- [FIXED] Recover backpack button appears in choose GR to revive window
- [FIXED] [testserver] NC1 chars?!
- [FIXED] Scout Drones
- [FIXED] ASG Terminal Bug
- [FIXED] Screenshots do not render correctly
- [INTENDED] Don't know if this is a bug - Reusing Clan Key
- [CLOSED]Fallen Angels HQ (turrets)
- [FIXED][][R#174]*Missing* Smuggler (High Tech Cannons)
- [FIXED][MERGED]Position bug after using anti-grav elevator
- [FIXED][00652]Routing Plaza to Pepper
- [FIXED] 2 gameworld bugs
- [FIXED] Mr Jones Inquisitor Quest.
- [FIXED] Overcasting PPU Shield with "foreign" PPU Shield possible
- [FIXED] Not possible to deposit money onto the clan account
- [FIXED] Not possible tho obtain Outposts
- [FIXED][00655]DoY Table/Bed Wrong Info
- [FIXED]Plaza District - Gameworld Bugs
- [FIXED] Inventory transfer bug
- [FIXED] Where is this thing!!!!????
- [FIXED] Low TL Drones Broken
- [FIXED] Biotech Research Mission- Broke
- [CLOSED] Banned for 7 days, support email does not work
- [FIXED] ALT+TAB At login screen
- [FIXED] NPC localization
- [FIXED] TL92 Tangent Assault Pulselaser Pistol not in game
- [FIXED][00231][R#176] Anti-CA HQ GR Prices Too High
- [FIXED] World Map
- [FIXED] Tanks with LE'd drivers can be destroyed
- [FIXED]Beam Weapons don't aaways damage players
- [FIXED] No opponent Mobs in Hacknet
- [CLOSED]Small list of Bugs
- [FIXED] Caracter damage
- [FIXED][R#178] Jail House Traders Sell Nothing
- [FIXED] Cyclop Launchers can't hit Drone
- [FIXED]Via Rosso District - Gameworld Bugs
- [CLOSED]Regants Legacy Dungeon
- Pepper Park District - Gameworld Bugs
- [FIXED][00109][R#174] Dragon's Wrath Mission Spawns
- [00213]Le'd runners killing le'd Rhinos
- [FIXED]Screenshots not working?
- [INTENDED] Tech@neocron.com & Tech@neocron.de dont work and i get a crash
- [CLOSED]Freeload
- [FIXED] Ferguson Mission Code Snippets
- [FIXED]World Data not found!
- [FIXED]Found but not missed...
- [INTENDED] Canyon Challange Quest
- [FIXED] RPOS back to default upon death/synchbug
- [FIXED] Alt Tabbing Crashes
- [FIXED]Military Base, Tech Haven & TG Canyon - Gameworld Bugs
- [FIXED] Crash at Charscreen / Crash bei der Charakterwahl
- [FIXED] Obliterator
- [CLOSED]Gameworld Bugs Discussion
- [FIXED] •Dropped support for DirectX 7 = Game crashes at launch
- [CLOSED]Cast Probleme APU/PPU
- [FIXED] clipping issues
- [FIXED]Starting the client with DirectX 9 failed
- [FIXED] [PTS#176] Neoconstruct -> Plaza 1
- [FIXED] [T177] EXP Mission Issue
- [CLOSED]Hacknet Items NPC
- [CLOSED] Test server // PA/no PA
- [INTENDED] [PTS] Removed D3D7 Support?
- [FIXED][174] Login-Screen errors
- [FIXED] [R#174] Jumbled Runner Skins
- [INTENDED]Runspeed on Testserver
- [FIXED] Hacknet Mobs missed
- [CLOSED]Bugs in #177
- [CLOSED][R#174] Snow draw distance problems
- [FIXED] Combat Ranks in patch 177
- [FIXED] Venture Warp
- [MULTI][CLOSED]Dont forget about these old bugs please...
- [FIXED][#174] Rarepart drop algorithm appears to be skewed (not random)
- [CLOSED][T177] Inability to use PPU Spell as Spy
- [INTENDED][PTS] lol @ silly bug - dying from hacking fail
- [FIXED][T#177] 177 & the PPUs
- [CLOSED]Crash nach ändern der Video-Optionen
- [FIXED] [T#178] & [R#175] Tradeskill missions not working
- [CLOSED][00679]A_06 to OZ-9 Tunnel
- [FIXED][T178] Clanmoney bug
- [FIXED]Drones
- [CLOSED]My other Characters will not log in, wierd
- [FIXED][00683][R#174]GR plant in Med PP Apt
- Pls check both Protofarm Faction Supply Managers (on Titan), both busy!
- [FIXED]Liste mit festgestellten Problemen
- [RESOLVED][00694]City Merc Epic
- [FIXED] Crash to desk top
- [CLOSED]Transportbug
- [FIXED] crash to login
- [FIXED][00697][Retail] Belt drop in Tyron Factory
- [FIXED] All Worlds are currenty Down
- [FXIED] PTS #180 - "Kicked to Login" Errors
- [FIXED][00696][Retail] Chair-Sign in Fortress-Outposts
- [FIXED]Timeout while searching on terminal for missions?
- [INTENDED] [R#175] Trader Faction missing?
- [FIXED][R#175] Character data was reset to the status before death
- [CLOSED]Serious connection issue
- [CLOSED][R#175] Login & Sync Failure
- [CLOSED][R#175] Titan.....Char stuck in limbo??
- [INTENDED][R#175] Titan
- [INTENDED][R#175] Team XP
- [INTENDED][R#176] Op security not working correctly.
- [CLOSED][R#175] Various Bugs
- [CLOSED][R#175] Direct X
- [FIXED][00189][R#175] Pepper Park Apartment Smuggler Missing
- [00701][KNOWN ISSUE][R#175] black screen after syncing?
- [CLOSED][R#176] Festgestellte Probleme / Bugs
- [CLOSED][R#176] Program start error (..maybe)
- [FIXED] [#176] Recycle FS 10 Fallen Angels Mission wont work
- [FIXED] [#R176] Hacknet terminals missing
- [FIXED][#R176] Keep getting stuck.
- [FIXED][00072][R#176] TL92 Tangent Assault Pulselaser Pistol in Game?
- [CLOSED][#R176] Crash to Desktop at Medi
- [CLOSED][R#176] Black Screen Crash
- [FIXED][00110][R#176] Wrong Appartment Exit
- [FIXED] [R#176] FA tradeskill missions broken
- [FIXED]PP3 World error?
- [FIXED][00194][R#176] Dre Epic Rank 35, BD NPC's to kill in Safezone BD Faction HQ
- [FIXED] [R#176] Can't activate GR in Apartments
- [FIXED]Autoupdater Not Updating
- [CLOSED]Csting bugged after server was crashing?
- [INTENDED][R#176] Armor Vendor Inventory
- [CLOSED][R#176] Faction Representative Vote not working
- [INTENDED][R176]Hvy Dura Belt not bp-able?
- [00201][CLOSED][CAN'T REPRODUCE][R#176] Random Freezing and White/Black screens.
- [MULTI][CLOSED][R#176] MY Buglist
- [INTENDED][R#176] Aggroed mobs attacking non-aggroing players
- [FIXED] [R#176] Crahn Epic Run /35 mission.
- [CLOSED][#R176]Crash to login
- [CLOSED][R#176] Character Creation is disabled for 17 minutes
- [INTENDED] [R#176] TL150 Res Missions dont give Soullight anymore?
- [FIXED][R#176] Stuck to the floor and cannot move.
- [RESOLVED] Call for your help: Broken missions
- [INTENDED][R#176] Retail Server - Drone Friendly Fire
- [CLOSED][R#176] client.exe crash
- [FIXED] [T#177] Open Access to Mc5
- [INTENDED][T#177] Copbot's low damage on NPCs // (maybe) bugged PPU shields
- [00743][R#176] CM missions incorrectly displaying npc location in dialogue.
- [FIXED] [#T177] Hacknet Combat ranks
- [FIXED] [T#177] Beginner Mc5 Spawn
- [RESOLVED][00744][T#177] Beginner Mc5 Hacknetsoftware Trader
- [INTENDED] [R#176] Jail guards can't be damaged
- [FIXED][00223][R#176] Outzone Sewer Bugged
- [FIXED][R#176] Black Dragon Delivery Missions (from the Job Term) are all broken
- [INTENDED] [T#178] Patch Notes Missing ;)
- [CLOSED]Report to Alduin - Titan
- [CLOSED][R#176] Report to Alduin
- [CLOSED][PTS] missing Energy Soulblade
- [FIXED][00256][R#178]"Aggressive" ppu modules
- [CLOSED][R#<175-178] Processor going to random screen location
- [00254][R#178&T#180] Can not enter my starter appy
- [CLOSED][R#178] Video mode selection duplicated
- [INTENDED][R#178] TT HQ NPC missing (to sell the off doy bot parts)
- [FIXED][00772][R#178]Black Dragon Starter Mission
- [INTENDED][R#178] Mission Generator Woes
- [00279][FIXED][R#178]Installer doesn't take care of d3d9 dependency
- [MULTI][CLOSED][R#178] Misplaced items
- [INTENDED][00280][R#178] Equilibrium of Forces 0slot wearing off like nothing.
- [INTENDED][R#178]Wrong skin on Automatic Pistol
- [RESOLVED][R#179] Money and Gogu gone
- [FIXED][R#179] Genrep list is empty
- [FIXED][00256][R#179-181]Psi88 Holy Antipoison doesnt work on LEd.
- [FIXED][R#179] Keep getting syncs in P1 while loming
- [INTENDED][R#179] No Belt Drop at Battledome
- [CLOSED][R#179] Runspeed / Cliping / warping
- [FIXED][R#179] Chars running against wall in apartment
- [FIXED][R#179] Bug Report 2
- [CLOSED][R#179] login and freeze
- [INTENDED][R#179]Hitzone Bug in Cave / PVE
- [INTENDED][R#179]Updater download location typo?
- [CLOSED] [00305][R#180] Crash on Inventory move
- [CLOSED][R#180] Connection loss
- [FIXED][00197][R#180] Virus Alert
- [INTENDED][R#180] Worldclient: Join proxy session failed
- [INTENDED][R#180] Team XP bugged/lowered on PPUs?
- [FIXED][00334][R#180] Tradebug.. Pls get this bug fixed.
- [FIXED][R#180]Wrong starting appartment?
- [CLOSED]When i start neocron the update gets about 99.9% done then just stops
- [FIXED][00337][R#180]Minirockets
- [FIXED][00335][R#180] blessed absorber sanctum description
- [RESOLVED][00331][R#180] Citycom Info/Factions/NEXT
- Neocron launcher emergency mode
- [INTENDED][R#179] Psi combat booster cannot selfcast
- [CAN'T REPRODUCE][00843][R#181] 50% chance of Sector F5 to F4 beams you to G05
- [CLOSED][T#182] Bugs und Fixes [Test vom 04.03.2013~10:30 Uhr]
- [FIXED][00344][T#182] Laser Cannons and all other weapons - no beam or projectiles
- [FIXED][00815][R#180] FA Techcore reset position
- [FIXED][00812][R#185]Blessed Damageboost Sanctum, discription not for this spell
- [FIXED][00200][T#182] Beam weapons getting animation but no damage.
- [RESOLVED] Can't connect to Vedeena?
- [CLOSED][T#183] FPS Einbrüche
- [FIXED][R#180] Ammo Vendor not sure if bug
- [cbt] NC Randomly Minimizes
- [FIXED][00824][T#184] Beam Weapons still don't deal dmg on moving targets.
- [FIXED][R#181] Everyone warps or Start/stops on.
- [INTENDED]tl88 halo....
- [R#181] Ackward model/texture on player
- [00400][CLOSED][T#186]City Admin Guards in front of the headquater
- [RESOLVED] Launcher wont run O.o
- [CLOSED][R#182] Copbots facing the wrong way
- [FIXED][00412][R#183] Copbot in Subway zoneline to Pepper Park 1
- [FIXED][00879][R#183] Copbot in P2 is confused
- [FIXED][R#183] Copbot corrupt name
- [FIXED][R#183]Beginner Mc5 NPCs moving weird again
- [RESOLVED][00882][R#183] Beginner Mc5 broken "Mission"
- [FIXED][00421] [R#183] Faction Sympathy Regeneration
- [RESOLVED][00883][T#186] Copbots in Pepper Park 1
- [FIXED][00415] Droners Kicked by server in El Farid whilst droning
- [RESOLVED][00424][R#183] Bugged Smuggler in El Farid Village
- [FIXED][00152][#R183] Twilight Guardian Recycling Missions
- [01574][FIXED][R#183] NEXT Sign at Desert Racetrack
- [Intended][R#183] Press escape twice to exit drone
- [Resolved] [R#183] Latency issues (aka > 900 ping)
- [Fixed] [R#183] Copbot corrupt name #2
- [BROKEN IMAGES][R#183] Geometry / placment errors
- [FIXED][R#183] Broken Copbots - Plaza 1
- [CLOSED] Need Help! mission log changed
- [RESOLVED] Installer error, cant install. Recieving message about NSIS
- [INTENDED] lost symp if u abort a tl150 mission
- [FIXED][R#184-T#185/5] gun switching
- [FIXED][Please Re-test] [R#184-T#185/5] Making a TG runner
- [FIXED][R#183] Recreation unit and Chair in front of term unusable (BD Clan App)
- [CLOSED] R#183 NPC is busy
- [FIXED][R#184-T#185] Beam/Ray weapon bugs again
- [FIXED][00460][R#184-T#188] Research Failing
- [FIXED][00461][R#184|T#188]Rares not stacking or rares that cannot be constructed
- [CLOSED][T#188] - punching sounds like gunfire
- [FIXED][R#184-T#188] Canyon Caves have wrong Exits
- [FIXED][R#184-T#188] TG Cave 6 exit to Cave 1
- [FIXED][00463][R#184] Signs in Sewers
- [WORKING] R 184 Crahn antiprotector
- [INTENDED][R#184] Faction Name Error
- [01000][FIXED][R#184] NavRay Faction HQ Names Error
- [INTENDED][R#184] Black Dragon Apt Possible Issues
- [RESOLVED][00158] [R#185] TG HQ Recruitment Officer issues
- [RESOLVED] I used the Launcher. How bad is it?
- [Won't Fix] Process causing performance problem
- [RESOLVED][00900][R#185] Job information: Droner
- [RESOLVED][R#185] Random FPS Drop.
- [RESOLVED][00963] Syncon UG
- [FIXED][00977][WEBSITE] date field missing on news etc.
- [FIXED] [WEBSITE] Pages not outputting any content
- [FIXED][01188]TG canyon allbuyer Navray error
- [RESOLVED] [WEBSITE] Account creation doesn't work
- [r-185] client crash
- [RESOLVED] having some issues logging into vedeena.
- Game will not install
- [FIXED][01573][R#198]Blank Jones/Mission NPC/Dod/Terminal Dialogue Mega Thread
- Launcher
- Twilight Corruption