View Full Version : Comedy Bug

05-06-04, 00:08
Just back from the event on pluto. It was a good laugh, but as usual too much red SL and not enough GMs fixing it. But hell...it was fun and as a PPU I had prefect SL at the end ;)

I did discover a lovely little bug though. All DoY stuff is neutral to the Mercs; we may be the City Mercs but we're not too choosy which city...the one with the most cash generally. But for some reason the York Sergeant is hostile to us; all the others (DoY bot, troopers, commander etc aren't).

So if you launch a Soulcluster it attacks the hostile Sergeant, the Sergeant fights back, and all the other DoY units sense an ally under attack and bone the York Sergeant :lol:

05-06-04, 00:11
lol thats pretty stupid :lol:

I wonder why DoY only sent these lowbies, they could easily have taken over the city if they brought the ones from the tunnels :x

05-06-04, 00:11
There could be a reason for that....perhaps...

Maybe a slip up before doy? Could they be the ones who are going to 'betray city' ?


05-06-04, 00:15
Read the Neocronicle. ;) Article number 2.