1. #1

    Default [OT] Where have you ended up since NC?

    Tabula Rasa... I miss it. Played the demo the other day for the hell of it. Damn you Richard Garriott. Damn you NCSoft.

    Personally, I think Fallen Earth is the closest thing to the NC world out there right now. If it had Clan-owned Outposts, it'd be money. But it's still struggling in population even with their huge development progress over the past year.

    Combat-wise though, Global Agenda has my PvP addiction. Fast-paced, FPS with character leveling and item customization. If you haven't tried it, it's well worth it and there's a free trial. I have 30% off codes, but to not be too shameless, I won't post 'em here, so PM me

    Earthrise looks promising but I think we've all been in the MMO industry long enough to know that looks can be devastatingly deceiving *cough* Twilight War *cough*

    What else is there non-fantasy FPS based? Why have we not bought the Neocron IP to develop NC3 yet? There are days when I miss NC, but like Billy Joel said, "Then the king and the queen went back to the green, but you can never go back there again". Just isn't the same *sigh*


    WTF, where's the text color BBCode??

  2. #2


    Black Prophecy board.. StarCraft II.. probably WoW if BP fails..
    If you want to fix the game, start with the most essential part: The Community...
    Quote Originally Posted by Danae
    <&Danae> i don't like anything that's furry, totally dependant on me, and shits and pisses in sneaky places
    <&Danae> i have kids, i don't need pets ^^

  3. #3
    Registered User Neallys's Avatar
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    March 2008
    20€ la nuit


    Work, and Uni
    A bit of NC and L4D2 every now and then.
    Keavy Oona and a bunch of clannies accounts I log on because WHY NOT on Titan, Muge/Nerije/Neal/Keavy Oona on Terra

  4. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by Neallys
    Work, and Uni
    A bit of NC and L4D2 every now and then.
    Is L4D2 as good as L4D1? I never bothered to grab the sequel...

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by -FN-
    Is L4D2 as good as L4D1? I never bothered to grab the sequel...
    most people say it's better, but I never got into it, L4D was totally awesome with 3 good mates, doing the campaigns on expert with only pistols or something like that. L4D2 is more competition oriented, and I simply don't have the computer to play L4D2 competitively
    ingame names: Biglines (dissy spy), Mr Tool (low tech tank), Engineer Tool (constructor), Medical Tool (ppu/hacker/poker), Father Tool (apu)

  6. #6
    Xpertz William Antrim's Avatar
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    November 2005


    Wow and i am really enjoying it. Pvp is completely different to nc, although can be much more fun in a good group, but is not as good as solo pvp in nc. Still as a whole the game is keeping my attention at present.
    "dulce et decorum est pro patria mori"

  7. #7
    Hand me a gun and ask me again zii's Avatar
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    December 2002
    In bright puddles


    Soince 2002, I have played NC, with a 10 day play of wow, and a notable exception of wow in space (Eve Online). Not alot to report.

    However, since NC I have lived in BE CL US GI and now in nL.
    All been rather interesting.

  8. #8
    Retired Danae's Avatar
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    har. This is a sad question and answer ^^

    As of December 2010, I will have been with Neocron for 10 years, I think I'm the longest remaining person here. I was 22 When I started here...*sniffle*

    I have 4 sons (2, 6, 8, and 10), a wonderful husband (you may remember Oath), a second job (work in the local dole office). I guess I've had a busy 10 years :P

    I played WoW for 5 years (first EU servers then US servers) but don't play anymore. Mostly I'm just on facebook...yeah pretty sad ;P I watch Oath play (well used to Modern Warfare 2, but now Medal of Honor as of two days ago :P) on the PS3 or the kids play on the Wii.

  9. #9
    Banned User Dr Phil's Avatar
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    January 2010
    In your face, with my AK's


    Since NC?!
    Im still here, and i doubt ill be leaving anytime soon!

    While ive been in NC ive been studying and later working, and well.. drinking..
    Mostly drinking though...

  10. #10
    Registered User Setlec's Avatar
    Join Date
    October 2003


    since NC i've been playing quite a few games like woflenstein: enemy territory then Enemy Territory:quake wars, l4d2 (never played l4d, though) BF:BC2 (really disapointed by the game honestly). as MMOs i've been playing DDO online and LoTR online... Beta tested Fallen Earth didn't like it... beta tested Global Agenda but something was missing...

    But I'm still daily checking NC forums for updates!

  11. #11
    Huckle Beare' Doc Holliday's Avatar
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    Sydney, Australia


    Life. its a great game.
    Quote Originally Posted by aKe`cj View Post
    Something is wrong.
    Where are the people asking for free candy or Double-XP ?

  12. #12
    Defender Of The Faith
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    July 2004
    Sweden, Jönköping


    one of danae :P

    i been arround just as long looool and still remember you gettin cought singing
    to your raidio show on SINER :P hahaha

    well i drift arround all sorts of games atm i am playin BF BC2 and Supreem Comander 2 other than that i just revisit the clasics in my collection
    Alice, oni ond such

  13. #13
    Registered User RAB's Avatar
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    UK, Dorset


    hmmm.... got divorced once, married again, had a beautiful daughter, wife got ill(perm) bit of a struggle that, moved house, look after wife full time now - get nagged all the time as I'm a crap house husband ! lol, looked for many games to replace cron, fallout 3 came the closest for me I think (offline)... oh look and I'm back again... TRYING TO PLAY !!! lol
    Titan: Cronos (HC Tank) Newb | Cronos- (Rifle Spy +Poke)

  14. #14
    Defender Of The Faith
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    July 2004
    Sweden, Jönköping


    that is a harsh one rab :S

    hey i am newly married but apparently i sux at tyding other
    than that i am fine so i am told :P hahahahaha

  15. #15
    Hybrids, Unite! Omnituens's Avatar
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    From cron, I stopped playing MMO's... was dark times and I don't really remember what I was playing.

    I then played WoW, then Eve, then wow, then Eve. Occasionally coming back to cron when I found out it was free.

    Now I am MMO free (except for free access to cron) as I've just moved house and can't really afford the subscription costs right now.

    Usually find me playing LoL or TF2 these days.

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