View Full Version : Community Talk
- Discuss Plan File: "An Outlook on the Future of Neocron"
- Neocron Offline (New Armor, PSI spells, LoM Drugs!) WOW
- Real Life Pictures Thread - No Chit Chat
- Dex needed for Construction- PROVEN
- Random PKing in Neocron
- Funniest pix uv ever made
- Construction issues
- rare's, rare's, rare's
- Important Community Notices Merged
- ...A warning... to all.
- For the ambiant house lovers: Perfect gameplay music for Neocron (streaming mp3)
- Ok I give where should a tank put his con points
- NC movies: Keep them here please
- MS Dos Version of Neocron?
- Let's See Your Desktop
- Torteth's Farewell
- Pics of ur uber 5 slotted items
- Nerf Poison? (clam down, I have reasons)
- New Recycling Combinations.
- So Whats all your asl's? (RL)
- Caped Skill Points Question
- Psi's Do Have a Backbone
- Help a brother out
- Neocron server population cgi/utility!
- more bandwidth for gameplay
- New clothes & cloaks in next few patches?
- SWG Refugee; Can I come back to Neocron?
- Here Comes the Limited nc>sw:g Collection
- Fun in the..... Tunnels?
- So you like warhammer do you
- Anyone think the mobs aren't realistic enough?
- Neocron server population cgi/utility version2!
- LE chipped horror
- **Best area for Rare Drops**
- What happened to the in-game forums ?
- I wanna play Neocron but...
- Non Official Fanmade Addon: NeoLauncher Pro ---- version 0.93 update!
- CS and Tanks are way overpowered
- Leveling off NPCs - Allowed or not?
- D/L Neocron?
- What is regants legacy, and who is Regant???
- NeMa3 : Teaser
- Drone Imps
- Any Legion Members still play?
- Neocron Skins/Mod
- Should MC5 be changed back to the way it was?
- Jumpgate/EEA and Neocron (OT)
- appartments still switched?
- Hacked In Real Life...
- Uranus Guys (lil thing on ger vs all):P
- Monk PA quest
- What ever happened to...?
- Private Eye PA
- Does Alcohol give +50 Force Armor ?
- PPU's should strike.
- Are all support people away on holiday ?
- Off for a few days.
- Running Neocron in Linux??
- Delete the PE Class.
- About Powerarmors
- Hehe, I love those small bugs...
- Need advice on vehicles
- Update Your Computers All
- Clever Deception
- Do something with the n00bie mc5 ffs!!!
- More INT exp for monks?
- Why can't we have the cool stuff like the people on the french server?
- My toon stuck in sector J-09
- PPU Monks: My Thoughts
- KK \ DEV's About LV 1 imps
- The french server have the new coolest features? This is UNFAIR..stop it..please
- Summer CPL
- New higher level soul clusters
- THREADS MERGED - legendary players?
- Monk Power Armour
- DoY--->New Rumors?
- Leveling spots hard to reach
- Info on Rigger CPU Rare implant
- For Saturn Droners
- How enemy factions should act ;)
- Pluto lagging like hell
- PE weapons of choice?
- 2nd Account
- Research speeds
- Nerf Hybrids!!!
- Why vet players moan, and why the GR change is good
- Whats this piccy?
- [Brainport] Smuggling
- GR idea
- DOY Allied with TG?
- Neocron & Pop-ups
- How long does the monk PA quest take?
- Regarding Soullight
- Question(s) on Vehicles
- Epic Reward Items - What Are they?
- Interesting chat log...
- Hot Drom Incest
- Uranus Regulators clan members
- Make Money Help
- HELP - Visa Electron problem - cannot pay...
- Uranus guys
- Could CDV be going down the shaft?
- Nema 3???
- Crahn Sect citycom missions
- w000t i got it :D
- [OT] - New Virus W32/Mimail.A Update
- Market Prices for Rares
- Launcher Question
- *Twitch*
- more ebay nc stuff
- Smokey selling account
- Ebay Ebay Ebay
- APU vs PPU
- GM's Please give Uranus server a kick
- Put back Safe Areas in Mc5?
- random funny pictures
- Victory! or not...
- Gamemaster clients have FRE?
- Non Official Fanmade Addon: NeoLauncher Pro ---- version 0.97!
- So I buy my hovertec and.....
- A PLAYER’S RETURN: thoughts on Neocron after other MMORPGs.
- Technical question on routers and neocron...
- NeMa 3 Released
- What's new?
- Neocronicle help please
- [OT] Co-Op mode for Fallout3
- How Do i Remove the spash screens?
- Share your nc screen shots here.
- Miss Neocron awards
- Durability of the Monk PA
- change faction = FS screw up
- If you could change/add 5 things...
- I have a windows problem
- APC weapon bugged
- Just FYI
- Music Editor
- uhh, an anti gm news item.
- populations of 19 massive multiplayer online games
- Need some APU Monkeh help
- "Messenger Killer" booting me from Neocron
- Fav Hunting Spots
- please help
- PK Stories and TT Winning 1
- Monkey PA Resists
- Need Help apaprtment bug
- Clonning Stuff
- Publishing.
- Monk Day Out (Another question)
- Pluto / Neptune
- annoying graphic glitches
- Tha PoLL 4
- Anti-idle in Neocron?
- CK Vega's NC piss up (meh, its not just fer northeners) :p
- Ever wanted to be a ninja?
- Thoughts on Weapon Lore
- New Official Thread Idea! SCREENSHOTS!
- Possible solution for Saturn situation
- PLasma dreams come true
- You Decide where i go eat
- Spyware Detected - Please Read
- Router Problem, How To Connect With?
- [OT] Fireplace/Aquarium on DVD
- Accidental Duplicates - Whats the policy?
- has anyone noticed there are no pkers anymore?
- Exp gain ?
- EVE online: A few questions.
- PvP ?
- Arguement!
- Subscription Question
- How long does it take???
- bad ideas and the rocket scientists who love them
- Drive by
- Uk ppl-Who's your ISP??
- me about Lord Cypher
- T-shirts
- GenRep Codes
- Stupid GR bug
- My Neocron/Gamespy contribution
- Present for all City Admin Loyalists
- Something new for DoY I've been working on.
- Shelter cap?
- me back hurts
- Gm Moved To Uranus Pro Follows.......
- Stealth Activator (Martin please read)
- Graves help
- Trader's Union?
- clan war feature needs to be fully implemented
- Hardcore server
- A Theory about the DoY release.
- THREADS MERGED - servers down??
- 3 Word -> per post (STORY)
- Be VERY Careful.
- Ubar HLT drainage from fire stacks
- Juz 1 of those days...
- Does laser improve aiming EVEN when 120% on stats?
- Windows XP + Neocron = <3
- clan appartments
- Any info on the Vehicle launch party???
- Hi, I need Help With A PHP Clan Site
- Dome Of York ~ Release Date???
- Whats the Point (Red) ??
- EVE problems. >.<
- Gah, Linux bites
- Turrets
- Uber 5 Slot CS Pics
- New Weapon for TG
- Just realised something. (EVE. Again)
- good level of resist
- I Think I'm Just Going to Uninstall Neocron
- Windowed?
- Nidd better copyright "The Hammer" pretty quick - ONOZ THERE'SZ IMPOSTERZ!!1
- Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic
- Fallen Angels High Council - Constitution
- On teh b3st vacatino
- Monks
- WOW, the speedbike is TERRIBLE!
- PSI PA suit on Saturn problem
- Funny thing happened to me....
- look what i just found :p
- (ot) Keep yur dogs inside
- [OT] remind you of somewhere
- The Legendary RuButt Setup
- armour + constructed = better resist ?
- ONOS!! Laaaag on Pluto
- I'm quitting NC
- Video Card is acting up
- KK Please fix the damage displayed on Mobs.
- Bye bye locked GRs
- Neocron Population Rapidly Decreasing
- Little warning
- ebay question.
- down?
- Thank you! No WHIMPERING permitted
- Stock-X is broken. Do *not* use it.
- Which MMORPGs are good now?
- keyboards crash neocron?
- DoY and curretly gameplay experience
- Trouble Installing Patches
- OT - Tech support nightmares
- Spy's need better defence and offence
- Drone fun
- Arggghh! At Php!
- vehicles? servers? hello?
- Define "ninja hacking"
- Drugs
- interesting article about the lvling treadmil within mmog
- Stop Alien Adbuctions
- questions/comments/poll of/about various things
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