View Full Version : Freezer Rifles-What to do with em?

Clive tombstone
04-06-04, 05:58
Well I have a few of these I just found in one of my cabinets, just a while ago, while getting "re-aquainted" :D with neocron.

To myself, I said, "hey I wonder how these work now?" so I grabbed my freezer rifle, and hoped down to I-09 Low and behold KK nuked my favorite hunting spot with the entrance to a DOY tunnel, and replaced the mobs with bastard Johnny five's (befor it was a nice quite, safe hunting zone, had a gogo, ammo seller 1 zone north, good cover terrain. few runners, almost all friendly[I mean really, if you come out this far to hunt warbots and decayed horrors, you have to be a friggin nature freak "live and let WB hunt" dude Like myself :D ]"

so anywho, I decide to go to some other zones, like think one west of race track (thanks kk for the Race track Genrep-makes getting racing competitions together much easier :D )


I test my gun out on a decayed brute, and guess what, I dont see ANY real effect of the "Freeze" effect thats supposed to come from the usage of this weapon. so I try the "extra freeze" ammo mod on the weapon (this gun was made a LONG time ago may i remind you) and guess what, BUBKISS nothing.
bout the same effect (as a matter of fact, I think its the same) anyways. I guess my point is. Since the weapon has apperently been nerfed (for probable PvP reaons) Can KK kinda Convert the gun to something usefull?

I kinda had an Idea, of the gun doing something like Pure X-ray damage instead of any freezing stuff since the freeze sucks or something, but hey just a shot in the wind eh? What do you guys think?

04-06-04, 06:04
Your going to find out if you test the rifle is that the range of the gun is VERY short like a pistol, the stats say one thing and the real range is crap. I have two thunderstorms and both are not worth the trouble using until the range issue is worked out.

04-06-04, 06:20
only shock spells, and melee shockers are worth using.

Shadow Dancer
04-06-04, 06:23
Freezers should be changed to freeze the healing process.

04-06-04, 09:55
I know this will annoy some people but I think they should get a strong freeze effect, at least as strong as HP. It should be like the Fusion Rifles though - strong at range but useless up close.

This might allow riflers to keep targets at a distance rather than being forced to fight at close range with long range characters and weapons. As it is now range is meaningless in this game.

Shadow Dancer
04-06-04, 10:56
Holy para effect with rifle range? Jernau go to sleep pls. O_o

04-06-04, 11:02
Holy para effect with rifle range? Jernau go to sleep pls. O_o
I knew you'd love it :).

04-06-04, 18:22
PPU's used to have that, Holy Paralysis with 350m range : )