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Dribble Joy
08-06-04, 20:00
Right I have had enough.

After today's appalingly embarrasing debacle in NF I have decided to lom back to my old setup.
While the kami setup does work, it is dependant on two drugs, and if you can't use the capped judge rof to the fullest, it is simply a pathetic and crappy version of a regular judge setup.

Thing is.. do I go back to good ol' br2, and have (for a judge user) very good resists, or do I depend on drugs still and get quite frankly obscene resists and hp with a BR3?

08-06-04, 20:03
Go for that flashy raygun thingymabob

08-06-04, 20:06
Go for that flashy raygun thingymabob

you meen the RoLH? yea those own.

08-06-04, 20:08
you will DJ never ever see use another gun then Judge... :wtf:

J. Folsom
08-06-04, 20:13
I'd go for the obscene resists and HP.

08-06-04, 20:42
Right I have had enough.

After today's appalingly embarrasing debacle in NF I have decided to lom back to my old setup.
While the kami setup does work, it is dependant on two drugs, and if you can't use the capped judge rof to the fullest, it is simply a pathetic and crappy version of a regular judge setup.

Thing is.. do I go back to good ol' br2, and have (for a judge user) very good resists, or do I depend on drugs still and get quite frankly obscene resists and hp with a BR3?
defenition of obscene resists and hp?

Dribble Joy
08-06-04, 20:51
130 e/f/x 500hp.

08-06-04, 20:55
That's obscene?

Fuck i must be the dirtiest bastard around O_o

Dribble Joy
08-06-04, 20:56
br3 moveon ppr.

judge people, not libby. Only two drugs.

08-06-04, 20:57
sorry those resists arent obscene :wtf:

lame my forum account is suspended cant post anymore, and im not a melee pe btw, i dont ever update my sig really

Dribble Joy
08-06-04, 20:58
- Maximus Decimus -- Melee PE -- Pluto

Balance remember.
130 isn't a lot, but 500 hp is decidely more than your average PE.

I would like to see people get better 'resists', with a judge (viable) and two drugs.

08-06-04, 21:08
DJ do u want my setup ? (.mphiz obviously check sig)

Dribble Joy
08-06-04, 21:11
No, I am capable of making my own, I am curious as to what it is though.

You're not one of those people that has 150 resists and 250 hp are you O_o.

GAH, I'm not here for setup 'advice'.

Do I drug and go br3 or not and br2?

08-06-04, 21:11

Balance remember.
130 isn't a lot, but 500 hp is decidely more than your average PE.

I would like to see people get better 'resists', with a judge (viable) and two drugs.

Is that a challenge :D :lol:

I've never made a Judge Pe before, could be fun :D

Dribble Joy
08-06-04, 21:13
Is that a challenge :D :lol:

I've never made a Judge Pe before, could be fun :D
Hehe, go for it.

08-06-04, 21:26
Ouch. 130 to major resists AND 500hp with a JUDGE? Sheesh. My spy gets far less than that with a Liberator and Wyatt Earp.

My setups suck.

08-06-04, 21:28
pistols r for gurlz :p

08-06-04, 22:05
my current rifle PE is 140/140/130/45 and has 429 HP but uses.... uh..... 3 drugs :D

Go for the drugs setup, im always on em :D be it my tank, PE or spy :p Basic 3 is the win. however with my con/armour/imp setup i wuoldnt be able to use judge without taking 5 drugs :eek:

Dribble Joy
08-06-04, 22:09
my current rifle PE is 140/140/130/45 and has 429 HP but uses.... uh..... 3 drugs :D

Go for the drugs setup, im always on em :D be it my tank, PE or spy :p Basic 3 is the win. however with my con/armour/imp setup i wuoldnt be able to use judge without taking 5 drugs :eek:
You can use judge and get your resists with 2 drugs btw. :p

08-06-04, 22:10
You can use judge and get your resists with 2 drugs btw. :p

I'd rather use my termi tho :D

And if you can get those resist with judge and 2 drugs, whys yours 130/130/130 with 2 drugs ? O_o Takin points outta BH for resists ?

Dribble Joy
08-06-04, 22:15
I'd rather use my termi tho :D

And if you can get those resist with judge and 2 drugs, whys yours 130/130/130 with 2 drugs ? O_o Takin points outta BH for resists ?
my BR2 setup is 450 hp 125 f/x, 130 e.
BR3 is 130 f/e/x with 500 hp.

Oh and with termi, two drugs and you can get 130 f/x, 140 e 45 por, 450 hp, using inq 3 (no beast).

08-06-04, 22:21
I'd go for those 2 drugs, if they are 10 minutes duration that's it. KK has made some effort trying to rebalance drugs you know, it would be a shame if no one used them now ;)

Personally I no longer have setups that do not use at least one 10 min drug.

/edit: one question tho, how you manage to cast BR3 (39 psi?) with PA on, or do you take it out for buffing?

Dribble Joy
08-06-04, 23:26
The lomming has started, I'm going for the br2 setup, more poison, less drug dependance.
Still more resists than most people (same as br3, but 450 hp not 500).
More atl too.

Dribble Joy
09-06-04, 02:08
Weee I lommed.


I am in awe of how slow I am, it's.. just wrong. 123 agl / 51 ath -> 78 agl / 92 ath.

I still can't hit, and even if I do people out heal me.

I'm starting to think that my career as a dueler should be cut short before I totally drive myself into a pit of depression about how crap I, my setup and my speed is.

ff, bunch of cock.

Shadow Dancer
09-06-04, 02:13
Stop dueling then. How much of your PvP is dueling?

Dribble Joy
09-06-04, 02:17
Stop dueling then. How much of your PvP is dueling?

I cannot aim anymore, after that post I dueled a few times and if I hit it was an illusion.

I'm shit at this crap, everyone is getting better and I am going nowhere.

Bunch of cock.

09-06-04, 02:18
I'll duel you with my HC spy to make you feel better :D

Damn too bad I can't bring my trike into NF :(

09-06-04, 02:21
another question, how much "dueling" have u actually done?

and how often did u tell urself that u suck?

FFS, dude get some fucking self esteem AND stop whining about how much u suck.

START THE PWNAGE!!!!11onetwoowned:O

Dribble Joy
09-06-04, 02:24
I don't care if I'm really stressed in RL atm (exams), that I'm probably eating really badly, dehydrated and getting appaling fps, my performance over the last few weeks has done nothing but plummet.

I am getting ued to the lower rof, but the people in NF are actually laughing at how slow I am.
They can out heal me with ease, I don't care if I'm only on one drug, this is stupid.
I beat slutsumis exec PE tonight, WHEN HE HAD NO SHIELDS OR BUFFS AT ALL. 60 hp left....

Shadow Dancer
09-06-04, 02:48
Stop dueling. I bet you would feel better in actual pvp when you start killing mad peepz.

Dribble Joy
09-06-04, 03:16
The 'actual' PvP I come into contact with is as follows....

'TG at MB' comes over faction/trade.

I gr, pker has gone, or is there with twice as many ppus as fighters.

I go back to NF....

09-06-04, 06:21
screw the resists. capped health and capped athletics

09-06-04, 06:30
The 'actual' PvP I come into contact with is as follows....

'TG at MB' comes over faction/trade.

I gr, pker has gone, or is there with twice as many ppus as fighters.

I go back to NF....
some of the reasons I don't pvp are because of PPUs. I think there should be a healer psi class but it shoudl be toned down heals,buffs and have moderate combat abilites ... while apu should be hard hitting dmg, less than now though and have moderate combat heal and sheild. of course balanced out.

oh well end rant . .

I need to get into NF more myself though . . . I'll most likely start trying to PvP closer to BDOY but since i'm an Odd ball and Like to have funky setups it can be a trial ;)

Only feel bad dribble if you ever get killed by one of my characters . . I'll let you know if i did cause i'll be like .. OMG . . i killed you . . wtf!!???

Shadow Dancer
09-06-04, 06:59
The 'actual' PvP I come into contact with is as follows....

'TG at MB' comes over faction/trade.

I gr, pker has gone, or is there with twice as many ppus as fighters.

I go back to NF....

I don't blame you, that's part of the reason I stopped pvping. Got tired of being unable to do anything when the enemy had a PPU.

09-06-04, 07:05
Just want to add.. DJs aim is far from as bad as he says it is.

and if you didnīt know that it was a kami setup, you wouldnīt notice.

09-06-04, 07:15
shame u play uranus DJ i would ask for a duel on pluto to see how "shocking" you are :p

Vid Gamer
09-06-04, 08:01
DJ, I think you are too hard on yourself.

I really think you should invest in a better system. While having a good aim and setup, it also depends on how well you run Neocron. I remember you saying your PC has trouble running Neocron with a constant FPS. Maybe this is where your problem is, not your skill. Try getting a better system to help out with your FPS, and maybe a good optical mouse and see how you fair then.

09-06-04, 09:59
K time for some truth, it doesnt matter a shit how high your resists are or how high your health is, if your slow you die, no questions.

Capping damage on guns should be a secondary consideration to having enough speed to mobilize and dodge the kami setup dribble had worked, Dribble main problem as i have always said is his ability to adapt.

Dribble experiment with different guns, armor, and speeds then sort aiming.

You know where to reach me if you wanna speak about shit, leveling a new tank called Oath :D w00t and also when i manage to get my new PE to a combat level i shall come pwn j00 *yes i am respecting smokers request and i am no longer using the skillmanagers :p* so it'll take me a little longer to find a good setup.

09-06-04, 10:19
*yes i am respecting smokers request and i am no longer using the skillmanagers :p* so it'll take me a little longer to find a good setup.

He didnīt say you couldnīt use it..

just that he didnīt want it to be public..

so if you got a skill manager, use it..

just donīt download and share it..

09-06-04, 11:20
No, I am capable of making my own, I am curious as to what it is though.

You're not one of those people that has 150 resists and 250 hp are you O_o.

GAH, I'm not here for setup 'advice'.

Do I drug and go br3 or not and br2?
Just TRY IT man :p

Lately i am trying some stuff that seems mental on my pe but it's coming out good

My setup is decent tho but i know you have a leet one and i know that whoever your dueling in nf you prolly lost 2 out of the 20 fights and decided your not good enough.
You run like sh*t of a shovel you have a good set of resists you can beat peeps easily and you did me over...


09-06-04, 11:34
another question, how much "dueling" have u actually done?

and how often did u tell urself that u suck?

FFS, dude get some fucking self esteem AND stop whining about how much u suck.

START THE PWNAGE!!!!11onetwoowned:O

Id say he spends most of his time in NF...i hang out in p2, DJ hangs out in NF...ive gone in sometimes and hes just stood in there AFK on his own :p

DJ maybe you should start pk'ing and stop dueling....NF isnt like real life (real life? WTF you know what i mean) ....im a worse shot in nf than i am outside which you may not believe ;)...something about NF thats different, i cant put my finger on it but it isnt the same.

My lowtech pe is 121 fire/ 140 energy/ 108 xray/ 65 poison, 493 hp, 18 base atl....using FH2...how the fuck do you get 500hp more fire, more xray ?

I am using 3 drugs on him atm though heh...i need to recap my dex so atm ive got like 150 agl, capped lib.

09-06-04, 11:37
heh, ali.. youīre one of the few that can manage with pure lowtech..

itīs a rare sight seeing you miss a single shot with libby..

but I canīt figure out how DJ getīs those resists either..

09-06-04, 12:14
Yesterday I tried to replicate the setup with what I thought it could be, and this is the best I managed with the information he provided:

Private Eye

INT:67 - Base:60


DEX: 104 - Base: 80


STR:63 - Base:60


CON:71 - Base:65



PSI:37 - Base:35



Special Forces CPU
MC5 Synaptic Accelerator CPU
Pistol Combateye 3
Strengthen Heart 2
Reflexbooster 4

Crahn Power Gauntlet

Biotech Antigamma Headbone
Biotech Antigamma Chest
Biotech Antigamma Armenforcement
Biotech Antigamma Legenforcement
Experimental Footenforcement


Inquisitionhelmet 2
Tangent Close Range Battlesuit V-30
Medium Energy Protection Belt
Inquisitiontrousers 2


Crahn Pistol Combat Booster 1
Crahn Basic Resist Booster 3
Crahn Spy Booster 1
Crahn Shelter (selfcast)
Crahn Blessed Deflector (selfcast)




Piercing: 206
Force: 209
Fire: 130
Energy: 130
Xray: 130
Poison: 0


Piercing: 95%
Force: 95%
Fire: 91 - 95%
Energy: 91 - 95%
Xray: 91 - 95%
Poison: 0%

Remaining PvP DMG:

Piercing: 6 - 4%
Force: 6 - 4%
Fire: 7 - 6%
Energy: 7 - 6%
Xray: 7 - 6%
Poison: 33%

I don't like it tho, because it uses Judge, weapon that I do not like, doesn't have poison resist, which is a weakness against melee and devourer, and because you need to take out the PA to cast BR3 (hence my previous question).

Sorry if this is not your exact setup, I just can't figure anything else.

/edit: to be read better I hope

09-06-04, 12:16
why are you using reflex 4 instead of the exp. ?

09-06-04, 12:20
@n3m: I thought 5 more ATL would be better than 8 END; I could not use PA4 because I have to take it out for BR3 anyway.

J. Folsom
09-06-04, 12:24
why are you using reflex 4 instead of the exp. ?Because Reflex 4 is better. Reflex 4 gives athletics and agility, exp. reflex 4 gives agility and endurance.

Experimental ones are the ones you buy in MB...

09-06-04, 12:29
Because Reflex 4 is better. Reflex 4 gives athletics and agility, exp. reflex 4 gives agility and endurance.

Experimental ones are the ones you buy in MB...
Depends if you need +4 dex or +5 aswell i spose

09-06-04, 12:31
[...]something about NF thats different, i cant put my finger on it but it isnt the same.[...]
tbh NF is the most buggiest pos i've ever seen, trust me if u only fight NF and then start fighting outside it'll be TOTALY different

something is totaly messed up with NF, chances are if u suck in NF u'll definitaly fare better in the "real" world

09-06-04, 13:47
tbh NF is the most buggiest pos i've ever seen, trust me if u only fight NF and then start fighting outside it'll be TOTALY different

something is totaly messed up with NF, chances are if u suck in NF u'll definitaly fare better in the "real" world

Yeah, thats why DJ should start pk'ing :p dueling is ok, but it isnt realistic...same as being shot from a cs to test, you rarely ever get all 4 shots hit you...how often outside nf do you duel someone where your both ready, both full hp...not often, and theres usually a ppu + enemy Vs you anyway in this game now :rolleyes:

09-06-04, 13:50
Yeah, thats why DJ should start pk'ing :p dueling is ok, but it isnt realistic...same as being shot from a cs to test, you rarely ever get all 4 shots hit you...how often outside nf do you duel someone where your both ready, both full hp...not often, and theres usually a ppu + enemy Vs you anyway in this game now :rolleyes:
funnily i suck at duels, but when some1 jumps me i usally get out alive :wtf:

09-06-04, 13:56
funnily i suck at duels, but when some1 jumps me i usally get out alive :wtf:
Half the time i find it's cuz if you get the jump on someone you take it a bit easier when you fight where as the person who's been jumped is suddenly giving it 100% cuz he knows he's gonna die if he dont get out or kill the bar steward :p

09-06-04, 14:22
Im almost ready to starting Dueling and PvPing on Uranus, ill duel you and you'll realise your not really that bad, you'll have at least 1 person to look down on lol...just a coupla more days in the cavesl...now wheres a PPU hehe :p

Dribble Joy
09-06-04, 17:33
@ Sleawer.

Yes I use reflex4, judge consumes no sta, so I only have to pop a stam when I run out from running.

@ naim. Shut up, I was so utterly weak with my kami, 110 energy, 105 fire/xray 450 hp.

Vid Gamer
10-06-04, 03:40
I agree, NF dueling sucks.

Like others have said, there's just something "wrong" with NF and I can't quite grasp it.

DJ, try doing some Pepper Park PK'ing and fighting and see how you fair.

10-06-04, 03:47
Yo DJ you've fought my PE and just think he has only 3 base points in agility and has 172ish RoF on Judge with PA 3 on and 184 with PA 4 and own buff

Dribble Joy
10-06-04, 10:38
Yo DJ you've fought my PE and just think he has only 3 base points in agility and has 172ish RoF on Judge with PA 3 on and 184 with PA 4 and own buff
You totally sure about that... O_o

PA4 is only 2 more pc than pa3 and just one extra dex, that's nowhere near enough to go from 172 to 184.

I had capped (185rpm) judge rof at 195 pc and 100 dex, with 174 and 104 dex I have 160rpm.

10-06-04, 11:14
You totally sure about that... O_o

PA4 is only 2 more pc than pa3 and just one extra dex, that's nowhere near enough to go from 172 to 184.

I had capped (185rpm) judge rof at 195 pc and 100 dex, with 174 and 104 dex I have 160rpm.

remember the drugs.

12-06-04, 08:19
I'll check when I can get back in game DJ but I am almost positive

12-06-04, 13:10
DJ if your on Uranus you can Duel me !!!

Trust me ... i'm really bad :P

From my experiences on Pluto i can just about beat a Spy without Shelter :P

12-06-04, 17:01
all said... it dont mean anything if you cant aim (and drib i know you can if you REALLY want to)
use br3, drugs are in the game to be used
btw i dont realy like judge, theres better pistls out there (cough be a drug whore and use exec/boh/rolh ANYTHING cough)

Dribble Joy
12-06-04, 17:21
2 or more drugs at an op fight is unbearable, one is survivable.
I never duel with more drugs than I use at an OP fight, but then I don't heal mid fight, freeze or DB in duels either.
I'm far too nice.

12-06-04, 17:34
2 or more drugs at an op fight is unbearable, one is survivable.
I never duel with more drugs than I use at an OP fight, but then I don't heal mid fight, freeze or DB in duels either.
I'm far too nice.
I'm pretty fine with 3. :) Its just practice and timing.

That and stealth when drugflash hits me real bad. :p

Tycho C
12-06-04, 18:26
Rifle PE

Ill just give totals

Eng 173

Fire 140

Xray 70

Poison 40

Health 419

2 drugz

agil 80
athl 65 <-- still trying to fix this

Pistolers have it so easy

Dribble Joy
12-06-04, 18:30
Xray 70
Umm.... please tell me you aren't serious.. O_o.

Tycho C
12-06-04, 18:37

how els am i supposed to get it up ?

im happy that I cap PE, but i would like to move faster

I still take like 60 -70 from a CS, so more health would be nice.

But without diching poison, i havent come across anything.

Maybe i should put my kami back in eh ? :p

I could lower eng a bit =/

12-06-04, 20:31
Ok, I think my brain has fried... wtf is the Br2/3?

Shadow Dancer
12-06-04, 20:32
Ok, I think my brain has fried... wtf is the Br2/3?

Basic Resist?

12-06-04, 20:34
Aha. Thankyou.

I've been out all day in the sun, thats my excuse anyway. ;)

Dribble Joy
12-06-04, 22:11

how els am i supposed to get it up ?

im happy that I cap PE, but i would like to move faster

I still take like 60 -70 from a CS, so more health would be nice.

But without diching poison, i havent come across anything.

Maybe i should put my kami back in eh ? :p

I could lower eng a bit =/
I have 130 en 125x/f and 30 por with 450 hp, with br2, 92 atl.

With the kami I had 105 x/f 110 energy 450 hp (heat).

12-06-04, 23:46
I really really need to get my setups sorted.

My setup atm is absolute shite... I need to get some Titan Armour. How much is that going for atm (saturn)?