View Full Version : Bug Reports
- [00650] New background squished
- [00690]When leaving/deleting clan - Faction symp goes to 1024(100)
- [00691]CA Clan Creating - No Appartment Details
- [00025][R#176] Lost settings after fatal
- [00651] Item information lost
- [00654]Grim and Mauler DMG
- [00021]PE: Chin problem
- [00677]Reload Bug
- [00658]Aggressor Cellar: Invisible obstruction in corridor after first room
- [00656]Bugged Transport-weight and movement
- [00689][Minor] LE'd APU can aim LE runners
- [00657]Increasing HCK makes hacking harder
- [00659]Cant loot the mob if it slides down the hill after death
- [00660]Loosing symp and soullight with LE
- [00661]Mission timers wildly inconsistent
- [00662]Snow inside MB
- [00663]Subway doors opening twice and hitting player
- [00734]Wasteland Sectors - Gameworld Bugs
- [00666][R#176] Superspeed after dying in Hacknet
- [00665][R#174]Missing visual variety
- [00664][R#174]Top armour sets not fully ressable/buildable
- [00150][R#174] Outfitter not listed in Nav-Ray - Hovercab Station listed twice
- [00669][T#177] Holy Lightning & Holy Fireapocalypse
- [00667][T#177] Drone reticle lock
- [00668]Right Click on item
- [00670]Dead mob still showing health and standing after zoning in
- [00675][T#177] Some Chaos Caves mobs can't be killed and behave strangely
- [00674] Hostile NPC Bug / RPOS Vanishes
- [00676][T#177][Energy Core, Techhaven] Mobs not looking at you / no shoot animation
- [00678]Fehlcast Problematik
- [00162][T177] inventory bug/lag
- [00682][R#174] BD starter apartment bug
- [00680]T#178 Holy Drone Combat Booster
- [00681][R#174] PPU self-cast shields can lose bonus after zoning
- [00684][R#174] Static actors blocking movement
- [00688][174]Hitbox-aim issue
- [00698]Common graphical bug - Junk bags
- [00693]Camera gets stuck
- [00695]Tristar Drugstore Dealer
- [00692]Buddylist not showing the names anymore
- [00268][R#178]F12 for screenshots not working anymore
- [READ ME] Reporting Bugs
- [00705][R#175] Terminal not showing players and clans / not even my player info
- [00699][R#176] Local port value field is now almost endless, was 5chars only befor.
- [00703][R#175] Client crash
- [00702][R#175] Client crash to login page
- [00700][R#175] Copbot Behaviour
- [00709][R#176] OZ8 -> Mainsewer 5
- [00708][R#176] Mainsewer 1 -> OZ 2
- [00704][R#176]Damage numbers and flashing numbers on construction bar
- [00706][R#176] -Drones - 00:00 time bug
- [00710][R#176] Crash to Login Screen "All Worlds Down"
- [00707][R#176]Crash to desktop when zone changing
- [00730][R#176] Odd Mob AI Behavior
- [#####][#R176] Hacknet Issues
- [00711]Healing nanites reload bug
- [00716][R#176] Abandoned Storage Door Bug
- [00717][R#176] Tangent Epic (First Mission) Script typo
- [00732][R#176] Mob Gatling Damage
- [00731][R#176] Mob - Acolyte Casting
- [00733][R#176]Hiding behind boxes
- [00735][R#176] A few errors/storyline stuff of the tutorial
- [00725][R176] Remote repair tool can only be repaired once
- [00726][R#176] Very tiny model
- [00718][R#176] Faction Forum gone
- [00714][R#176] Models in main menu/char creation
- [00712][R#176] Hacking Failure Damage bugged
- [00727][R#176] Belt drop lootable not in team on death.
- [00738][R#176] Reloging alive after dieing
- [00728][R#176] CA Epic does repeat mission 1 (3rd round for me)
- [00736][R#176] Missing Soullight Zone Description
- [00756][R#176] Someone has seen this man ?
- [#####][R#176] Clan member not displayed on clanadmin main window
- [00739][R#176] Rounding issues on equipment req
- [00740][R#176] World Map Avenger Mine
- [00745][T#177] Exit noob-MC5 cloning chamber facing to the right
- [R#176] [T#177] Powerarmor fail after ressurection
- [00741][R#176] Vehicles and their ammunition
- [00310][R#176] Invisible enemies
- [00742][T#177] German Research Mission Text
- Call for your help: Positioning bugs
- [00754][R#176] Same loot 6 times in a row.
- [00746][T#177] Wrong Database Sync
- [00282][R#176] Password issue when switching accounts
- [00747][R#176] New Char Tradeskill Mail
- [00748][R#176] Via-3 Hacknet trader selling nanite tools
- [00749][T#177] H-14 MC5 mobs can shoot through trees
- [00750][T#177] H14 MC5 death by <mobs> do not display correctly
- [00751][R#176] Client crash on logout
- [00752][00753][T#177] Vehicle Bugs
- [00755][R#176] No English translation
- [00870][R#176] Exiting Cabs maybe harmful to your health
- [00757][R#176] The flying quad
- [00758][R#176] immobile/static npcs can be moved/pushed by players
- [00759][R#176] Abandoned Rooms lvl 2: Beserk Beggar broken
- [00760][R#176] Beggar Electroshocker - missing shock lvls
- [00761][R#176] Jones Inquisitor reward quest
- [00767][R#176] First Shot doesn't register
- [00762][R#176] Mobs ignoring Stealth
- Call for your help: AI bugs/flaws
- [00237][R#176]Transfer stack number inconsistencies/errors
- [00763][#R176] El Farid Zone Compass/map is skewed.
- [00766][R#176] Repair bug?
- [00764][T#179]Error message when trying to draw a weapon
- [00765][T#179] Activating apartment keys
- [00309][#R179] PPU got stock in wastes after cast
- [00769][R#177] drone bug
- [00768][R#178] Techangels not selling lvl2 hearts in pp3
- [00255][R#178]Stuck in subway...
- [00771][R#178]Bugged csting (maybe just rhinos)
- [00772][R#178] Rhino visal bug?
- [00719][R#179]Wrong displayed runner
- [00773][R#179] Doy bot hitboxes bugged
- [00278][R#178] Welcome Tip Email Inquisitor
- [00281][R#178] PVE - No Damage, No Casting
- [00895][R#178] Items Disappearing
- [00147][R#178]Soulclusters any usefull in caves?
- [00276][R#178] Mob damage rebound
- [0030][R#178] Hacknet Models Missing
- [00294][R#178] Melee Powerarmor not blue (but in certain cases)
- [00295][R#179] 150 Const missions give odd client side inv behavior
- [00302][R#179] Not collecting reward when team member is out of range
- [00293][R#179] Patch 179 Bug
- [00302][R#179] No cash from kill
- [00295][R#179] Patch 179 Bug - Inventory
- [00295][R#179] Research Bug
- [00295][R#179] Random Inventory Bugs
- [00785][R#179] hacknet issue
- [00790][R#179] Mobs clipping
- [00296][R#179] Client crashes in P1
- [00788][R#179] Multiple vehicles
- [00786][R#179]Law Enforcer + Neofrag
- [00787][R#179] Ammo not stacking.
- [00295][R#179] Inventory Bugs
- [00293][R#179] Bug Report.
- [00148][#179]Weapons not showing shots/sounds when fired.
- [00312][R#179] You got mail notification acting weird
- [00295][R#179] item change
- [00791][R#180]Incorrect Grenade Launcher Damage
- [00792][R#179] Sporadic movement of near located chars/vehicles.
- [00311][R#180] TH SEC 2, no compass
- [00793][#180] Issues on ressing unidentified rareparts
- [00313][R#180]Hacknet mobs do not attack
- [00308][R#180] Hovering Mobs
- [00307][R#180] Nav-Ray Bugs in Via2
- [00794][R#180] Mobs getting Stuck on uneven terrain
- [00795][R#180] GR List Window not Saved
- [00797][R#180] Leaving hacknet issue
- [00796][R#180]Bugged Playervisuals
- [00798][R 180] Citycom Missions bugged Citrymercs
- [00801][R#180] People see me as other player
- [00802][R#180] "Cannot use this Item yet" After being Rezzed
- [00219][R#180] Wrong vehicle spawned from ASG
- [00338][R#180] Still alive "in-drone" after death.
- [00803][R#180] Synchronizing text missing and not entering the game.
- [00330][R#180]Pumpgun doesn't hit twice
- [00804][T#181] De-nanites not work
- [00805][R#180]Devo dont hit when aim closed??
- [00806][R#180]Recreation Units
- [00808][R#180]Player position in apartments
- [00333][R#180] sniper rifle aiming slow
- [00336][R#180] Shield spells and their sanctum counterparts bugs
- [00332][R#180] Clanmoney fehlende Buchungen
- [00268][R#180]Screenshots not recording
- [00807][#R179] Cabinets unable to be removed.
- [00809][R#180] Eingabesprache wechselt
- [00297][PTS 181] Hacknet issues
- [00810][T#182] Hacknet Bugs
- [00828][T#182] No music
- [00853] [T#182]positionupdate + incomeing hits
- [00811][R#178]AK no swirly, but FAR6000 does have
- [00819][T#182]Ionic Shotgun Pistol is doing no dmg
- [00814][T#182]Spell animation stays on, even after relog and zoning.
- [00813][R#180] Implant type error "Your skill %s has reached the maximum"
- [00820][T#182] Warping client - deja vu effect.
- [00817][R#180] Salvaging is broken
- [00816][R#180] Meldung "Construction Device benötigt" beim Ressen
- [00818]PE Bug
- [00822]APU Spell dmg types
- [00821]Less damage of the anti-vehicle rocket launcher againt vehicles (Rhino)
- [00823][R#180] Syncing out/Logout while to be inactive (researching, not moving)
- [00827][R#180]Sporadic crash, when i wanna put something into the processor.
- [00825][T#184] Apartment Bugs
- [00834][R#180] Creature focus
- [00830][R#181] Stealth Delay
- [00829][R#181] Drone Latency & Server Synchronization
- [00831][R#181]Rhino passenger crash
- [00837][R#181] Drone's dissapear when launching
- [00832][R#181] Drone's won't fire after a lag spike
- [00833][R#181] APU Barrels Outdoors
- [00835][R#181] Regent boss room flashes oddly
- [00826]X amount of Drugs/buffs fucks shit up
- [00836]i dont know where to put this
- [00298][R#181] Overloaded inventory = items vanishing
- [00844][R#181] Skill booster buffs stacking.
- [00838][T#185]Requirements not showing correctly.
- [00839][R#181] Glider stuck in the clouds
- [00840][R#181] Fix City Mercs Research Missions
- [00841]t185 excecutioner not doing proper damage
- [00842][R#181] Coming out of stealth on others screen before stealth ends.
- [00845][R#181] Taking damage with DoY scout on zoning
- [00859][R#181]Dont drive with a quad at gajamine entrance, u will get stuck.
- [00422][R#181] Bones in the sky
- [00860]TL73 Fusion Rifle and Pawning
- [00861][R#181] APU Halo effect alignment
- [00862][R#181] Research + Missions
- [00863][R#181] Cityterm - Runner->search by faction bug
- [00866][R#181] The ESC key does not work in-game
- [00865][R#181] Please fix hair and hair models.
- [00867][T#185/186] hack term.
- [00875][T#185/186] ray-gun weapons
- [R#181] Unable to move after PPU self-buffing
- [00868]Renim Ironcutter - Black Jack cheater!
- [00871][R#181] Perfromance issues (especially creeper caves)
- [00872][#R181] Invisible projectiles
- [00873][#R181] Beam weapon hit calculation on mobs
- [00874][R#181] Buffs are only sometimes overwrite-able
- [00876]Big Hoverbot 100/100.
- [00413] [R#182] Object misalignment
- [00878][R#182] Gameplaysettings.def corrupt
- [00880][R#183] Interpolation problem.
- [00881][R#183] New sniper scope bug
- [00884][R#183] Street Sign Hitbox
- [00885][R#183] Warbot Titan Loot weird
- [00886][#R183] Spelling: Information s./p.
- [00887][#R183] Losing SL for killing team member
- [00888][#183] Quads seems to be indestructible.
- [00889][#183] Multi client crash to desktop
- Ravager still not regestering properly
- [#R183] Shield buffs are displayed but not actually applied
- [01571][R#183] Navray & Construction Facility
- [R#183]Meleerange
- [R#183] Clan Representative in Vote of wrong Faction
- FYI The NEXT metro won't open the door.
- [R#183] Corporate Contacts outside Tech Haven
- [R#183] Regeneration and Effects Slowed on Crouch
- [R#183] Entering a vehicle while having an active item doesn't holster the item
- [00423] The 1% SI Bug
- [R#183]Second Death After Rez
- [R#183] City com kicks back to log in
- [R#183]Clan Sympathy
- [R#183] Poor FPS in populated zones
- I 09 crashes my computer
- [R#183] PA not on after resurrection
- [R#183] Item does not get activated after si fades
- [R#183] Item at 0%, but doesnt show until relog
- Laserpointer not showing for other players
- [R#183] Dog tag of...
- Holo PA not working "correctly"
- [R#183] Citycom
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