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07-06-04, 23:10
Well basically when I play any game or just use my computer for day to day use my mouse lags and in Neocron I just do random 180 degree turns? I dunno whats going on Ive changed my mouse and the problems are still there, anyone have any Idea's? Thanks

07-06-04, 23:22
Try filming yourself and see if you are having fits whenever it happens.

J. Folsom
07-06-04, 23:23
Your mouse problably needs to be cleaned.

I'd write down instructions, but it should be easy enough to find those.


Might also be caused by the surface you're using it on if you're using an optical mouse, try it on some other surfaces.

07-06-04, 23:29
its an optical mouse and i have tried 2 different mouses :-/

07-06-04, 23:30
Try a clean unmarket surface as a test.

You could also re-install the drivers.

Is it USB? If so what else is on that hub/card?

07-06-04, 23:32
yes it is USB but its got the lil converter to ps2 things on it

07-06-04, 23:34
If it's the only device on the card/hub it won't matter but if there are other devices (printers, cameras, scanners, etc) on there they could be either taking all the power or using all the bandwidth causing the mouse to brown-out.

USB1 has very little banwidth and is not very good at sharing it out (actually it doesn't even try it just lets things fight over it).

07-06-04, 23:35
yes it is USB but its got the lil converter to ps2 things on it

Try it without the converter, and reinstall the drivers.

07-06-04, 23:54
well it never happened b4 why should it happen now :-/

07-06-04, 23:56
the mouse been droped or banged aboutn abit, might be a long shot bt could be a loose connection in the mouse itself.

07-06-04, 23:57
It could be the mouse too, for example on older optical mouses (mice? :P), if you dragged to fast the laser didnt understand the fast movement and could do nasty stuff. I did however have a similar problem on my old Logitech Pilot mouse (ps2). It looked straight up and pressed all buttons at the same time at random, this was because I had "overclocked" the refresh rate on the mouse to much and the hardware in the mouse got damaged *cough*.

08-06-04, 01:13
Your mouse ports, either PS2 or USB are possesed by the Devil, you must go and bathe yourself in Holy Water whilst singing "o come all ye faithful" :D

08-06-04, 09:13
It could be the mouse too, for example on older optical mouses (mice? :P), if you dragged to fast the laser didnt understand the fast movement and could do nasty stuff. I did however have a similar problem on my old Logitech Pilot mouse (ps2). It looked straight up and pressed all buttons at the same time at random, this was because I had "overclocked" the refresh rate on the mouse to much and the hardware in the mouse got damaged *cough*.

omg overlocked mouse , sigh lol...

i would never overlocked my mx500, dont need to.

08-06-04, 09:19
i u have problems with ur mouse tupac (this is mphiz obviously) then read my title "diu lei lo mo" :)

as for ur mouse, buy a new one i bet u're sux anyway

08-06-04, 09:36
Did you try another surface/mousemat Tupac?

08-06-04, 10:26
This is not about his mouse not working. He prolly lost some fights in NF last night and have a big need to go public with his "mouseproblems"
