View Full Version : How you know we are addicted

01-06-04, 19:23
The server was crap yesterday...and yet we couldn't stop playing. A good number of us knew that we would need to login 5-30 times just to have all of your inventory yet we still played. When spells wouldn't cast, when we would get stuck in zone syncs, when we would randomly sync into someone elses body, we would still play.

Original monk
01-06-04, 19:27
The server was crap yesterday...and yet we couldn't stop playing. A good number of us knew that we would need to login 5-30 times just to have all of your inventory yet we still played. When spells wouldn't cast, when we would get stuck in zone syncs, when we would randomly sync into someone elses body, we would still play.

i didnt :P

for once i was smart and went do sumthing else :) (playing with my RCboat)

when i came back the lag was better allready :)

does this makes me a non-addict ?

guess not lol :P

01-06-04, 19:28
That and the number of people checking out the forums when they should be working like me :angel:


ps hurry up and pass the Neocrack pipe over this way

03-06-04, 01:18
someone said neocrack :eek: lol it's addicting, I can't stop playing every time I log it's soo boring I go kill few mobs go kill few ppl and get bored so I go to pl or pp to mess around.....I have a theory I think kk made it so it hypnotize you, so you can't stop playing, no matter how hard you try you can't fight teh nc drawbacks...... really scary I hope we find the cure....good luck to everyone...

03-06-04, 01:20
someone said neocrack :eek: lol it's addicting, I can't stop playing every time I log it's soo boring I go kill few mobs go kill few ppl and get bored so I go to pl or pp to mess around.....I have a theory I think kk made it so it hypnotize you, so you can't stop playing, no matter how hard you try you can't fight teh nc drawbacks...... really scary I hope we find the cure....good luck to everyone...

Yup, same here. I find sometimes I log on, and don't actually know why I did it. Even if I have nothing to do for whatever reason I just sit on NC watching trade, or afking in plaza1.

03-06-04, 01:20
That and the number of people checking out the forums when they should be working like me :angel:


ps hurry up and pass the Neocrack pipe over this way*puff, puff* mmmm...neocrack. :D

And yes. People who live on the forums while at work (as Ghani said: "like me" ;)) are addicted. :p


P.S. - Ghanima and plague, the newest RPLE is out. Link's in the sig. :)

03-06-04, 01:24
Ghanima and plague, the newest RPLE is out. Link's in the sig. :)
w00t another one, that be so kewl if kk would relise patches that fast lol:D
kewl nice work ill get it as soon as i get home from work :angel:

03-06-04, 08:08
That and the number of people checking out the forums when they should be working like me :angel:


ps hurry up and pass the Neocrack pipe over this way
Pass me a hit off that, won't you? I'm running out..been having some problems with my supplier, KK, recently... :angel:

03-06-04, 08:37
yeah, but there's this hot new shit they're making in an underground lab in Germany, swear man it'll knock you're socks off.

Costs an extra 19.95, but when you shoot that shit up, you will KNOW where the money went my friend. I can get a shipment in in September, you want some?

03-06-04, 08:41
I can quit any time I feel like it..

I, just don't feel like it, like now....

I'm pretty sure I can quit any time I like...

I think I might be able to quit if I needed to...

Must have neocrack!!!

03-06-04, 08:46
yeah, but there's this hot new shit they're making in an underground lab in Germany, swear man it'll knock you're socks off.

Costs an extra 19.95, but when you shoot that shit up, you will KNOW where the money went my friend. I can get a shipment in in September, you want some?
Yeah,but Will it be ready for the first of September, or is it gonna be a pre-order? I'm almost to the point of KOS'ing my last contact for that, I'm making the guy rich, and he treats me like his bitch...fuck that :lol:

03-06-04, 08:48

During my 'addiction' time, I knew I had it bad one morning when I actually
woke up half-asleep trying to figure out which character to log for work :eek:


03-06-04, 08:57
hey, would you rather they sent it out without doing purity control first, I mean come on, some poor sap in Chicago got strichnine-laced Everquest, poor fucker never knew what hit him...

Not to mention all those assholes at LAN parties selling blank CDs and aspirin as AO... stick to a reputable dealer, they take their time with things like this.

03-06-04, 09:33
I was supposed to go to bed at like 10pm last night, have not had enough sleep at all in a couple days (GUESS WHY). I was messing around with my cost spy, LOM'ing some CST into hack, and told myself "time to down the first WB with this char, it's been too long already!". Then my 4 slot TAR was wrecked, and I had to find a repper, time flies. He was up North, and I was heading that way anyway, and got to tag the Battledome genrep. More time pass as I run back past the launcher pit and kill 3 launcher waiting for me at the other side just south of the pit. I rarely say "no" to extra EXP. I then ran to my numero uno WB and decayed brute / horror hunting spot fromt he old times: Malstrond! Yay, and I ran around, didn't find a WB, only a reptile. Ran up to it and emptied enough bullets in it to sink Titanic without a hull breach. It finally went down, and I told myself it would be so much better when I got a TT epic rifle. Used it as my main WB / WBT / Decayed hunting weapon back then.

Oh well, I tag the Malstrond GR and run in a big circle around it to check out the surroundings. Not one decayed. Damn :-/ - So I zoned towards east following the path, and soon enough a WB showed up on my screen. With a Spider Sentry by its side. Well, no problem, I check ammo status, cast the lowest shield and resist and rifle buff, check distance (I usually start shooting when at a safe distance with the WB bing smaller than my reticule). Kneel and shoot. Sentry first, goes down soon enough, and the WB has spotted me and have started moving towards me. I can feel my back is getting stiff from the excitement, finally back to hunting Warbots again!

Shortly after (? not really..), the poor WB does the famous "freeze-die" animation and falls to the ground like the iron giant he is, and I run up to it while spanning the horizon for possible enemies and mobs, readying my hack tool. I cast the spy buff again, hack 84 - sexeh! The WB opens at first try, really easy, and the loot is not bad for my first WB on this char:

1x Tech part
1x Vehicle Component 10
1x Experimental Arm Enforcement
1x Weapon Mod something 10

I look at the systray clock. Oops.. 2:30am. I was supposed to get to sleep 4 and half hours ago! Had to get up at 6:10am as usual, and am now sleepy. To make it better, we've got nothing to do the last couple days, and the sun is quite literally boiling the room. I will bring some eggs and bacon tomorrow.. :0

03-06-04, 09:46
I know i am addicted when i am playing when i get in from work and then until i physically fall asleep :-|

03-06-04, 10:07
I quit 2 times.. came back twice. First time i told i'd never return..hehe.

03-06-04, 10:39
I did that too. Once.

03-06-04, 10:41
I'm sure most of us have tryed to kick the habit before and failed...

Or had a relapse..

03-06-04, 10:49
I know I did.... close to 6 months of SWG before I finally came back here.

03-06-04, 22:02

During my 'addiction' time, I knew I had it bad one morning when I actually
woke up half-asleep trying to figure out which character to log for work :eek:

lol happens evry time when i stay up till about 3-4 am playing nc .... I olso think how much i hate using hovercabs (subay), but now i got a car so i don't worry about that no more lol...

04-06-04, 00:51
im slowly letting go of neocron :rolleyes: