View Full Version : DJ vs Hillingdon Council Tax Office

Dribble Joy
07-06-04, 19:54
I have a Landlord. Many people do.
Mine is [ edited ].
No really, I would call him a cirtain four letter word begining with 'N', but this is hardly the place.

From aforementioned [ edited ] slumlord, I rent a garage bedroom in a shitty house in the worst hole in England (Uxbridge) for £70 a week.

In September I was in another of his houses, No. 68. He moved us to No.51 because apparently he was loosing money on the morgages.. O_o
Yesterday he comes round to get the last rent cheque from me before I move out (thank fuck), and brough some post that had gone to the other house.

One was an old credit card bill, one was from the Uni saying I had missed some classes, but worryingly, one was from the council.

'Dear Mr Wyre.

I have previously written to you regarding the liability order, obtained... blah blah blah blah.... Despite my requests for payment a balance of £1377.30 remains unpaid.

I am now considering passing the liability order(s) to the Council Bailiffs.
This will involve you in considerable extra costs. Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah.. The bailiffs can also legally take your goods to pay off this debt, blah blah blah....

Please note that if I do not hear from you or recieve full payment within the next fourteen days, I will pass the case the the council bailiffs.

Yours sincerely

Recovery Office.

24th March 2004'

:lol: :confused: :wtf: 8|

It is now well into June, so I was somewhat distressed by this simple peice of paper.

For those who are a tad confused, this basically meant that at any point a group of large, burly men could knock on my door gain entrance and start removing my stuff from my room, legally.

As a student in England, you do not pay council tax, something somewhere has gone wrong.

Letter in hand I get on the bus to where I presume the council office is.

Uxbridge: Where dreams come to die.
No words can describe how much I detest this.. this.. place, this hole, this vile pit of a town.
Opposite the decrepid, old and virtually ruinous shell of a building that is the local nightclub is one of the nicer buildings in the area.
Made out of brick rather than the stained and cracked concrete, it has a little court-yard where the skaters hang about, they aren't to bad, it's the townies and degenerate scum that infest the place that are the real annoyance, people with no hopes of going anywhere, destined to only ever dream of one day becoming junior assistant burger handler in MacDonald's, and allways envying those who reach the dizzy heights of aprentice burger flipper.

I read the (suprisingly clean) area plan and located the tax office in the main building.
Up the steps and I came into a sort of atrium, with a door to the reception.
Above the dor was a sign saying Hillingdon borough council tax office. Just benieth was the word 'welcome' in about 16 different languages.
In true PC gone mad style I could not actually locate the one in English.

Once into the reception area I was hit by a fog.
The majority of people there with babies, few were crying, but thier presence created an almost touchable heady mist of vomit stentch.

I was then given the puzzle of what to actually do here.
People were waiting, but there seemed to be no queue.
There was a machine, no not a dance or sex machine, but a ticket machine.
After some persuation, it gave me a ticket.
Again I was at loss as to what to do.
Then a load and somewhat faked voice came out of the speakers asking for ticket No. whatever to got to reception desk two. All fell into place.
There was a flat screen monitor that showed where you were in the queue and other random stuff.
At the bottom of the screen it said: ' Making a Difference1', no typo of mine, the one was there.

Half the people there had a limp, I swear. Either due to... some injury/disability or because they were so violently fat.
One guy came in (limping) with his ironed jeans pulled up a good 6 inches above his waist with a SPAM t-shirt tucked into it.
Another guy, who dropped his jumper everytime he moved more than a foot, was qutie obviously stoned/drunk/high/all three wandered about untill he was called, he went to the reception desk, got his number put into a queue for someone to deal with his problem, dropped his jumper, went to his seat, dropped his jumper, and left.. and then came back for his jumper.

ne hour after I came in I finally got to talk to a 'human' about the whole 'burly men in my bedroom' problem.
The human, who could speak fortunatly, looked at my forms and then at her 'computer' and wobbled a bit.
Turned out I needed a form from the Uni, so off I went, back through the vomifog, past the scum and got on a bus, got a form, and went back.

Burly men in bedroom disaster averted, bread, milk, cheese, fish and haribo (2 for 1 on starmix :D) procured from Tesocs, scum sneared at, and tea made.

In all a good day in the life of dribble.

Now I have to fit all of today's missed revision time for tomorrow's Fluid Dynamics exam into what is left of the day. 8|

07-06-04, 20:00
Wow, what a great day, lol

Hope you find somwhere nicer to live O_o

Oh and Haribo = the win but 2 for1 on Haribo.....DDDDDAAAAAMMMMNNNNNN that is teh uber win

07-06-04, 20:02
seeing as how...

one was from the Uni saying I had missed some classes

appeared in your inbox heh, expect yourself to have a limp in several years time, whilst waiting for the queue to sort out a mix up whereby instead of getting condoms from the family planning agency, you ended up installing a cap thingymabob :p

07-06-04, 20:05
hehe souns like fun

and yes haribo is the own

and Lexx...wha?

oh yeah, an im on fluid power tomorrow at work...fun...tho its probly got nothing to do with Fluid dynamics, and is definatly no were near as advanced...mainly coz i can understand it...

07-06-04, 20:05
I've been in a similar situation. I discovered 6 months ago that Edinburgh Council thought I had outstanding Council Tax arrears from 2001 and had now decided to dispense with doing sweet FA and move straight to legal action.

Fortunately they had no idea where I was living (I found out about it by totally random chance) and also there was the small issue of them being totally and utterly wrong in every possible detail. Not only had I been a student at the time I had also submitted, three times, the full details of my student status and had replies from them confirming it.

The matter was quietly dropped. Basically they have a computer which sends out random automated chasers for a year or so then the whole debt gets passed to the local thugs...er I mean debt collection agency.

Not too much to worry about as to do something about it they'd actually have to think and there's no danger of that.

07-06-04, 20:16
I know where you're coming from, I had a similar experience on my placement year at uni, not as bad but still the same train of fun.

Move into place where I'm staying.

One month later, the ole council tax demand comes in. I phone the given number, and explain the situation and am told that's ok, they will leave a note on the account and can wait until the I get the certificate from uni which I explain will be a month or two.

A month later. "Our records show that we have not received the amount due, please pay now or we will be forced to take action" etc etc. Phone up again, explain again, wait again.

Another three weeks roll by. "Due to your failure to pay the amount due, you are now liable for the full years amount"... oh FFS. Phone up again, "HELLO, CAN I SPEAK TO WHOEVER HAS THE OFFICE BRAIN CELL TODAY PLEASE". "Oh you're a student? Why didn't you tell us. ok, we've marked your account as such, we'll need the certificate though".

Two weeks later. "Due to your failure to pay the amount outstanding or make any arrangements to, you are summoned to a court appearance at the following date and time". Yeah, thanks for that. Can I bring a bomb? Phone again, explain the certificate has just been recieved by me and will be in the post tomorrow. "No, you can't post it, you'll have to take it into our offices which are only open during the time you're at work".

Take morning off work, go to the appropriate hellspawn pit and mingle with similar characters as described in DJ's post (though not as many, maybe were hunted for sport in Swindon). After the usual hours wait am told, "No, you can't hand that in here, you must post it to that address". HULK RAGE!!!

Well after sending it, I never heard from them again, so I can only assume the obvious which is that they ate the envelope and choked on it, simultaneously spilling their coffee on my records. I can't think of any other explanation.

07-06-04, 21:12
I can't even voice my oppinion on this in public anymore o.o;;

But yea, I can relate.

07-06-04, 21:24
You only had to wait one hour??

Lucky sod.

Dribble Joy
07-06-04, 21:26
Note I dudn't slag off the council itself just the place I live in and the other people there.

You only had to wait one hour??

Lucky sod.

2pm on an idle tuesday.
It's baking in London today, most people are outside or off somewhere.