from the Bots.
The noob places seemed cool......for 5 mins when we reolised that there was absolutly NO mobs to kill.
Checked about some more and found some places that had no mobs at all and some that had insanely powerful ones.

So we had to run to Neocron......fine except he was new to the game and got pwned when we were trying to activate a OP gr.
I then had to explain to him how to get his gear back and then as i was chatting i wondered into a Mozzie pit and got stung to death.
This greatly lowered my lvling ability and my friends interest in the game.
luckily we managed to get ot NC soon but still......

Matty. :angel: