View Full Version : Damage Range on Weapons

05-06-04, 21:31
The Problem:

People are all the same, you cap a Paw of Bear your the same as the other guy who caps a Paw of Bear... but how about adding a new stat to weapons

Make the max damage that is randomized from a set number x to a set number y

For example, lets say the damage range was 1 - 12

Runner A builds just one claw, he gets capped damage (as far as bein csted goes) and has a damage of 3

Runner B builds 3 claws, he gets capped damage as far as cst goes, but he has one claw that does 2 damage, one that does 7, and one that does 4.

So now you have two runners, lets say they both have the same stats, the same setup, but because of the random damage range # one is more powerful than the other.

Same goes for Pistols, Rifles, Heavy Weapons, Heals, everything.

It makes each person a bit more unique, and makes csters have a little more work, cause even tho u cap the cst stats, u may not cap the weapon.

Please vote.

05-06-04, 21:53
does not make people unique, it makes the best just get better.