View Full Version : Spooky

07-06-04, 12:46
Take a real close look at this picture from NASA. From the Square Box (on the mars rover), top right hand corner, move up over the rocks 1/2 way, and what dya see?


07-06-04, 12:59
looks like a carving.

EDIT : possibly a carving of a humanoid.. from what I can see.. but it could be anything..

07-06-04, 13:02
Cool, alien carvingz... Ubar.


07-06-04, 13:02
Nope, you lose 5 Skill Points in Observation :p

07-06-04, 13:05
Nope, you lose 5 Skill Points in Observation :p

aww FUCK !! :(

what do you think it is ?

07-06-04, 13:06


/edit - the first picture is unedited direct from the NASA site

07-06-04, 13:09
69?!?!?! Omg, aliens are perverts...... with tentacles.

07-06-04, 13:09
Ok, I'm looking for the "If you can read this, you're TOO CLOSE!" sign :p :lol:

07-06-04, 13:09
ok, you zoomed in...

now it looks like letters..

but what do you think it is ?

07-06-04, 13:09
69?!?!?! Omg, aliens are perverts...... with tentacles.

Umm, its 19 :wtf:

/edit - link to the story, including a warning that anyone that see's the picture will "the original rover picture can be found here. It may not stay there for long, though, once the black helicopters move in, remove the photograph and kill anyone who has ever seen it." can be found here (http://www.theregister.co.uk/2004/02/03/revealed_chilling_numerical_proof/)

07-06-04, 13:14
kind of looks like h 9

07-06-04, 13:14
That's so not a 1.
It's a 6
because 6 > 1. Pure math you see.

07-06-04, 13:15
69?!?!?! Omg, aliens are perverts...... with tentacles.

Everybody who wants naimex to take a rorschach test and publish the result here, raise your hand :p ;)

07-06-04, 13:16
That's so not a 1.
It's a 6
because 6 > 1. Pure math you see.

The truth has turned out to be almost as terrifying with the discovery of the number "19" clearly etched into a Martian rock, and captured by the fearless Spirit rover

from the story site

Everybody who wants naimbex to take a rorschach test and publish the result here, raise your hand :p ;)

a what test ?? O_o

07-06-04, 13:17
That's so not a 1.
It's a 6
because 6 > 1. Pure math you see.

Actually, from what I heard in #conspiracy is - its actually KK's resist forumla, with other parts of it to be found on the other planets in this solar system, including the ones we havent yet found (or have found, just not yet proven, which, afaik, there are two, one on the outer borders near Pluto, and one very near to the sun)

07-06-04, 13:17
Ooooh... Scary. 19, AI. :o

07-06-04, 13:17
People at NASA are a bunch of fools.

It's 6

07-06-04, 13:18
a what test ?? O_o


It's a "what do you see in this picture" test :)

EDIT: Given you saw "69" I mean :p ;)

07-06-04, 13:19
People at NASA are a bunch of fools.

It's 6

True, I mean, if they are going to fake Mars landings, they could at least cover up the numbers they wrote on the rocks to identify them

It's 9!!!

07-06-04, 13:23

Those ink blots are strange. Apparantly I have problems connecting to people. :(

07-06-04, 13:24
Look here :lol:

07-06-04, 13:25



...Somebody kill NASA for me. Please.

07-06-04, 13:28

It's a "what do you see in this picture" test :)

EDIT: Given you saw "69" I mean :p ;)

Ok... I took your test.. just to satisfy you...

Diagnostic Overview:

Your responses indicate that the whole world thinks you're insane, except for your friends deep with in the Earth. Electroshock therapy might help, but arsenic will cure those voices in your head for sure. You also have unfounded delusions of adequacy. People who answer as you did think that Janet Reno is attractive. There is no cure for this condition.

Long-Term Prognosis:

Because of your impairments, your life is destined to be one long train-wreck. A lobotomy might possibly give you a better outlook and more insight into your own behavior. It would also keep you off the damn streets, which everyone agrees would be a good thing. PS- You hate your mother and father; you only think you love them. Isn't that weird?

Diagnostic Overview:

Your responses indicate that you wish for a world of peace, harmony, & nakedness. What's new? Like that's supposed to give us insight into your mind or something? Either you're excruciatingly normal, or you screwed up the test somehow. Take it again. People who answer as you did have intense perverted sexual fantasies so twisted that your co-workers would *freak* out.

Long-Term Prognosis:

You will need intensive therapy to succeed in living a normal life, however this also means you may make an excellent politician. Your answers clearly indicate you need a better wardrobe; this is often because of micro-manifestations of the id, conflicting with your unconcious mind (the one you use at work).

Diagnostic Overview:

You're passing for normal, which isn't bad considering how screwed up you really are. What if they find about about you and the neighbor kid? Plead a stress-coupled-with-insanity-defense, and use this test as corroborating evidence of what a gullible dipstick you are. People who answer as you did have bizzare clown-phobias.

Long-Term Prognosis:

Forget your lifelong dream of becoming a back-hoe operator. Because of your condition, we recommend that you not operate any heavy machinery until you work out your problems; which is to say, "never". Clearly you hate your mother and depise your father, but this is normal so don't sweat it. (We all hate your mother and despise your father.)

I didnīt bother with more "re diagnosises" since they are all wrong..

Since I already have had a diagnosis on my mental condition, which went the exact opposite way...

07-06-04, 13:33
Rofl, I was actually just trying to make a funny comment :)

You cannot take those test on the internet anyway :p

*tries to gently hand naimex a cookie*

07-06-04, 13:34
Take a real close look at this picture from NASA. From the Square Box (on the mars rover), top right hand corner, move up over the rocks 1/2 way, and what dya see?

07-06-04, 13:34
*tries to gently hand naimex a cookie*

*bark* *bark*

*SNAP(īs the cookie and runs off)*

07-06-04, 13:36
stuff like this is about as bad as people going crazy over relgious icons appearing in clouds or something . .or in some cases pee wee herman

07-06-04, 13:43
Rorschach test - :lol:

Might as well read people's tea leaves.

07-06-04, 13:48
Rock 194. Marked with the robot. :lol:

07-06-04, 13:54

or 1/9

Also known as 1st of September

Good advertising by Big Ben me thinks......

J. Folsom
07-06-04, 13:55

*sets psychologist mode to true*

Personally, I suspect all those who see numbers are most likely suffering from paranoia. With specific numbers indicating different sub-variations in personality, with those who see 69 being perverted, those seeing 19 being simply paranoid, and those seeing 16 having trouble fitting in.
However, those who just see rocks are obviously lacking in creativity! They could at least attempt to do a better description of the rock!

07-06-04, 14:01
However, those who just see rocks are obviously lacking in creativity! They could at least attempt to do a better description of the rock!
Space rock?

Grey space rock?

Original monk
07-06-04, 14:02
or 1/9

Also known as 1st of September

Good advertising by Big Ben me thinks......

crazy publishers, whats the next step hé ?


07-06-04, 14:30
lol as always The reg >*

07-06-04, 14:42
Seriously... Nasa is marking the stones they find interesting to make analyzes. Here is another marking: http://marsrovers.jpl.nasa.gov/gallery/all/2/p/147/2P139406963EFF5906P2460L7M1.JPG

On the left big rock it says 152...

07-06-04, 14:44
so youīre saying, that NASA is "faking" life on Mars, by writing shit, and drawing humanoids on their stones.. :confused: :confused:

07-06-04, 14:48
You got trouble reading or something? I SAID they mark the stones because they find them INTERESTING and they are doing analyzes on them....! They need to mark them because there are more than one scientist working on them. It's a little bit hard to share the information between the 200 rocks if they dont have a label. Got it? I hope so..

07-06-04, 14:49
You got trouble reading or something? I SAID they mark the stones because they find them INTERESTING and they are doing analyzes on them....! They need to mark them because there are more than one scientist working on them. It's a little bit hard to share the information between the 200 rocks if they dont have a label. Got it? I hope so..

yes yes, I got it....

Just donīt get the point... why donīt they just take the stone home with them ?

07-06-04, 14:52
Hm, I dont think they got enough cargo space and it's harder to launch from the planet if the robot would weight to much. Im not sure but I think they take "small" parts of these stones by drilling in them and send them back to earth, not sure if the whole robot is going to get back to earth.
They want to have as many samples as possible and I think it would be more reasonable to send the samples back and not the whole robot as long as the robot can stay alive.

07-06-04, 14:54
ah ok, now I think I get the point too..


07-06-04, 14:55
Sorry for acting like a prick but this pollen is driving me CRAZY!! RAAAAAAAAAWR!! :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

07-06-04, 14:56
I haven't looked into it at all but are they bringing anything back at all?

The effort and risk required to do so is enormous for trivial if any advantage.

btw - my favourite comment so far : "Could the fact that the numerals seem to be in a Club suit shaped hollow suggest that they are a Bridge playing intelligence?" (from reg letters page).

07-06-04, 14:59
Yeah, thats why I think they collect as many samples as possible and launch them back to earth and leave the robot behind. I could be wrong though.

07-06-04, 15:00
yes yes, I got it....

Just donīt get the point... why donīt they just take the stone home with them ?

the point of the mars rovers is not to bring anything back, but to roam around. They are strictly 1 way rides. Presently it isn't feasable to have a round trip mission as whatever lands on the surface would have to be carrying enough fuel to blast off mars & return to the earth. In theory if a probe landed in the right place it could be possible for it to manufacture fuel for a return. A very easy way to overcome this would be a nuclear powered vehicle, but it'll still be a few more years of humans being shy about nuke power before we finally come to our senses and take advantage of clean, abundant energy.

07-06-04, 15:04
Pretty much exactly what I was thinking but I couldn't be bothered to check in case they had done something really clever.

07-06-04, 15:21
I thought it was like the Viking landers, and ran tests itself using onboard equipment?

Regarding nuclear powered craft, imagine what could have been achieved with the Orion program, admittedly at the unacceptable cost of killing several people and harming many more with each launch.

07-06-04, 16:12
The rovers do test and analize on-board but as I was pointing out to the other poster they don't pack up anything for any return trip home. They will simply be used till they fail.

Regarding a nuke powered craft, ideally it would be put into a low earth orbit by conventional chemical combustion rocket means and then use it's propulsion to head to mars or the great unknown or it would be built in it's entirety in space, perhaps on a base on the moon. I'm not sure if i recollect about orion, but there is footage of an unclassified vehicle called "hotrod" which would not have used a nuclear engine per se but instead would have propelled itself as necessary by generating small fusion explosions within it's gimble directed combustion chamber. A shaped & directed nuke explosion, in the emptiness of space would propell a vehicle perhaps unlimited distances.

07-06-04, 16:35
or it could be from the beagle, a connect the dots kinda thing to draw a arrow that points to where it is?

07-06-04, 16:54
ideally it would be put into a low earth orbit by conventional chemical combustion rocket means
Space Elevators, or better yet - a really big catapult :D.

More seriously - there are some very neat solutions involving high-altitude aircraft as a launch platform. Most if not all of the X-Prize systems work that way.

IIRC Orion worked by pushing explosives (TNT in tests and nuclear in theory) out the back with a rection mass. The resulting detonations pushed the craft forwards. There was some complex system of blast plates and dampers to even out the blasts. I can't recall how navigation was handled but I'm guessing more conventional means would have been used.

07-06-04, 19:28
If you look at each rock and use your creativity you can see all kinds of things look at the attactment I circled some rocks with red. The middle 2 rocks look like a flying sauser and an aliens face and the bottom right hand looks like an aliens head. But its just the shape of the rock that makes them look like something else :)

07-06-04, 19:43
This just proves that we really have no space rover on Mars. It's actually a little truck in a Hollywood studio and some ass hat forgot to flip all the "prop rocks" over correctly and left Prop Rock #19 upside down.

We've also never been on the moon (http://www.lunaranomalies.com/fake-moon.htm) :p

07-06-04, 21:11
This just proves that we really have no space rover on Mars. It's actually a little truck in a Hollywood studio and some ass hat forgot to flip all the "prop rocks" over correctly and left Prop Rock #19 upside down.

We've also never been on the moon (http://www.lunaranomalies.com/fake-moon.htm) :pI love the way loonies are so stupid.

Seriously, if you were in charge of storing plastic rocks would you number them all for some odd reason or would you have a big box with "rocks" written on it?

07-06-04, 21:42
Would you store your plastic rocks in a box labeled "Christmas Lights"? No. Of course it's labeled 'Rocks'. They have to be laid down in a certain order so that if you ever go back to that 'part of Mars' again, it will look the same. Hence the numbers. Duh.

07-06-04, 21:45
Would you store your plastic rocks in a box labeled "Christmas Lights"? No. Of course it's labeled 'Rocks'. They have to be laid down in a certain order so that if you ever go back to that 'part of Mars' again, it will look the same. Hence the numbers. Duh.
So why do the morons come up with kooky crap like "these are the same rocks in the same order as the moon landings" (paraphrased from one of their sites)? That implies the set hasn't moved or that for some reason they spent days making mars look like the moon.:wtf:

07-06-04, 21:47
So why do the morons come up with kooky crap like "these are the same rocks in the same order as the moon landings" (paraphrased from one of their sites)? That implies the set hasn't moved or that for some reason they spent days making mars look like the moon.:wtf:

maybe they have a cardboard floor, that has rock shapes drawn on them, with numbers on that matches the rocks....

you know like a cardboard box edition.. where you have to put the pieces on yourself..

and then they just used the same...

07-06-04, 21:56
maybe they have a cardboard floor, that has rock shapes drawn on them, with numbers on that matches the rocks....

you know like a cardboard box edition.. where you have to put the pieces on yourself..

and then they just used the same...
Surely, even with the budget cuts, NASA could afford to buy a new version?

07-06-04, 21:58
Surely, even with the budget cuts, NASA could afford to buy a new version?

Maybe this was one of the cuts.. and then they had to "land on mars" to get a raise in their budget...

07-06-04, 22:00
Maybe this was one of the cuts.. and then they had to "land on mars" to get a raise in their budget...
Maybe that or maybe the eejits in tin-foil hats should be dragged out their trailers and beaten.

07-06-04, 22:39
Oh my word......... I inputted that picture into the spamocron pic mic spectro jizmo and this was the resulting image it has picked up the promenant features and shown them in the Dot to Dot format

08-06-04, 01:15
What they didnt show you in that picture is what was found later on.

Elvis (living in a carboard box on Mars)
Lord Lucan (old guy who vanished)
Shergar (horse type thingy)
Lots of socks (the ones that always vanish)
George W Bush's IQ (all 3 of em :p)