View Full Version : The amount of junk...

01-06-04, 19:10
I just remembered this, and it made me think (stfu you who just made that comment about my thinking-abilities) about if there could be any thruth at all in my assumptions...

I was hunting warbots alot when my only char was an apu. Alot, as in bringing in about 100 rares in a week, sometimes even more.

I recycled alot of psi-boosters during these hunting-sessions, and ended up carrying alot of junk at times. What I noticed was, that very often, when I killed a warbot and looted it, the amount of junk that was actually useful for recycling was the same as the gaps in my processor... sounds weird, eh? o_O

A question to you all: Anyone notice this, or was it just my imagination playing tricks at me? I know I notice stuff that people don't usually think about, I've always been doing it... but it might just be my own mind playing tricks on me :D (You see a registryplate "AUY-516", I see a registryplate "AUY-5+1=6" for example)... Maybe it's me being nuts or maybe the theory about order in chaos is true... who knows :p

Anyway, I just had to get this off my mind :)

01-06-04, 20:29
The amount of loot in a warbot never goes over 10 items. You have 12 slots in your processor. One is needed for your tool and one for the thing you want to recycle. If your warbot has nothing but recycleble junk, your processor is full. But if the warbot contains a vehiclecomponent or a rare part, you'll have some slots free.

01-06-04, 20:35
Well, I meant like, I was carrying 3 cables (or something that I couldn't get even one booster out of) in my processor, and the next bot happened to drop 7 junkparts, so the processor got filled up perfectly... Happened quite a few times in a row... so I just thought there might be some link between drops and stuff you have :rolleyes:

It's conspiracy theories and utter weirdness at it's finest :D

01-06-04, 20:42
It's conspiracy theories and utter weirdness at it's finest :D

We DID land on the moon.

There is not bigfoot.

Slots are random.

It is odd the tricks the mind plays on you in the wastelands.

01-06-04, 20:52
It is odd the tricks the mind plays on you in the wastelands.

There is no wasteland

01-06-04, 23:53
Well, I meant like, I was carrying 3 cables (or something that I couldn't get even one booster out of) in my processor, and the next bot happened to drop 7 junkparts, so the processor got filled up perfectly... Happened quite a few times in a row... so I just thought there might be some link between drops and stuff you have :rolleyes:

It's conspiracy theories and utter weirdness at it's finest :D

That can be nothing but a coincidence...

01-06-04, 23:58

yeah. we needed a new conspiracy theory now the secret 6th skill has been removed :lol: