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  1. #46


    Quote Originally Posted by Anlon View Post
    Will the server be up before the transfer?.
    I'll be careful to vouch for moving targets, but the hypothetical answer to your question would be yes

  2. #47


    Quote Originally Posted by Mokoi View Post
    While a huge amount of what you can do in Neocron is feasible for solo play, it is fully acceptable that this is not the ultima ratio for every aspect of the game. It is in the nature of any kind of MMORPG that certain content requires interaction with other players. If you dont like teaming up, you can always trade.

    Obviously a refactored MC5 will not provide you with more time than what you already have, but it will increase the amount of MC5 chips floating around and thus make it easier (= less time consuming) to grab one.
    Thats awsome and what i was thiunking you would say about this subject.I dont think you are understanding.NC should worrie with more PVP its what keeps us playing it its not the best PVE game.If people want play PVE there are much better based games for that.I under stand you have fix the PVE to keep it alive.But why did you have hurt us with mc5 imps?Most ever mmorpg have good base pve.But there pvp sucks not as good as NC.Maybe you should play other MMORPG so under stand how to set this up?you have no clue that a good PE has to have 2 mc5 imps and most all tanks need 2 mc5 imps.So with mc5 was down for so long you hurt alot people with there setups.Face the facts no matter what do with Mc5 now it will not help alot cause as people are now geting sick of lvling charaters to set them in appie and go farm firemobs...Witch maybe the drop rate on warbots could be fixed also its sicking..How about 2 droners going to Doy tunnels now and farm parts witch is part PVE?ahhh wait i forgot cant be done cause new great fix on drones.Im glaid what have done but at least let us bring Mc5 imps over what can that hurt but alot time?Maybe you guys should rembmer when pop was low only way could do anything was with drones.Some us players was there when you was under 1% pop.Maybe should think about ones who was decated to game for so long..Maybe should blance things then worrie with fixing mc5?Look at all places in game people dont go play in maybe there is problem there also im confussed why even worrieing with mc5 when should maybe make new blance with weapons and such worrieing with PVP and then PVE maybe add new thinsg so income is better like weapons/new pas make haveing woc3 worth more then a Gold pa..

  3. #48
    The REAL Walker
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    Quote Originally Posted by Monkeyballz View Post
    ..Wall of text..
    Dude.. Hit enter once in a while.. Please..

    Looking forward to the MC5 fix though. Maybe I'll install NC Again - if they Arent going to be impossible to get.
    Really cba playing as a tank, and thats pretty much the only viable class without MC5's..
    John Gotti
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  4. #49
    Bitter Old Fart Dribble Joy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Monkeyballz View Post
    ..Wall of text..
    I too have numerous over-capped chars on terra, with buckets of items, including some there are no longer obtainable. I too was rather miffed to begin with about not being able to bring what I had worked for for nearly ten years to the new server.
    After seeing what has happened with Titan though, I don't want to see any items brought over. There's too much to spoil.

    I already have an MC5 on titan though, and it wasn't that much to buy (though admittedly it was a CCP).

  5. #50


    Quote Originally Posted by Dribble Joy View Post
    I too have numerous over-capped chars on terra, with buckets of items, including some there are no longer obtainable. I too was rather miffed to begin with about not being able to bring what I had worked for for nearly ten years to the new server.
    After seeing what has happened with Titan though, I don't want to see any items brought over. There's too much to spoil.

    I already have an MC5 on titan though, and it wasn't that much to buy (though admittedly it was a CCP).
    Grats on your mc5 chips. I would not want a transfer eather if i had my mc5 already and yes i have trade for ccp but trying get other chips is not easy. A transfer of charaters with Mc5 chips would not hurt titian. It might even help in alot ways and bring people has done left back knowing that there able to get imps they need for pvp. I still belive Devs need think about that cause its because Mc5 been down so long is why people left in 1st place. Just like walker was talking about...

  6. #51
    Bitter Old Fart Dribble Joy's Avatar
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    Next patch will have a revamped MC5, or at least, the latest test server patch does.

  7. #52
    Huckle Beare' Doc Holliday's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dropout View Post
    Dude.. Hit enter once in a while.. Please..
    my sentiments exactly.
    Quote Originally Posted by aKe`cj View Post
    Something is wrong.
    Where are the people asking for free candy or Double-XP ?

  8. #53
    Highest Ranked Psi-Monk Ever Forget My Name's Avatar
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    The Developer feedback in this thread is flat out amazing. Just saying
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    my techs for trade

  9. #54


    TBH, does anyone even want Terra and Mars back?
    Titan is a load of fun and has a community the size of what I remember Terra and Mars had 10 years ago.
    Terra and Mars will be empty as hell.
    I agree that they should come online for at least a couple months so old vets can check their chars and decide which ones they wish to transfer (combine this with a mail to all old NC players so they know they should hurry up), but after that just take those old servers down and spend the money on something more useful.
    And char transfers should definately be naked.

    As for MC5, I know you've already revamped it and it's coming in a new patch, but why not [crazy idea] do it similar to NeoFrag? But instead of being VR, have it so you don't loose your stats / items when you leave. This way you can have multiple "instances" of MC5. Revamp the main building to be a sort of base like Regants with multiple rooms and tunnels. Make it so it takes a team of players half an hour to fight to the end for 1 implant part. This way it still requires a lot of effort, but at least each team can get their own instance of the place and not have anyone rush in to steal the commander kill.[/crazy idea]
    Knight-Barter: Capped conster / repper spy
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  10. #55
    Bitter Old Fart Dribble Joy's Avatar
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    NC has withstood the lure of the dreaded instance this long, I really don't see how it would make the game better.

  11. #56
    The REAL Walker
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    Quote Originally Posted by [F6]Knight View Post
    TBH, does anyone even want Terra and Mars back?
    I do. I use Terra for duels once in a while.. Since that's where the characters I enjoy is at..
    John Gotti
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  12. #57


    Quote Originally Posted by '[F6
    Make it so it takes a team of players half an hour to fight to the end for 1 implant part.
    This would do excessively more harm than good. There are currently seven MC5 chips each taking 6 parts to build. It already took forever to acquire one chip that you actually need, let alone all the chips for everyone in your team. This would mean months of grinding and that would certainly drive people away.

    The main reason a bunch of the people I play with have stopped playing is the unavailability of MC5 chips. The fact that some clans were allowed to farm the chips the easy way creates a huge dis-advantage for everyone else.

    They need to make MC5 chips similar to an epic quest. A long multi-part mission that rewards you with a whole chip at the end.

  13. #58


    I think we all agree that MC5 chips should require a lot of work, BUT should be available to everyone willing to work for them. (possibly with a team)
    Before MC5 got disabled, it was just 1 NPC in the whole game that could drop the parts and he was often farmed 24/7 by a select group of players.
    I really hope that with the upcoming MC5 fix, they took this into account and provide a way for people to get them with hard organized work instead of being lucky to find the place abandoned for long enough to get a few parts.
    I'm not in the mood to pay 20mil for a few parts or a full chip because they are not "farmable".
    Don't get me wrong, "farmable" in this case should NOT mean "easy to get".
    Knight-Barter: Capped conster / repper spy
    Knight-Research: PPU poker
    This is when I realized I should stop using professions in my char names ...
    Iron-Man: HC tank
    Future char plans: Res spy, RC spy, RC PE, PC PE, ...

  14. #59


    Quote Originally Posted by [F6]Knight View Post
    I'm not in the mood to pay 20mil for a few parts or a full chip because they are not "farmable".
    Don't get me wrong, "farmable" in this case should NOT mean "easy to get".
    Well you better get in the "mood" because that is exactly the situation the Dev's have left us in.

  15. #60
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    I seem to recall a time when MC5 in terms of imps didn't exist, and PvP was still quite active. Sure end game PvP is enhanced by MC5 chips, but the game is hardly unplayable without MC5's being readily available. I rather like the fact that not everyone is on a flavor of the month build, and we all don't have the same setups. Feels like early Uranus a bit to me. Sure we all use similar methods of leveling, but lets face it, it's different, it's harsh, which was always NC's strong point.

    The game doesn't sugar coat anything, never has, that's what makes it good. It's more interesting because it either makes you work for what you want, or sends you home as a failure. All those quitters people like to talk about, those are people who let NC beat them, like the bitches they are. The ones that stayed are the ones still fighting the good fight no matter the odds.

    It's been years since I've seen the game the way it is on titan, I'd hate to see it die yet again. NC lomd you to noob, deal with it. Adapt or die, it's what we've always done in NC...

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