1. #31
    Registered User Beanie McChimp's Avatar
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    ncadict im with you the lag is terrible then on top of this pluto gets the bps early (btw wheres this so called "event").
    I think a boycott is in order every person on uranus for a boycott
    that will teach em and maybe get DoY early nah thats probaly never going to come out i read sum where its ready but waiting for a new publisher HURRY UP AND REALEASE IT FFS.


    _____ I love the smell of plasma in the morning.

  2. #32


    They had the NEXT vehicle presentation server, which will eventually come round to the other servers.

    AS you all have noticed, there is often a gap of a few days, sometimes longer, between the same events happening on different servers.

    For crying out loud, live with it. It's not a big bloody deal.

    " I held her in my arms, her warmth enslaved my soul, her eyes burned through my cold, stone walls, tore my heart from my hold. My embrace now empty, her warmth now gone, my walls have rebuilt and returned, but of my heart, she still has hold.."

  3. #33


    Originally posted by Beefheart
    Is it really so important? I mean, if jupiter server gets BP's (I remind everyone that the thread is about BP's, not of the actual vehicles being there) a few days or a week ahead of the other servers so what? Are they going to build them all and come marauding over the server plains like a well honed panzer division and blitz the remaining servers into submission ? Is the issue that someone maybe will go to jupiter, try them out, figure the best way to use one, then return to his home server so that when the vehicles DO get there he'll be the "UbEr L33T H4X0r" for a day or 2, riding the wastes in his trike and shouting "! Pwnz J00" till everyone else gets one ?

    The game already has plenty of vehicles, and people hardly use them. I don't remember ever seeing anyone going on ops raids and taking their tanks (maybe, once or twice they'd take the apc) so whats the big deal. If anyone thinks we are going to be seeing clans like new dawn or nda riding around the wastes on the trikes like something out of a bad B movie (death race 2000 comes to mind) I doubt it will happen.

    If another server gets them a week ahead of time, it really doesn't seem to be a big deal.
    I like you reefie, but this guy has a point tbh. It would only be unfair if it was say City admin that only got the vehicles and not the rest of the player base. Server to server is a different matter entirely. From the sounds of it it seems these things are getting released by the event dudes, so I'm sure Pluto will no doubt see them shortly.


  4. #34
    the one who owned flawl3ss Thane's Avatar
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    Originally posted by Thanatos
    As far as I know there were no plans to release the vehicles on one server prior to any others.
    If Callash didn't release them in an event (I didn't have a chance to ask him yet), they must have "leaked" and we'll investigate.


    mission accomplished.. hehe.... gogogo gadgetto GMs... and find the evil leak0r!

    *me does the donce of the evil leaker*
    | bloodbath and beyond | the dragon will return (and its NOT a black one) |
    |"send in the clowns" ... "yea right, and die laughing!!" | ... .. | LORD OF THE MUNKEES! |
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  5. #35
    [ banned user ] Spy<VS>Spy's Avatar
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    Listen guys, i'm a full time driver on pluto. and let me tell you, i test these things on the test server and they are not that good. vehicles still suck...their weapons are NOT practical.

    they either dont do enough damage, dont do it fast enough, dont shoot far enough or dont lock onto anything smaller then a grim chaser.

    not only that i have YET to see a serious significant work over of requirements, atm the only asshole which is going to drive the assualt trike, is a PE...and to be honost, its the ONLY trike worth driving because of the rapid fire missles, which again, isnt that good but honostly the strongest vehicle mounted weapon in the game.

    Spy's CAN do the driving but we gotta gimp ourselves with strength, which is friggin stupid. i can see needing the heavy weapons skill, but strength? anywho, lets not get too mad about some stupid BP's.

    not that i condone to the leak. if in fact there is one. but honostly even if they where out who the hell would use em? all the vehicles are fucking death trap shit machines, belive it and cry ladies and gentleman. at this point KK has no friggin clue on how to make them useful, they just dont want to buy a vowel here and solve the puzzle, they will just make them faster or slower or do 2% more damage...no one cares.

  6. #36
    Registered User Vash th3 Flash's Avatar
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    Originally posted by Kasumi
    Plutos always last to get anything remember that
    Kind of like where I live in Real Live. It took this place that I am living 3 weeks to get neocron after the rest of the US did.
    I'm surrounded by idiots and I'm one of them.

    To be stupid, selfish, and have good health are three requirements for happiness, though if stupidity is lacking, all is lost. Gustave Flaubert (1821 - 1880)

  7. #37
    Banned User Phiberdelic's Avatar
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    I don't see favoritism, even though it is allegedly on a different server. If it was same server but faction only then, YES, I'd say favoritism, but not across servers, NO.

    You chose your primary server, for its good and bad qualities, I chose Pluto even though its a one char server...I didn't want a NO-Safezone server, etc...Each server is different and therefore can have releases of objects at different times.

    This complaining about it it is really lame. If you don't like your present situation, then change it, go to a different server.

  8. #38
    the one who owned flawl3ss Thane's Avatar
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    @ Phiberdelic:

    i paied for a game, i pay a monthly fee, and therefor i wanna be able to see it all at the same time.

    they didn't mention it in ANY place that certain servers will have some things faster or later (and as said above, they shouldn't HAVE it earlier). i started a char on a certain server, and therefor i want the stuff on MY server too, all servers are supposed to be the same asall the others. if you don't get it, there's no reason to call other people lame (which is imo the lamer thing to do btw...).

    so.... mesa wants a triiiiike!
    | bloodbath and beyond | the dragon will return (and its NOT a black one) |
    |"send in the clowns" ... "yea right, and die laughing!!" | ... .. | LORD OF THE MUNKEES! |
    | Martin J. Schwiezer: "PvP _is_ a base element of the game." | <bloody harry> Lesen ---> Denken ---> Posten

  9. #39


    they should be relased on ALL servers at the same time. The proiblem with that is the vehicles are being released in NEXT events. and well

    they cant be in 4 places at one time. Shame its hard to find good people for the evnt team i guess.

    Personally KK should introduce a system like the evil funcom has for anarchy online. It's called ARK if you havent heard of it you shoudl check it out. I for one believe the ARK system is what saved that game completly.

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