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  1. Discuss Plan File: "An Outlook on the Future of Neocron"
  2. Neocron Offline (New Armor, PSI spells, LoM Drugs!) WOW
  3. Real Life Pictures Thread - No Chit Chat
  4. Dex needed for Construction- PROVEN
  5. Random PKing in Neocron
  6. Funniest pix uv ever made
  7. Construction issues
  8. rare's, rare's, rare's
  9. Important Community Notices Merged
  10. ...A warning... to all.
  11. For the ambiant house lovers: Perfect gameplay music for Neocron (streaming mp3)
  12. Ok I give where should a tank put his con points
  13. NC movies: Keep them here please
  14. MS Dos Version of Neocron?
  15. Let's See Your Desktop
  16. Torteth's Farewell
  17. Pics of ur uber 5 slotted items
  18. Nerf Poison? (clam down, I have reasons)
  19. New Recycling Combinations.
  20. So Whats all your asl's? (RL)
  21. Caped Skill Points Question
  22. Psi's Do Have a Backbone
  23. Help a brother out
  24. Neocron server population cgi/utility!
  25. more bandwidth for gameplay
  26. New clothes & cloaks in next few patches?
  27. SWG Refugee; Can I come back to Neocron?
  28. Here Comes the Limited nc>sw:g Collection
  29. Fun in the..... Tunnels?
  30. So you like warhammer do you
  31. Anyone think the mobs aren't realistic enough?
  32. Neocron server population cgi/utility version2!
  33. LE chipped horror
  34. **Best area for Rare Drops**
  35. What happened to the in-game forums ?
  36. I wanna play Neocron but...
  37. Non Official Fanmade Addon: NeoLauncher Pro ---- version 0.93 update!
  38. CS and Tanks are way overpowered
  39. Leveling off NPCs - Allowed or not?
  40. D/L Neocron?
  41. What is regants legacy, and who is Regant???
  42. NeMa3 : Teaser
  43. Drone Imps
  44. Any Legion Members still play?
  45. Neocron Skins/Mod
  46. Should MC5 be changed back to the way it was?
  47. Jumpgate/EEA and Neocron (OT)
  48. appartments still switched?
  49. Hacked In Real Life...
  50. Uranus Guys (lil thing on ger vs all):P
  51. Monk PA quest
  52. What ever happened to...?
  53. Private Eye PA
  54. Does Alcohol give +50 Force Armor ?
  55. PPU's should strike.
  56. Are all support people away on holiday ?
  57. Off for a few days.
  58. Running Neocron in Linux??
  59. Delete the PE Class.
  60. About Powerarmors
  61. Hehe, I love those small bugs...
  62. Need advice on vehicles
  63. Update Your Computers All
  64. Clever Deception
  65. Do something with the n00bie mc5 ffs!!!
  66. More INT exp for monks?
  67. Why can't we have the cool stuff like the people on the french server?
  68. My toon stuck in sector J-09
  69. PPU Monks: My Thoughts
  70. KK \ DEV's About LV 1 imps
  71. The french server have the new coolest features? This is UNFAIR..stop it..please
  72. Summer CPL
  73. New higher level soul clusters
  74. THREADS MERGED - legendary players?
  75. Monk Power Armour
  76. DoY--->New Rumors?
  77. Leveling spots hard to reach
  78. Info on Rigger CPU Rare implant
  79. For Saturn Droners
  80. How enemy factions should act ;)
  81. Pluto lagging like hell
  82. PE weapons of choice?
  83. 2nd Account
  84. Research speeds
  85. Nerf Hybrids!!!
  86. Why vet players moan, and why the GR change is good
  87. Whats this piccy?
  88. [Brainport] Smuggling
  89. GR idea
  91. DOY Allied with TG?
  92. Neocron & Pop-ups
  93. How long does the monk PA quest take?
  94. Regarding Soullight
  95. Question(s) on Vehicles
  96. Epic Reward Items - What Are they?
  97. Interesting chat log...
  98. Hot Drom Incest
  99. Uranus Regulators clan members
  100. Make Money Help
  101. HELP - Visa Electron problem - cannot pay...
  102. Uranus guys
  103. Could CDV be going down the shaft?
  104. Nema 3???
  105. Crahn Sect citycom missions
  106. w000t i got it :D
  107. [OT] - New Virus W32/Mimail.A Update
  108. Market Prices for Rares
  109. Launcher Question
  110. *Twitch*
  111. more ebay nc stuff
  112. Smokey selling account
  113. Ebay Ebay Ebay
  114. APU vs PPU
  115. GM's Please give Uranus server a kick
  116. Put back Safe Areas in Mc5?
  117. random funny pictures
  118. Victory! or not...
  119. Gamemaster clients have FRE?
  120. Non Official Fanmade Addon: NeoLauncher Pro ---- version 0.97!
  121. So I buy my hovertec and.....
  122. A PLAYER’S RETURN: thoughts on Neocron after other MMORPGs.
  123. Technical question on routers and neocron...
  124. NeMa 3 Released
  125. What's new?
  126. Neocronicle help please
  127. [OT] Co-Op mode for Fallout3
  128. How Do i Remove the spash screens?
  129. Share your nc screen shots here.
  130. Miss Neocron awards
  131. Durability of the Monk PA
  132. change faction = FS screw up
  133. If you could change/add 5 things...
  134. I have a windows problem
  135. APC weapon bugged
  136. Just FYI
  137. Music Editor
  138. uhh, an anti gm news item.
  139. populations of 19 massive multiplayer online games
  140. Need some APU Monkeh help
  141. "Messenger Killer" booting me from Neocron
  142. Fav Hunting Spots
  143. please help
  144. PK Stories and TT Winning 1
  145. Monkey PA Resists
  146. Need Help apaprtment bug
  148. Clonning Stuff
  149. Publishing.
  150. Monk Day Out (Another question)
  151. Pluto / Neptune
  152. annoying graphic glitches
  153. Tha PoLL 4
  154. Anti-idle in Neocron?
  155. CK Vega's NC piss up (meh, its not just fer northeners) :p
  156. Ever wanted to be a ninja?
  157. Thoughts on Weapon Lore
  158. New Official Thread Idea! SCREENSHOTS!
  159. Possible solution for Saturn situation
  160. PLasma dreams come true
  161. You Decide where i go eat
  162. Spyware Detected - Please Read
  163. Router Problem, How To Connect With?
  164. [OT] Fireplace/Aquarium on DVD
  165. Accidental Duplicates - Whats the policy?
  166. has anyone noticed there are no pkers anymore?
  167. Exp gain ?
  168. EVE online: A few questions.
  169. PvP ?
  170. Arguement!
  171. Subscription Question
  172. How long does it take???
  173. bad ideas and the rocket scientists who love them
  174. Drive by
  175. Uk ppl-Who's your ISP??
  176. me about Lord Cypher
  177. T-shirts
  178. GenRep Codes
  179. Stupid GR bug
  180. My Neocron/Gamespy contribution
  181. Present for all City Admin Loyalists
  182. Something new for DoY I've been working on.
  183. Shelter cap?
  184. me back hurts
  185. Gm Moved To Uranus Pro Follows.......
  186. Stealth Activator (Martin please read)
  187. Graves help
  188. Trader's Union?
  189. clan war feature needs to be fully implemented
  190. Hardcore server
  191. A Theory about the DoY release.
  192. THREADS MERGED - servers down??
  193. 3 Word -> per post (STORY)
  194. Be VERY Careful.
  195. Ubar HLT drainage from fire stacks
  196. Juz 1 of those days...
  197. Does laser improve aiming EVEN when 120% on stats?
  198. Windows XP + Neocron = <3
  199. clan appartments
  200. Any info on the Vehicle launch party???
  201. Hi, I need Help With A PHP Clan Site
  202. Dome Of York ~ Release Date???
  203. Whats the Point (Red) ??
  204. EVE problems. >.<
  205. Gah, Linux bites
  206. Turrets
  207. Uber 5 Slot CS Pics
  208. New Weapon for TG
  209. Just realised something. (EVE. Again)
  210. good level of resist
  211. I Think I'm Just Going to Uninstall Neocron
  212. Windowed?
  213. Nidd better copyright "The Hammer" pretty quick - ONOZ THERE'SZ IMPOSTERZ!!1
  214. Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic
  215. Fallen Angels High Council - Constitution
  216. On teh b3st vacatino
  217. Monks
  218. WOW, the speedbike is TERRIBLE!
  219. PSI PA suit on Saturn problem
  220. Funny thing happened to me....
  221. look what i just found :p
  222. (ot) Keep yur dogs inside
  223. [OT] remind you of somewhere
  224. The Legendary RuButt Setup
  225. armour + constructed = better resist ?
  226. ONOS!! Laaaag on Pluto
  227. I'm quitting NC
  228. Video Card is acting up
  229. KK Please fix the damage displayed on Mobs.
  230. Bye bye locked GRs
  231. Neocron Population Rapidly Decreasing
  232. Little warning
  233. ebay question.
  234. down?
  235. Thank you! No WHIMPERING permitted
  236. Stock-X is broken. Do *not* use it.
  237. Which MMORPGs are good now?
  238. keyboards crash neocron?
  239. DoY and curretly gameplay experience
  240. Trouble Installing Patches
  241. OT - Tech support nightmares
  242. Spy's need better defence and offence
  243. Drone fun
  244. Arggghh! At Php!
  245. vehicles? servers? hello?
  246. Define "ninja hacking"
  247. Drugs
  248. interesting article about the lvling treadmil within mmog
  249. Stop Alien Adbuctions
  250. questions/comments/poll of/about various things