Hi runners,
I don't know if it's a joke but I was connecting this morning as usual and discovered my main account was banned...
Got an email saying "[CPS] Client / data stream manipulation detected"...
I can't understand how even is it possible !!
I know, some will say I admitted I've tried a cheat software back on Terra on Rekt Discord but that was once and never been done again... Was it an error from me to be honest ?
Anyway, I'm aware not so much people know me, I've always been discreet, since my stroke 5 years ago I almost did no more PvP, and since I returned in june that year, I tried to help as much as I could new runners, or returning vets...
People who know me can say I've always been fair, always nice, of course sometimes I trolled but wasn't it part of the game ?
But I never used any cheat of any kind on Titan, I repeat I only tried once on Terra (when there were sooooo many cheaters).
So I guess I have no choice but to leave the game, after what happened I won't have heart to level up new runners...
I'll miss you all a lot, I'll miss walking in Pepper Park ready to draw my weapon, riding a rhino and kill some Warbots, I'll miss my kron55 after a long firemob hunt and oh god I'll miss the community...
Maybe you'll see me again if NST realizes they made a mistake but I guess that won't happen...
I came back happy and I'm leaving sad,