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  1. Font Size in Neocron
  2. Runspeed
  3. Melee Combat
  4. My NC list of things i would like to see
  5. [Discussion] Weapon Balancing
  6. Trade skiller chip idea
  7. Additional Ideas [Regant and Vehicle Repair]
  8. Poison and Catharsis Sanctum for PVE Improvments
  9. APU Änderung macht ihn wieder spielbar!
  10. [Idea] Allow stealthed characters to be targetted.
  11. [IDEA] Remove construction hard cap
  12. Improve High Resolution and Widescreen Support
  13. Drone love.
  14. idea for empty zone
  15. Techhaven
  16. Chat Channels
  17. Drop of Warbots
  18. Trader: Leveling a conster without fighting
  19. Chaos Caves: Safe Spots in Queen's Room
  20. [MERGED] Economy Balance & Money Sinks
  21. Beschreibbare Schilder / Signs
  22. Nannite Discussion Thread!
  23. Remove Ammo Weight?
  24. Area Redevelopment.
  25. Woc pe
  26. Realworld Timeflow
  27. Vehicles & requirements
  28. APU/PPU changes
  29. [IDEA] About the new server
  30. [Idea] Search/Sort Option for Mission in the citycom
  31. Re-think of mission rewards
  32. Forced hardware mouse
  33. New Runs/Quests
  34. Berufswahl
  35. Amphidextrine/Iceflash
  36. Reduce PPU requirements on spells
  37. The mess that is armour
  38. Revert Warbot's tech drop-rate to pre-2.0
  39. Wasteland STORMbots
  40. City Zones & Bonuses
  41. LE'ed clans
  42. Weapon distribution and
  43. Server Status + Capacity
  44. LE Implant and us.
  45. Remote City Terminals
  46. Researcher: Processor window jumping
  47. Leveling Areas becoming Warzones - Promotes removal of LE
  48. CityTerm - Missions: Grouping
  49. droner nerf (german post)
  50. Ammo mods
  51. The role of the Pe
  52. Return of the shelter SPY
  53. Bring back the old Implants
  54. Quality of life changes
  55. Altering mobs for Fun and (preventing) Profit
  56. Encrypted Debug Loc for hunting down Syncs and Fatals
  57. WoC Changes - Make it fair
  58. Bring back life into killing business / epic missions
  59. Bring back old casting animations for rezz and antibuff
  60. Suggestion: Close DoY Tunnels like Ceres or change it like MC5
  61. Drones: Bigger Hitbox
  62. Share the Tools - get player content.
  63. Making Armour Make Sense
  64. Useless Items
  65. Developers Q&A
  66. Sever Shutdown Announcement > 60 Seconds.
  67. the trivial/minor improvement thread.
  68. XP Gain change?
  69. hacknet
  70. static DB
  71. Diverse Vorschläge
  72. Simple UI interface and accessibility changes to improve gameplay
  73. Anti Poisen Sanctum (german post)
  74. Implantate WTF ?
  75. Loottable after patch? (german post)
  76. Background story.
  77. Game is unplayable due to unfair play. Why keep playing?
  78. Mob and Loot Distribution - A Proposal (
  79. Medkits and Survival kits
  80. MC5 drop elsewhere?
  81. Fixing Weapon Balance - the Methodical Way
  82. GR Rules
  83. Non-LE & LE rules
  84. Remote Implant Tool can't be seen on the character
  85. The APU Question
  86. What about melee weapon?
  87. Regant Bossroom
  88. Double run speed in hacknet
  89. balancing: attack vs defence vs speed
  90. A few suggestions about tradeskilling
  91. Drones in #177
  92. Accuracy of rockets
  93. PvP dog tags
  94. GR Selection upon death
  95. Add "cabinet access" to clan ranks
  96. More Events and Event GM's
  97. Synchronising Buddy Lists
  98. Hack Glove Please
  99. List of changes
  100. Trophies
  101. Graphic Engine: Raising drawing distance
  102. DoY Gun Run
  103. Zone J_01 MB
  104. rework loot tables
  105. rework freeze
  106. How I think newbie MC5 can be improved
  107. Weapon Quality - and Hightech vendors
  108. History
  109. Tweak Drones (even more)
  110. Crafting Suggestion
  111. Just a small gimmick...
  112. Low- & Mid-Level Gameplay
  113. Zero XP for monks?
  114. revive tech haven
  115. Remove "Quickjob: Kill Monster" missions ..
  116. Listed missions
  117. Mr Jones in MB
  118. Small change to fusion/atomsmelt cannon and fc drones effect
  119. Crahn Clanapartment
  120. More graphical options
  121. Chat and combat log
  122. Chat activation
  123. Drug/buff stacks dissapere when zoneing bug
  124. Group loot function
  125. liberator
  126. Divide the rare pool by mob type?
  127. Antibuff - remove it from PPU - give it to everyone else.
  128. [RL #2012] Donations for Neocron
  129. Adjust viewpoint height
  130. Player Shops? Was this ever added or was there any code left?
  131. Outzone Station - Supplies
  132. Communication
  133. CityAdmin to take control of Plaza 2 but lose a bit more control with PP.
  134. Add a English/German Default Enabled Custom Channel, Also a config save option.
  135. Event notifications / traceability
  136. Fix all the unbalanced mobs that are too strong for their CRs
  137. New Installer Package
  138. The Job Centre
  139. Fast track PvP
  140. Neocron is a PVP Game. LE Chip is fine but needs to not work in certain areas.
  141. Reward Taking out Law Enforcer Chip (LE)
  142. Remove Friendly Fire Effects While in Team Play.
  143. Woc Xp for a Private Eye
  144. Maybe remove Lioon Reza - or clone him
  145. Team loot Option
  146. Implement a button to repeat mission
  147. Equalize Fire Effect to Both Perspectives
  148. Make Combat Vehicles worth using...
  149. Redo Vehicle Skill for PE Usage
  150. Why do PPU's have offensive spells?
  151. Change Faction Databases to be harder accessible
  152. Replace Citycom implementation with a webbrowser
  153. Two dumb suggestions for Rokkwear
  154. My suggestion for improvement
  155. MY wishes on future Patches...
  156. Remove XP class bias - equalize XP gain per action?
  157. Brain Imps - Add another stat
  158. Add VK and TITAN armour to other locations?
  159. Non-Rare weapons - dmg bonus vs players.
  160. [What If?]There were high-TL non-rares
  161. Construction & Research under one subskill
  162. [What if?]The level gap was closed
  163. No loot Enemies: Add Junk Loot
  164. Barter Implant Idea
  165. [T#177] Testserver Patch Discussion
  166. Bug Report Sub Forums
  167. NavRay update for HEW stores
  168. [PVP] LE Alternative: Damage Scaling based on Level Difference
  169. Vehicle Behaviour
  170. Economy/Game improving suggestions
  171. How to use the Brainport
  172. Some heavy duty APU rebalancing (PVE)
  173. Fix 3rd Person Sight of Flashlights
  174. Get Con XP from running around?
  175. Apartment GR
  176. Boats n hoes
  177. Venture Warp
  178. Biccy's Ideas - 1) Missions
  179. Biccy's Ideas - 2) Tutorials
  180. Biccy's Ideas - 3) Hacknet
  181. Biccy's Ideas - 4) One Server
  182. Biccy's Ideas - 5) Warbots
  183. Old Models
  184. Biccy's Ideas - 6) Named Caves
  185. Biccy's Ideas - 7) Implants
  186. Biccy's Ideas - 8) Weapon Condition
  187. [R#176] CR of Spiderbots confused
  188. First Basecommander down in redesigned MC5 on the testserver.
  189. Biccy's Ideas - 9) The APU
  190. Setup game via ini-file.
  191. Looting and moving stuff between frames
  192. Team list visible while playing
  193. Some balancing notes
  194. Biccy's Ideas - 10) Tech Drop Chance
  195. Shopping cart for buying/selling items
  196. Comparison feature for vendor items
  197. Hacknet: Players falling off of the grid
  198. Chat: Timestamps
  199. Classes/Weapons/implants
  200. Make StockX run 24/7
  201. [HN] Hacknet revamp
  202. [HN] Suggestions for new Items and stuff
  203. Buyback option
  204. [HN] New Layout
  205. Simple Request/Idea
  206. Implant fix for Marine, MOVEON and a few others
  207. Dre fsm
  208. Blueprint window changes
  209. Factions, Apartments, Bargaining and moneysinks
  210. Second generation of gear
  211. More PVP
  212. New Dungeons
  213. Resizable inventory windows
  214. Batch processing
  215. Clan: Message of the day
  216. Idle zones and vehicles
  217. Quick Belt: Lost item notification
  218. Integrate TEAM (f10) with vehicule use.
  219. Reinstate the XP bonus for removing the LE
  220. Burst Weapons / Monk-Tank WoC
  221. UI Improvements
  222. Mission Revamping
  223. the single most important improvement for neocron
  224. re-balancing PvE
  225. additional short-term improvements for neocron
  226. [IMAGINE] Soft Requirements, what would and could change?
  227. Container content data dump
  228. Change content of hackable crates
  229. Improve leveling spots outside of NC
  230. Change picture of stealth tool or hack tool
  231. WoC. The lack of style in a genre defined by style. (12 year player/vet)
  232. Multiple problems with weapons, and resists, and EHP balance issues
  233. Prolonging despawn timer
  234. soft-cap speed
  235. Respawn Timer vs cave reset
  236. Adjusting the Penalty System by including Anarchy Breed faction
  237. Increase Chance of the rarest techs please
  238. Improvements to Neocron.
  239. Installing NC - default folder
  240. Weather!
  241. Gun sounds
  242. Hacknet Items - Chips etc.
  243. Display all available missions instead of three at a time
  244. Speedgat (and thought all gats below) need a PVE/PVP boost
  245. Dev-Tracker?
  246. Swamp Caves
  247. Added role to faction representative : clan management
  248. Window Mode Settings
  249. Add "You killed xxx" Chat Info in PvP like the "You have been killed by xxx"
  250. Set CityMercs HQ as savezone, set Military Base Center to normal zone