Thanks all for your input so far.

I think the OP was too much of a big wall of text and from your replies I deducted that people didn't get the essence of my ideas ! Sorry for that.

So I will simply rephrase in shorter terms the 3 concepts I wanted to propose:

Main concept 1: Rework the damage values of Rares and WoC Weapons
In order to give diversity of weapons in end game.
-by equalizing the damage of TL 82 to TL 100 (rare + woc weapons) into a TL~95 average.
-by equalizing the damage of TL 101 to TL 115 (rare + woc weapons) into a TL~105 average.
(Implants/subskill will still work as intended: add more combat implants for damage output or resists implants for survival instead)

Main concept 2: Extend the weapon mechanics of Fusion and Raygun (Rifle) to Pistol and Heavies
-by changing fusion pistol to works like fusion rifles
-by changing the fusion canons into a single target weapon
(Fusion = more damage with range / Raygun = more damage the closer to target)

Main Concept 3: Tweak a bit WoC to make it more logic
-by moving the actual content to WoC 1 and WoC 2
-by removing the WoC 3, 4 and 5.
(which are imho so high in farming demand that it end up making player use game flaws/exploit to xp)