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  1. Happy Burzeltag Chipmonk (12 replies)
  2. Direktauswirkungen 2.2 (7 replies)
  3. Alles Gute - Kid Kapow (13 replies)
  4. Bugs/Exploits reporten = Bann? Weiter so :D (3 replies)
  5. Warum gibt es diesen Ort? (12 replies)
  6. Login-robleme auf Terra ? (black screen) (3 replies)
  7. Happy Birthday Pottburter ^^ (5 replies)
  8. Serverwahl (23 replies)
  9. Was passiert mit dem DOME OF YORK (132 replies)
  10. Happy Birthday NC Urgestein... (8 replies)
  11. Happy Birthday Milembar (13 replies)
  12. Opfight!! (82 replies)
  13. Ich hab die Schnauze voll (9 replies)
  14. reaktiviert - (39 replies)
  15. Es macht mich traurig aber... (1 replies)
  16. info von JoeBlk (2 replies)
  17. hiho (6 replies)
  18. [OT] Project-LE ... (3 replies)
  19. [GvT] Geographisch bedeutsame Orte in NC (32 replies)
  20. [OT] Wer ist / war beim WGT ? (18 replies)
  21. Support (3 replies)
  22. To - mars guys who joined terra (8 replies)
  23. [OT]Liebe kennt keine Liga! (6 replies)
  24. Deutscher Meister .... (21 replies)
  25. Was ist nun eigentlich mit dem Palladin? (33 replies)
  26. Ich will Zocken!!! (3 replies)
  27. [OT] Studi-VZ (6 replies)
  28. Bald kein Neocron mehr ?? (8 replies)
  29. Error beim Patchen von 165 (6 replies)
  30. [UMFRAGE] Altes F6 zurück? (177 replies)
  31. INI Einträge weg :( (4 replies)
  32. Neue und alte Spieler gewinnen (4 replies)
  33. KK und die Community (60 replies)
  34. Auch GM's haben mal Geburtstag! (25 replies)
  35. Anekdotenwettbewerb (4 replies)
  36. An Douglas (6 replies)
  37. Das Unwort (32 replies)
  38. Was macht eigentlich... M.J.S. (28 replies)
  39. Die Cyberpunk Arschgeburt - wer wirds spielen? (17 replies)
  40. Neues MMOrpg angekündigt !!! (13 replies)
  41. Weis wer,welcher Titel das von KK ist,der... (17 replies)
  42. [Player Event Mars] Fight Night (26 replies)
  43. Realtreffen in berlin ? (8 replies)
  44. Mommentane Lage in Neocron (234 replies)
  45. suche einen clan auf terra deutschsprachig (27 replies)
  46. Hallo (5 replies)
  47. Welcher Server !? (17 replies)
  48. Happy Birthday Alex Smith (11 replies)
  49. [Neocron bei Onlinewelten.com] Erneuter Hackangriff (3 replies)
  50. T-virus hat Mars erwischt. (26 replies)
  51. Teamspeak Server (4 replies)
  52. sommerurlaub ? was gibts neues ? (14 replies)
  53. Video (9 replies)
  54. Neocron Onlinewelten down?! Oo (11 replies)
  55. [Neuer Markt] Handel mit 1011101011010 (41 replies)
  56. Happy Birthday Squish !!! (18 replies)
  57. [Player Event] Mini Event (8 replies)
  58. souligth problem (6 replies)
  59. [OT]Suche physiker (16 replies)
  60. psi imps mit pe (11 replies)
  61. hilfe client schmiert ab (13 replies)
  62. Mars<>Terra? (132 replies)
  63. Zufallswerte beim Consten (2 replies)
  64. Downloading broken file models.. (8 replies)
  65. Event-Idee: City Raiders (0 replies)
  66. Charakter übertragen (13 replies)
  67. WoC 3 PA epic status (27 replies)
  68. Stun Turrets immer noch verboten? (7 replies)
  69. Content Vorstellung (15 replies)
  70. Hamster Schluckauf (5 replies)
  71. [OT] Gaming Notebook gesucht! (12 replies)
  72. Auf der Suche (13 replies)
  73. Hamster füttern (4 replies)
  74. [GvT] [OT] Vista-Installprob Adobe Reader8 (5 replies)
  75. Antibuff ... PSI / Naniten (25 replies)
  76. SchadenLog (6 replies)
  77. An ein beliebiges Drom (5 replies)
  78. [GvT][OT]Internetprobleme (13 replies)
  79. [OT]Ein neuer Rechner muss her... (38 replies)
  80. [GvT] Vorschau der Neocron Screenshots (12 replies)
  81. Server Down? (9 replies)
  82. Allg. Preissenkung (35 replies)
  83. patch 163 ? (7 replies)
  84. [OT] Falling Kunst Sportart N°1 (27 replies)
  85. Vorschlag: Vehicles (4 replies)
  86. [OT] System Shock 2 unter WinXP??? (17 replies)
  87. dmg log? (2 replies)
  88. abnormal program termination...wtf oO (17 replies)
  89. [Opfight] Und wie machen es andere... (10 replies)
  90. Wer kennt noch diese Geschichte ? (15 replies)
  91. Frage zu den Bans (21 replies)
  92. Alter Hase ^^ (13 replies)
  93. Dies und Das (13 replies)
  94. [GvT][OT] Outlook Express wiederherstellen (50 replies)
  95. NC down (34 replies)
  96. Drogen <-> Flash (35 replies)
  97. Wie sieht euer Desktop aus? (145 replies)
  98. Fakten zu den "NC Down" Thread (3 replies)
  99. NC down? (332 replies)
  100. [uneX] Services für Neocron! (13 replies)
  101. Login im Launcher fehlgeschlagen?? (12 replies)
  102. Some changes... (5 replies)
  103. <3 snowcrash (34 replies)
  104. [GvT] Nein, ich bin nicht ... (4 replies)
  105. Ich hätte da gern... (2 replies)
  106. Patch per Hand installieren [Linux] (3 replies)
  107. Abschaffung der Guards in Neocron (zumindest teilweise) (35 replies)
  108. [FRAGMOVIE] Rocky Balboa goes Neocron (13 replies)
  109. Neocron 1 Grafiker (10 replies)
  110. Auch mal was positives (0 replies)
  111. Fraktionswechsel und Sympathie @ KK (56 replies)
  112. Berichte von meinem Ableben sind leicht übertrieben (2 replies)
  113. Alles Gute zum Geburtstag Bullenbeisser!!! (11 replies)
  114. Don Tolots vs KK's Windmühlen (77 replies)
  115. Trial (2 replies)
  116. Hats hier noch RPler mit....??? (26 replies)
  117. [KK] Punkbuster 4 NC (9 replies)
  118. Was würdet ihr davon halten wenn.... (35 replies)
  119. [GvT] NC startet nicht!!! (1 replies)
  120. Das hättet ihr mal die letzten Jahren gemacht!! (73 replies)
  121. [OT] Meinung oder was auch immer (1 replies)
  122. ReaKKtor Mitarbeiter und Kontakt zum Spiel (16 replies)
  123. [12.04.2007] 'Armageddon' (7 replies)
  124. ChatLog "Big Yellow Ball" (6 replies)
  125. Ceres Labs drohner only? (44 replies)
  126. [EVENT] Neocron CrossCountry Race II (28 replies)
  127. Terra - wer spielt dort alles? (39 replies)
  128. Neocron Memories? (9 replies)
  129. Oh YEAH! Reveler v3 vs. Nuvolari in Reality (10 replies)
  130. bilder der neuen carrier ? (4 replies)
  131. [OT] Microsoft (4 replies)
  132. [OT] maske gewonnen... (21 replies)
  133. 10Tacle & mTV ... (12 replies)
  134. GraKa probleme (91 replies)
  135. ohne worte - degeneration sms (8 replies)
  136. Ankündigung: Versteigerung hochwertiger Rare Waffen Sonntag 16 Uhr (31 replies)
  137. NonSI Lomes =) (34 replies)
  138. corrupt file (7 replies)
  139. Naniten - Reloaded (22 replies)
  140. Neocron , ob es anderst ist ? (35 replies)
  141. [Threads merged] Happy Birthday Onkel Fallout ^^ (14 replies)
  142. Echte Veränderungen (57 replies)
  143. Neocron Mall - Sidekick Namensthread & Th als Heimat der FA (4 replies)
  144. Ähh..Patchnotes?! (7 replies)
  145. Lol ^^ (5 replies)
  146. Änderungen ... (0 replies)
  147. Patch 161 Notes (127 replies)
  148. Neocron Life Chat @ XFire (15 replies)
  149. [OT]Nc Anfänge (5 replies)
  150. Werbemaßnahmen (39 replies)
  151. Hilfe ? (8 replies)
  152. Opfights Berichterstattung (58 replies)
  153. launcher.neocron.com leer (blank) ?? (5 replies)
  154. Imptausch (19 replies)
  155. Is nich wahr... SPAM! (2 replies)
  156. Waffen (52 replies)
  157. [Error] Join Proxy Session (5 replies)
  158. Imps (1 replies)
  159. Outpost System (9 replies)
  160. Aktive Clanpages (13 replies)
  161. Kleines NC Video (7 replies)
  162. Loginserver macht Lame! (loginserver down) (8 replies)
  163. gogo 3 posts noch robert (2 replies)
  164. shadowrum live (12 replies)
  165. [Content] Neocron Mall (102 replies)
  166. fraps und nc oO (13 replies)
  167. Kk? (5 replies)
  168. Fatal bei Char wahl (8 replies)
  169. HUD installation ? (9 replies)
  170. Serverauslastung (44 replies)
  171. Suche nettes Evo 2.2 Hud (18 replies)
  172. HN Software und andere Fragen (21 replies)
  173. LoMs (2 replies)
  174. Fontmods... (27 replies)
  175. Unser clanführendes Drom.. WICKED CLOWN.. (34 replies)
  176. KK schickt doch mal eine Email an alte Spieler! (25 replies)
  177. Großer Bug - Hilfe - Waffe hört nicht auf zu schießen (16 replies)
  178. [OT] Frage an die Bounty Bay Spieler (15 replies)
  179. NC1 acc. -> nc2 (9 replies)
  180. EVOL 2.2 - Mein Abgang (34 replies)
  181. Saveslot nicht mehr Save ??? (11 replies)
  182. The Worlds only Action MMORPG (6 replies)
  183. [OT] Microsoft - telefonieren nach Hause (3 replies)
  184. Allein sein. (35 replies)
  185. Conster vs Resser (17 replies)
  186. NC startet nicht (22 replies)
  187. [OT]Festplatten Image ziehen (17 replies)
  188. [Back @ NC2] Welche Patches sind in der Downloadversion inclusive? (3 replies)
  189. Retail Patch 160 Notes (129 replies)
  190. was soll das nu wieder (32 replies)
  191. @ finne (11 replies)
  192. Happy Birthday Slith (13 replies)
  193. Rares (33 replies)
  194. Neue WoC Waffen! (38 replies)
  195. Neue Runs (3 replies)
  196. Imp tausch (23 replies)
  197. Armor - Wer hat den längsten? (17 replies)
  198. EVOL 2.2 - Eure Meinung! (204 replies)
  199. nc1 charaktere (11 replies)
  200. Absturz (18 replies)
  201. Client downloaden oder von 2.1 updaten? (3 replies)
  202. 2.2 Trailer (32 replies)
  203. Retail Patch 159 Notes (49 replies)
  204. Ab ca. 18uhr gehts los. (61 replies)
  205. Prob mit Offlinedemo (43 replies)
  206. Happy Birthday Cronite (26 replies)
  207. EVO 2.2 Release (5 replies)
  208. Alte Gamer > Evo 2.2? (96 replies)
  209. Neocron Never Dies ... oder? (39 replies)
  210. Mit Evo 2.2 - Evaluation (23 replies)
  211. Evo 2.3 Meine Wünsche (39 replies)
  212. Suche Bilder von allen Pas (11 replies)
  213. [OT]Planetarion Reserve (9 replies)
  214. EVOL 2.3 - Was wünscht Ihr euch? (99 replies)
  215. [OT] Suche WLAN Tool... (14 replies)
  216. Heise und 10T (11 replies)
  217. [OT] Telefonsuche (6 replies)
  218. forum style (3 replies)
  219. An alle Frauen und Mädels! (55 replies)
  220. [OMG] cdv neocron : ) (41 replies)
  221. [OT] sadistischer Versandhandel (2 replies)
  222. FireFox User... (86 replies)
  223. Lohnt der wiedereinstieg ? (23 replies)
  224. SIMPSONS der FILM (oder The Movie) (12 replies)
  225. Tabula Rasa Geil Geil Geiles Video (27 replies)
  226. Sind wir alle Verbrecher? (55 replies)
  227. [OT] PPC und Vista (4 replies)
  228. Ich will SG1 !!!! (20 replies)
  229. skillmanager? (11 replies)
  230. Bitte nicht... (77 replies)
  231. 2.2 Morgen um Mitternacht? (11 replies)
  232. PPU skillung gesucht (9 replies)
  233. Serverstatus Anzeige wäre gut ? (13 replies)
  234. Nc geht nicht mehr o0 (7 replies)
  235. [Server down] öööiiii...da is was putt.. (78 replies)
  236. Happy Birthday Opa Gothmog ;) (3 replies)
  237. Suche aktive Spieler... (40 replies)
  238. Teamspeakprogramm-Ersatz ?? (14 replies)
  239. Happy Birthday Virus_a (10 replies)
  240. Paypal und C2P (10 replies)
  241. Wo is das? (23 replies)
  242. Bedingungen unter denen der Patch abläuft ?? (24 replies)
  243. Betreff Evo 2.2 Relase und inaktiver Spiel Accounts (16 replies)
  244. 2.2 Release und KK (180 replies)
  245. Da fehlt was auf der Page (6 replies)
  246. [OT] Aktienmarkt (13 replies)
  247. Neoskiller (4 replies)
  248. phpbb-ncboardstyle (1 replies)
  249. EVO 2.2 [at] MMORPG.com (3 replies)
  250. Neocron Appartment-List (30 replies)