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View Full Version : Old Dev Back!!!!

08-06-04, 16:34
i say bring the old dev back, but only make it do that old massive dmg to ppus. i dunno how kk would do it, but just please do it!!!! Dont you love watching the monster dmg showing up on a ppu and then having him run in fear. I thought they where good but did way to much dmg to everyone else.

08-06-04, 16:37
So your suggesting that a weapon should only massively damage 1 type of a class and do standard damage to everyone else.......right....

08-06-04, 16:38
Yes. And rename it to SUPAR ANTI PPU CANNON!

08-06-04, 16:40
I think that kk should do a new character model for the PPU.

Just the standard models but covered in tar and feathers.

08-06-04, 16:42
Use vehicles for that. Yesterday i had a 187 pop up above a ppu. Then some other high number, then he dropped dead. :)

Original monk
08-06-04, 16:45
Just the standard models but covered in tar and feathers.

cool, also make a PA version of that please :)

08-06-04, 16:46
hahaha yes!!!

08-06-04, 16:47
The Dev didnt kill my ppu. It was the stacks that did, and not being able to see my buffs. Thats what killed me, not the damage.

08-06-04, 16:48
i say bring the old dev back, but only make it do that old massive dmg to ppus. i dunno how kk would do it, but just please do it!!!! Dont you love watching the monster dmg showing up on a ppu and then having him run in fear. I thought they where good but did way to much dmg to everyone else.

it really annoys me when people try to make anti-ppu weapons, ffs they are meant to be tough, they have no form of attack or anything, there only ability is to heal and defend so why make them easy? i still think making them vertually unkillable is fine, apus have anti-buff so leave it at that, stop crying nerf because its a small percentage of players who have an ability you dont.

08-06-04, 16:52
OK, now I'm going to be kind of controversial here, but I think there should be a specific anti-class weapon for each classes biggest weakness.

It does a large amount of damage in the type that the target class is weak too, but if your class isn't 'X' it does shit damage. Make them really rare and instant-drop if it isn't in a locked slot (like the opposite of an Epic weapon). that way people are discouraged from carrying it in addition to their normal weapon.

For example the Spy weapon wpuld be like the 'venom sniper rifle' and 'venom pistol' that shoots a special toxin specifically formulated to attack a gene-tank's immune system. Doing massive amounts of Poison and X-ray (stacked, ignoring armor).

08-06-04, 16:57
Making H-C also overpowered once again they allready got the rav and dev is not something to laugh at it does still hurt I still run from good dev tanks

08-06-04, 17:14
it really annoys me when people try to make anti-ppu weapons, ffs they are meant to be tough, they have no form of attack or anything, there only ability is to heal and defend so why make them easy? i still think making them vertually unkillable is fine, apus have anti-buff so leave it at that, stop crying nerf because its a small percentage of players who have an ability you dont.Are they meant to be tough tho?

Fair does they have no attack, but they bless heavy defense, resistences, large combat boosting abilities, their potent spell can heal most peeps in a short space of a minute.
They can amplify the damage a target recieves, they render runners immobile, i don't mind ppus being invincible, i mind the fact that have massive functionality, they survive everything, they can rebuff in a few secs so what use is the anti unless they aren't looking.
I've just always seen the "healer" type of char the person who keeps you alive but is much more vulnerable to attacks, requiring aid of his team to survive as atm i just see the team requiring the ppu to stay alive but not vice versa.
The ppu dosen't need anyone for his survival, he only needs a team to kill.
The rest need the ppu for survival, to aid in killing because of the other ppu, to rez the dead, to boost them.

I think you should have all the buffs and everything but you shouldn't have ub0r armours and resists to go with it, the "cannon fodder" should be soaking the dmg so you shouldn't have to.... but that ain't ever gonna happen.

08-06-04, 19:55
KK nerfed dev 2 times already atlest up it a bit :P

08-06-04, 20:02
how about bollocks

Max Jefferson
08-06-04, 22:00
OK, now I'm going to be kind of controversial here, but I think there should be a specific anti-class weapon for each classes biggest weakness.

It does a large amount of damage in the type that the target class is weak too, but if your class isn't 'X' it does shit damage. Make them really rare and instant-drop if it isn't in a locked slot (like the opposite of an Epic weapon). that way people are discouraged from carrying it in addition to their normal weapon.

For example the Spy weapon wpuld be like the 'venom sniper rifle' and 'venom pistol' that shoots a special toxin specifically formulated to attack a gene-tank's immune system. Doing massive amounts of Poison and X-ray (stacked, ignoring armor).Not that I'm a big fan of the idea, but that would give holo-vests a good use.

09-06-04, 05:55
it really annoys me when people try to make anti-ppu weapons, ffs they are meant to be tough, they have no form of attack or anything, there only ability is to heal and defend so why make them easy? i still think making them vertually unkillable is fine, apus have anti-buff so leave it at that, stop crying nerf because its a small percentage of players who have an ability you dont.

BOOST DEV NOT NERF IT NOOB. ppus just need to be put in there place

09-06-04, 05:56
Making H-C also overpowered once again they allready got the rav and dev is not something to laugh at it does still hurt I still run from good dev tanks
ya but i lag so bad when i shoot the dev that i cant hit anything anyway

09-06-04, 06:09
nah just give ppus offensive power . give them lighting/spark, poison spells .. tone down their sheilds and heals a bit .. offense isnt' the best but moderate. They are still important cause they are better healers than most and can sheild at 100% again. Also they would do moderate dmg ...

Apus still contain fire spells and a different line of psi attack force spells that are termed Explosive attacks. Things like brimstone and Implode. Give them a harsh vampire style leech attack ..tone down dmg some on apu and give them a cheap version of shields that aren't as effective as their nature style counter part.

There you have it .. END OF IT ALL

but it wont' happen cause people are always spoiled on getting these high level buffs. Not to mention the mobs were made harder because of PPUs. but then it wouldn't be apu and ppu it'd be Nature monk and Aggressive monk ..

gahhhh n/m

09-06-04, 07:26
Dev is gay, all it is is a lag machine. It fucking ********** my fps. I run through the fire and drop to like 3 fps. It's fucked up enough as it is. fix the lag issues before u boost it.

Shadow Dancer
09-06-04, 07:33
Mandy poo, if you boost dev so it can seriously hurt ppus, then it will be overpowered against non ppus.

09-06-04, 08:12
>>> KK nerfed dev 2 times already atlest up it a bit :P

agreed, dev in original form was worthless unless you could sneak up on someone. the range is next to nothing, you simply walk away from it. unless of course you are a ppu ressing under fire --- the original dev killed that.

09-06-04, 15:15
The Dev didnt kill my ppu. It was the stacks that did, and not being able to see my buffs. Thats what killed me, not the damage.

rito werd...... cant see exactly when heal runnin, or shelter,def

thats the only way it would ever kill me or good ppus

09-06-04, 15:56
personally i have np with the way devourer is right now, it can still do good damage to a avarage ppu, of course against a good ppu who knows what they are doing it wont do that much, but then neither does a CS/rav/speed

the people asking for Dev to me made to the level it was before should really think about that, at op wars its your own ppus that are gonna feel this not just your enemies.

also once again it would make H-C tank overpowering(leave that to the melee tanks :rolleyes: )

maybe a slight boost, though ive killed people with dev as it is currently and also had the ppus diving for zonelines.

what you can kill a class in seconds? tough ppus aint ment to go down that fast anyway, they are killable(most anyway) it just takes a bit more than running up to a ppu pulling flamer and toasting them like we used to do

09-06-04, 16:07
rito werd...... cant see exactly when heal runnin, or shelter,def

thats the only way it would ever kill me or good ppus


Original monk
09-06-04, 16:42
OK, now I'm going to be kind of controversial here, but I think there should be a specific anti-class weapon for each classes biggest weakness.

i like the idea, but then youre changing the game and its balance completely ...

its allready hell and beyond hell when they bring in a little weapon thats a bit stronger ... (devourer when it first came out)

so i dont think alot of people gonna appreciate this idea :)

but still i like the idea yeah :)

(aslong its not only 1 new weapon that comes out that only works against ppu's ... :o )

09-06-04, 16:54
ya but i lag so bad when i shoot the dev that i cant hit anything anyway

turn misc texures all the way off and watch that lag dissapear :lol:


09-06-04, 17:23
This is such an idiotic suggestion, but does once again highlight (or give me an excuse to highlight :)) the problems with the PPU. I don't need to elaborate, they've been gone over so many times I've lost count. The only people who seem blind to them are the people who could actually do something about it; either a huge irony or evidence they don't even play their own game.

09-06-04, 18:23
MOnks weakness is there armour wise.... just a pity the rest of the subskill bar trans has no use for a monk allowing them to fully spec it naturally instead and top it of with a holy deflect that soon sorts that weakness :D

Piercing should always be a hard bugger to resist, kinda like poison is atm

Only diff is Piercing/frc has nice bonuses of bones and deflect to keep it from a real weakness, poison heh con, heart, 1 piece of armour .... and 3 belts

09-06-04, 20:00
People only hate PPUs because we keep getting attacked my teams who we could beat/survive but for the PPU.

The Psi bar on a PPU should be a Psi support bar so they can only support a limited number of buffs. I don' have a problem with not being able to kill a capped PPU but I don' like it that one PPU can support a huge team.

Personally I think Tank weapons should be uber, after all the Tank is supposedly the warrior class.

Shadow Dancer
09-06-04, 20:09
The Psi bar on a PPU should be a Psi support bar so they can only support a limited number of buffs.

OMG that's a great idea. :eek: