View Full Version : Monk Dex levelling post 199

04-06-04, 01:17
K so i'm levelling my monk #36 tonite normally i just level up int a few levels till i can build TL 60'ish drones in a factory with the help of a friendly PPU. this used to work well. and was rather fast. now with the new cst algoritm i get the following xp with for a TL61 dron

before 2499
after first drone 2568
after second drone 2603
after 3rd drone 2624 (needed 2627) this happend before the patch aswell np
4th drone 2668

This is way less than it used to be. is this a bug or not. Does anybody know a decent way to level my dex don't tell me to do missions i don't feel like doing hundreds and hundreds of them

Thx Reddog

04-06-04, 02:45
poke a move-on chip about a hundred times? That's the only way I've ever leveled dex on a monk. Capped it on 2 or 3 of them like that. Boring as fcuk but it works like a dream :p

Anyone tried it post-199?

awkward silence
04-06-04, 06:59

Use a ppr it gives way less exp but is way faster to pokey i preferred it. =D grin

04-06-04, 07:00
poke a move-on chip about a hundred times? That's the only way I've ever leveled dex on a monk. Capped it on 2 or 3 of them like that. Boring as fcuk but it works like a dream :p

Anyone tried it post-199?

.....there was a time when monks gained dex xp from using spells....

04-06-04, 07:21

Use a ppr it gives way less exp but is way faster to pokey i preferred it. =D grin The time/exp gain ration is about the same. The good thing about the MoveOn is that its a bit like LoMing. You can poke it and move on to other things. Reading a book, watching a movie, etc... With PP itd be a lot more maintenance.

Reddog if you are a PPU all you need is spy 3, an implant glove, and 50 poke skill. This is the best way to do it. Or find a PPU friend. You can do it over the course of a night or two. Spend maybe a couple hours doing it. It may sound like a hard task, but trust me, its worth it. Having that extra run speed is oh so good. ;)

04-06-04, 08:21
poking a moveon post patch 199 sucks
it use to be around 1200 a poke now it near 300-400 ish :(
for dex i always built TL 51 nades or tl 50 drones, both are cheap and can be done w/ pure implants

04-06-04, 08:27
Well a friend of mine was going to sit down and poke a moveon a while and got 50 exp points per poke after the patch. So now thats gone, only way now seems to be cst'ing cause doing missions up to lvl 35 is not fair.. they should give monks some way of gaining dex somewhat anyway. Monks needs 15 got damn lvls more to do over any other class in the not getting anyexp by teaming skills.

04-06-04, 08:27
Get repair just high enough to repair a Rhino, then use a remote repair on it badly damaged Rhino. DEX will shoot up.

04-06-04, 08:35
I can't believe they nerfed it (epic chip poking) but I was just reading that on the French forums too.

bollocks if you ask me

Original monk
04-06-04, 09:13
I can't believe they nerfed it (epic chip poking) but I was just reading that on the French forums too.

bollocks if you ask me

for the first time in my life i lommed imp :/ on 2 monks that still need to get about 15-20 dex ...

ffcourse a week after they nerf the pokingstuff ...

so thats lomtime again wipie ...

did KK ever got to 35 dex doing heavy missions ??? i dont think so ... cause then they would be still busy now with leveling :/

monks still get fucked over

04-06-04, 11:07
If tanks can get INT XP with using Melee weapons, monks should get DEX XP with PSI Spells...

04-06-04, 11:10
Okay, then spies should get PSI from using guns too :-)

I had to level mine to 20 doing missions.

04-06-04, 11:18
Okay, then spies should get PSI from using guns too :-)

I had to level mine to 20 doing missions.

ah yes, but the difference between 0 - 35 and 0 -20 is like how much?

42k of xp to lvl 20
250k of xp to lvl 35

you really gonna suggest that doing missions at 400/500xp a pop is viable to cap your dex? it will take you like forever...

04-06-04, 11:27
You can always drone to get DEX and some INT.

You only need to put 40 points in to WPW, and 41 points into RCL.
Use the drone implants as soon as you can, and use DEX-drugs.

You wont have to LoM a lot, and it may be more fun than just poking yourself :-)

If you use drugs and implants, you will be able to use a PLC-100 drone when you reach DEX 35.

My calculations was done on patch 197, so with the new drugs, maybe something has changed.

Maester Seymour
04-06-04, 11:29
I've been using a moveon to lvl my monks dex on and off for the past few days, took fuckin ages :p

I didn't think of trying some building instead to see if it would level faster, until i'd just about capped my dex and it was a lil too late... meh :/

Original monk
04-06-04, 11:37
You can always drone to get DEX and some INT.

You only need to put 40 points in to WPW, and 41 points into RCL.
Use the drone implants as soon as you can, and use DEX-drugs.

You wont have to LoM a lot, and it may be more fun than just poking yourself :-)

If you use drugs and implants, you will be able to use a PLC-100 drone when you reach DEX 35.

My calculations was done on patch 197, so with the new drugs, maybe something has changed.

wipie, i yust lommed imp, now i can lom it away and now droning or constructing will help ... ill be back at 60 int real soon like this lol :)

not like lomming int is fun, the lomming itself is ok: but every lom ya take means a few hours more in the chaoscaves ...

and the higher level you are, the more ya get punished ... isnt there a REAL way to get dexXP ??

ok only 210k dex-xp to go, thats lemme see at 500 xp a mission: thats about 400-450 missions to go :P on 2 monkey's

thats about 1000 missions (heavy res missions or sumthing, or even aggymissions)

i gonna start doing missions now nonstop so with some luck i have dex capped on 1 monk when doy arrives :P

04-06-04, 11:39
I got my monks dex to 18, cba to level it further :D

04-06-04, 11:44
you really gonna suggest that doing missions at 400/500xp a pop is viable to cap your dex? it will take you like forever...I PSI-Capped my PE with doing (research/delivering bps) missions a few months after Retail-Launch. Was a lot of fun :)

So it's not impossible with DEX and Monks, but takes some time... more than MOVEON-Poking i think :rolleyes:

Constructing/Repairing/Droning are the best "legal" ways to raise DEX XP atm imho...


04-06-04, 11:44
The thing is you can do ever so many things to gain dex. But it requires you to do non monk stuff, and boring construction and repairing just to cap and then lom it off. This is something tanks/spies dont have to do.

35 lvls of dex is extreeeemly boring and slow, you need to do like 420 very hard cst or research missions or like 1000 aggy missions. A spy with a whopping 15 lvls less to go for cap in psi needs like 200 aggy missions, still alot but thats 800 less than a monk needs. and just like 80 cst missions or ress to cap psi.

If monks can gain dex by teaming with a class like PE or Spy that have dex as a main skill, a spy could just like the pe gain psi by teaming with psi monks, so should tanks.

The non team lvlable skill of the classes is sure important and nice to have, but doing 35 lvls only with retard things is stupid.

04-06-04, 11:45
yeah make monks dex cap at 20 and add the 15 to str :x

Original monk
04-06-04, 11:47
The thing is you can do ever so many things to gain dex. But it requires you to do non monk stuff, and boring construction and repairing just to cap and then lom it off. This is something tanks/spies dont have to do.

35 lvls of dex is extreeeemly boring and slow, you need to do like 420 very hard cst or research missions or like 1000 aggy missions. A spy with a whopping 15 lvls less to go for cap in psi needs like 200 aggy missions, still alot but thats 800 less than a monk needs. and just like 80 cst missions or ress to cap psi.

If monks can gain dex by teaming with a class like PE or Spy that have dex as a main skill, a spy could just like the pe gain psi by teaming with psi monks, so should tanks.

The non team lvlable skill of the classes is sure important and nice to have, but doing 35 lvls only with retard things is stupid.

true its a pure waste of time, i think i know more fun things to do then standing in a safezone for 8 hours every day poking a stupid chip in and out, i gonna lom my imp away and wait till KK finds one or another honest and official, better say viable way to level it decently ...

edit: the stupid thing about my situation is that i lommed imp cause i tought the tradeskill XP was going up, dumb me, pokingskill is even nerfed lol

04-06-04, 11:49
Sure str would be nice. but nice for monks=WHINE from the rest of the community, so I'd rather have 35 dex and have a quiet time instead. And 15 more to str would somewhat overpower ppu's and resist force and so on :). but the whineing is consistant give monks 1 more psi and ppl whine, give them this give them that and ppl whine til they drop dead almost.

04-06-04, 13:55
I've been lvling my DEX on my monk by cloning boosters, since the reopening of MC5 I have gone up 2 DEX lvls (from 26 to 28) from doing this as the junk in MC5 is dropped by everything.

The other thing you could do is park yourself in P1/2 with left click taped down, and leave it over night. Then just say on trade before hand that there is an auto-poker in said zone who doesn't take tips. You could also post on the Services/Announcements board on the in-game forum.

I was poking my PPr in for DEX recently, and the XP sucked big time. :(

04-06-04, 15:26
It seems that the more you tradeskill the more XP it gives you. The higher is your dex level and your imp level, the better XP you get. People already having DEX30 and poking a PPR will get something like 637xp with 93 imp (my case). But the noob monk with DEX2 and 81 imp only get 40, and has he pokes on and on, the xp will raise to a maximum. Just like mobs hunting in a way.
A friend reported something like this to me using drone csting.

J. Folsom
04-06-04, 15:30
Might be wrong here, but perhaps the experience you get is influenced by how close your skill is to what you're doing? That is, at lower levels it's better to tradeskill lower level items, as they'd give more experience in comparison to higher level ones?

04-06-04, 16:26
construction imps, op bonus, glove, and u lvl strength and int too :angel:

04-06-04, 16:45
Might be wrong here, but perhaps the experience you get is influenced by how close your skill is to what you're doing? That is, at lower levels it's better to tradeskill lower level items, as they'd give more experience in comparison to higher level ones?

tried that. made TL 15 psi booster 2 got an amazing 18 xp for that
then tried the TL20 uzi which was an improvement, had 25 or summit like that.
tried to poke the Move-on 50 XP.
tho i must say that the gains in the int skill from those activity has raised. So my impression is that while the new algorithm improves int gain it did drain the dex gain you had.
btw i made those TL 61 drones with 67 construction at a factory. and when i tried without factory i had 6 fail and the first good build only gave me 80 xp.

@ shenten
Its is not the fact that either poking an constructing would have a XP curve that bothers me but rather the fact that after buffing and being in an op Constructing TL61 drones i needed to build 5 drones to go from Dex 2 to dex 3.

@ noone
The problem i see here it that where for the other classes the least gaining skill can be levelled by mission for a monk this i almost impossible. leveling dex upto level 20 with missis is viable as you only need 48K xp but levelling it to 35 where you need 250K xp is just boring. It was allready hard (read boring) enough before the patch but now its just silly