View Full Version : Announcements & Updates

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  1. Review of Ingame Chat Rules
  2. RoC Name Violations
  3. NC2 English Electronic Manual Now Available
  4. Epic vehicle keys of deleted chars no longer valid
  5. Discussion of Exploits
  6. Neocron Evolution 2.1 Release Date + Weapon Models [UPDATE]
  7. Voice of the Resistance System Update
  8. "Free Evolution Test Run" Campaign
  9. Evolution 2.1: New Website!
  10. Neocron Arcade: The N.M.E. Project
  11. Christmas Contest 2005
  12. Forum Reorganization & Downtime
  13. Info: Reakktor Media Announcements
  14. New Forum Structure
  16. Welcome to Neocron Evolution 2.1!
  17. Evol 2.1 Upgrade Mirrors
  18. 14 Days Free Game Time
  19. Neocron.com Downtime
  20. Neocron Evol 2.1 Content Information
  21. [MERGED] Evol 2.1: Technical issues & bugs
  22. Patchnotes #151
  23. Evol 2.1 - Faction switching
  24. PRO - Public Relations Officers
  25. Server Terra: Technical issues
  26. Neocron Arcade: The N.M.E. Project - Released!
  27. Neocron Fansite Banner Request
  28. Neocron Evolution 2.1 Testing Period Extended
  29. Planfile #5
  30. Neocron Online Shop Expanded
  31. Patchnotes #152
  32. Introduction: New story content author
  33. Clan Registration Form
  34. Patchnotes #153
  35. Terra Database Rollback
  36. [UPDATED] Loss of Ceres weapon due to reload issue
  37. Chat channel abuse
  38. Faction Objectives
  39. Storyline and Event Feedback
  40. Neocron Evolution 2.2 Update
  41. Neonews Update
  42. Recruiting Volunteer Support Game Masters
  43. Terra Server Rollback
  44. Neocron 2 Development Update
  45. Patch #154
  46. Patch #154 Bugs - Updated
  47. Patch #155 (Updated)
  48. #154/#155 Patch Bugs
  49. Ceres Labs Closed Down
  50. Illegal Use of HackNet Skins
  51. Temporary Prohibition of Outpost Turrets
  52. News Update / Q&A
  53. KK Interviews
  54. #156 Patch Notes
  55. In-game official character naming convention
  56. Content spoiler for Retail Patch #157
  57. Content spoiler No. 2 for Retail Patch #157
  58. KK Community Statements
  59. Neocron 2 Retail Patch #157 patch notes 13/06/2006
  60. Broken Faction Medals
  61. Official statement
  62. Important: potential connection difficulties
  63. Support Policy: Usage of "HEW Security Package: Stun-trap"
  64. Announcement: Neocron 2 related web sites
  65. Wanted: RP-players!
  66. Suspension of game accounts
  67. New player guide section available
  68. Cronalyser!
  69. Official statement: 'Silent Rezz'
  70. Extended Neocron 2 Fansite Kit now available
  71. Neocron Evol 2.1 Forumskin
  72. Storyline / Eventrules
  73. New moderator - Trivaldi
  74. Anouncement: Server language rules
  75. GM team recruitment
  76. Gamemaster team information update
  77. Clarification of previous statement
  78. Neocron Evol 2.1 - Global Storyline: The Death Circuit
  79. [Info] Neocronicle & VotR; Board & Newsletter
  80. Neocron 2 Official Fansites
  81. Ask the CEO: Apologies for delay
  82. Exclusive interview on MMORPG.com
  83. "You ask, the CEO answers!" event
  84. New Neocron 2 Minisite on MMOsite.com
  85. Neocron 2 Interview on MMOsite.com
  86. Clearance of Neocron 2 H.U.D. modifications
  87. Xfire support for Neocron 2
  88. „Design your Neocron 2 Custom H.U.D.“ contest
  89. Update: Neocron 2 Support Policy
  90. Exclusive interview on TechHaven Network
  91. Forum Signature Limitation Changes
  92. Neocron 2 contest on MMOsite.com
  93. Start of the public Neocron Evolution 2.2 test server phase announced
  94. Neocron 2 Custom H.U.D. Contest: Deadline extended
  95. Important changes to forum access permissions
  96. Neocron Custom H.U.D. Contest: Updated R.P.O.S. files
  97. Reakktor Media wishes you a merry Christmas and a happy new year!
  98. Reader's Choice Award on MMOsite.com
  99. Neocron 2 Custom H.U.D. Contest - Poll/Wahl
  100. Neocron 2 Custom H.U.D. Contest - Vote the best H.U.D.s
  101. Neocron 2 Custom H.U.D. contest closed
  102. New payment method for credit card users
  103. PayPal: Info update
  104. New payment method activated
  105. Neocron Evolution 2.2: Free game time for inactive accounts
  106. Release of the Neocron Evolution 2.2 add-on on March 12 2007
  107. Postponing the release date to March 12, 2007
  108. [Event Announcements] 'War upon us'
  109. Neocron Evolution 2.2 goes live at 6 PM – 12.03.2007
  110. [UPDATE #3] Swapping of implants: Evol 2.1 -> Evol 2.2
  111. [-Restart] What would you like to see again.... ?
  112. Patch 161 Notes
  113. Neocron Evolution 2.2 Developer Chat on Xfire
  114. Patch 162 Notes
  115. Balancing-Patch 162 Explanation
  116. [Content] Neocron Mall
  117. [Content] The Pit
  118. [Event] Easter Egg Hunt 2007
  119. Suspension of game accounts
  120. Patch 163 Notes
  121. Interview on RPGVault
  122. Temporary fix for rare code fragments and code snippets
  123. [Content] 2nd Neocron Mall
  124. [Content] Dynamic (mini) runs
  125. Patch 165 Notes
  126. Community Announcement 05/30
  127. [Content packet] Ceres Team rearrangement
  128. [Event] MotU II
  129. Modification of the Soullight system
  130. Storyline --> Content packet
  131. Problems with Hotmail/MSN e-mail addresses
  132. Patch 166 Notes
  133. Character transfer service discontinued
  134. [Competition] Dynamic Runs
  135. Server Terra: Backup applied
  136. [Content] Neocron Mall III
  137. Explanation to the storyline
  138. Community discussion about the optimisation of the Player vs. Environment combat
  139. Clan "Terrarists" disbanded
  140. Neocron jubilee
  141. Black Prophecy revealed
  142. Community Event: The great Neocron quiz
  143. Neocron quiz: Solution
  144. Neocron quiz: And the winners are…
  145. Neocron Community Event – The missing dancer
  146. [Vote] Dyn. Run Contest
  147. Neocron Event: Killerbunneh’s “Evil Trick or Treat”
  148. Neocron event: The missing dancer - closure announcement
  149. Neocron supports Child’s Play Charity
  150. [Info] Storyline update
  151. Event - The missing dancer – final results
  152. Unable to post on the forums?
  153. [Christmas] Neocron Mall IV
  154. Neocron 2.2 - Content Patch
  155. Neocron 2 Giveaway contest
  156. [Storyline Info] A little hint!
  157. Content Package release on 12/10/2007
  158. Patch #167 & #168 Notes
  159. Limited support during the holidays
  160. Welcome, Habrok!
  161. [Event] Master Hunter Tournament
  162. Compensation for server downtime
  163. New Paypal Problem [Resolved]
  164. Important: PayPal payment issues
  165. Migration of the Neocron 2 server hardware & price reduction
  166. Migration of the server hardware - Mission accomplished!
  167. Detailled information about the new subscription fees
  168. Information update: 2008/07/10
  169. Relaunch Party on Terra
  170. Important information for Click2Pay users
  171. Black Prophecy Debut Teaser released & Application for closed beta
  172. Important: Letter from the CEO
  173. Important: Current issues with the payment providers
  174. Catch "Secret" !!!
  175. Clarification regarding the current payment provider issues
  176. Merry Christmas and a happy New Year!
  177. Official announcement: Bloom filter for Neocron 2
  178. Fan project: Akira Sun meets Neocron – You’ll never dance alone!
  179. New official Black Prophecy website launched!
  180. Extended server downtime
  181. New Black Prophecy cinematic trailer released
  182. Black Prophecy fan site kit now available!
  183. New Black Prophecy game-play trailer released and forums open
  184. Happy easter!
  185. Interview with Kirk Lenke on Eurogamer.de
  186. A letter from Kirk
  187. Neocron meets Akira Sun, the second track
  188. A letter Part II
  189. Merry Christmas and a happy new year!
  190. Time to say goodbye? No Way!
  191. Server downtime - Patch #174 (back to #168)
  192. Happy Easter!
  193. Reakktor to Declare Second Insolvency
  194. CEO Kirk Lenke Responds to Community Questions
  195. [UPDATE#2]Servers Available
  196. Game & Forum Account Issues
  197. Kickstarter campaign
  198. Happy Easter 2012
  199. Neocron on Facebook, Google+ & Twitter
  200. Launcher Issues & Work Around
  201. GM Meet & Greet!
  202. Official IRC Channel Launches!
  203. Neocronicle Returns - Submit Your Content!
  204. Chenoa - Nicole Montag
  205. Automated Server Maintenance
  206. Filecheck & Client Modifications
  207. [UPDATE #1] Server Information: Test[KK]
  208. Forum Upgrade: Welcome back!
  209. Contests: Forum Bling!
  210. Zero Tolerance for Cheating & Hacking
  211. Partial Server Move
  212. Server Status (Terra): WIP
  213. Forum is back ...
  214. Turrets banned (temp.)
  215. Future of Mercury - PLEASE READ!
  216. Account Management available
  217. Secret Runner Contest
  218. Signature Rules Reminder
  219. Informations on the reachability of the servers
  220. Service Update 17th Sept 2012
  221. WANTED! Official RP Characters!
  222. Temporary Nightly Server Down Time
  223. Current issues with TITAN
  224. [TITAN] Ceres Lab Closure & Replacement
  225. Service Update: Infrastructure Repairs & Relocation
  226. [TITAN] H-14 MC5 Temporary Replacement
  227. Oct 20 - server issue / compensation
  228. Development Update - November 2012
  229. Unscheduled Servermove (TITAN)
  230. [R#175] Patch Notes
  231. [R#175] Rollback Info
  232. [R#176] Hotfix Notes
  233. Email Support Issue
  234. Server maintenance 20.12. 23:30 GMT
  235. Forum Maintenance
  236. Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!
  237. Serverside Patch 25.12.2012 - LE Droner fix
  238. Development Update - December 2012
  239. Development Update - December 2012
  240. IRC Server Moved + New WebIRC Client
  241. Patch R#177 Timeline
  242. [R#177/178] Patch Notes
  243. [R#178] Hotfix
  244. E-Mail Disruption [RESOLVED]
  245. Testing effort rewards
  246. Official Roleplay Characters
  247. Server downtime
  248. [STORYLINE] Neocron: Powder Keg
  249. [STORYLINE] Powder Keg: Things to Come
  250. [IMPORTANT] Patch R#179