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  1. #31
    Registered User nabbl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jini
    If you give back the HAB to the apu, you are changing the game as a whole. Then, the Apu will present THE prime target, with priorirty #1, by the time they spot one. Not to mention that ppus will become totally unkillable... and tht 2 ppus will be able to rezz a whole OP fighting team, in the heat of the battle.
    yeah.. but i said the apu has to get back his antibuff TOGETHER with that the pe will get a good antibuff too.

    and its not the case, that the PE will be overpowered then. he will not be able to cast psi shields when using antibuff nanites. so hes kinda fragile.

  2. #32
    Keine Macht dem Benzinkartell MotorMike's Avatar
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    i would rahter see to give the pe psi 40 base back or low requ for using basic(haz/heat) resist booster than that bloody shit nanite stuff

    serousily since that heal tools are in to much inbalcend was increase

    but i agree apu need the anticast back
    "Mache ich dir Angst ?" - "Ja" - "Ist es meine Narbe?" - "Nein, es ist dein Auto !!"

  3. #33


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    Last edited by Trivaldi; 28-02-08 at 17:41. Reason: Discussing Moderation

  4. #34
    Registered User nabbl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jini
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    Last edited by Trivaldi; 28-02-08 at 17:43. Reason: Discussing Bans

  5. #35

    Default APUS ftw

    WOOOOT at last back on forums........



  6. #36


    I'll take this oppurtunity to remind everyone that forum or game account bans are not up for discussion and that if anyone has any issues with the moderation of this forum please feel free to contact Nidhogg or SnowCrash with your issue, direct discussion of moderation is not permitted but we do appreciate comments and feedback as long as they are delivered via the correct previously mentioned channels.

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  7. #37


    [ edited - if you want to discuss this with Triv, PM him ]
    Last edited by Nidhogg; 28-02-08 at 20:27.

  8. #38
    Xpertz William Antrim's Avatar
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    You dont get stacks on burst weapons, never have. You wont get YOUR spy boosted ever. Please do try to come up with some proper suggestions.

    The apu is NOT fine atm, it DOES need fixing, if it was fine why would you start a thread in the first place. They DO have a reticle now (but you knew that already right? ..... exactly) and they do need to aim just like everyone else.

    I am assuming you have NEVER actually played an apu, much less one in the current neocron game world. I think you should do this before you actually make such blase statements and land yourself in a world of shit. Sometimes I think you start threads like this just to stir trouble in all honesty.

    P.s you do not always need the last word.
    "dulce et decorum est pro patria mori"

  9. #39


    Well, this thread is to lift the myth that apus need boosting, and this is all it is about. I don't play an APU but I have fought many potent apus, and I do know the game mechanics as well. Besides people who have played apus (one is already in your clan) are confirming that APUS are fine as they are.

    If people want rof raised then dmg should be lower to preserve balance

  10. #40
    Xpertz William Antrim's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jini
    Well, this thread is to lift the myth that apus need boosting, and this is all it is about. I don't play an APU but I have fought many potent apus, and I do know the game mechanics as well. Besides people who have played apus (one is already in your clan) are confirming that APUS are fine as they are.

    If people want rof raised then dmg should be lower to preserve balance
    Case in point. Nuff said.

    P.s If you mean Vegah, he quit years ago.
    "dulce et decorum est pro patria mori"

  11. #41


    Jini....people told you since so many time to make a monk and talk about it after you did while you don't do a monk and don't know what your talking about.....plz just shut up.

    Noone beside you would say Apus are fine right now...I think with some small changes they will be allright, but they aren't right now.

    And telling Apus cannot have stackable spells because your spy don't have a AK with poison stacks that stack like a devourer sounds kind of really ******************ed tbh...

    So, I say again what i said before, bring back normal stacks that apus did have (fire poison) and bring little up the frequency on spells....and if you put it higher, you can reduce damage no problem but i think an apu shooting 100% target with higher frequency should do more damage than right now but when missing target would do less than now....which would mean only good apus could kill.....OR....maybe make the reticle damage effect bigger so opened reticle would do less damage than now and closed reticle would do more than now.


  12. #42
    Loving Titan L0KI's Avatar
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    Jini - this is not a dig at all, just an opposing argument.

    What you are saying, is that APU's are perfect as they are, because they are balanced.

    My argument is, the APU should be able to massively outdamage me as a PE. They are, after all, supposed to be 'The' damage dealer.

    At the moment, they are not the damage dealers. So, saying they are balanced on the basis that you can beat them one on one with your spy isn't exactly the point I am trying to make here.

    An APU SHOULD out-damage your spy, and my PE.

    Whilst I understand that the APU can be more effective with his spells, at the expense of speed - this should not be the case. If you know game mechanics like you say you do, then you will know that in the current state of affairs, speed is way too vital to miss out on.

    As for your earlier comments about a gang picking on you, this isn't school. I'm certainly not picking on you, or provoking you. I'm a realist, and I don't take someone's word as gospel, just because they shout a bit louder than someone else. If I disagree with what you have said, I'll tell you.

  13. #43


    given the current situation with clippers, would it be worth suggesting giving the holy frostation some of its para effect back.. for example a 30-60% slow down depending on damage% on the spell and reticle lock, which only lasts for 2 to 4 seconds..

  14. #44


    No, I didn't meant you or Vegah.
    Ok, clarify me then what you mean exactly, because I don't really understand you. So, which one of the two is true:

    a. APU should be massivelly outdamage PEs tanks spies and kill them in the blink of an eye, meaning DoT is the bigest
    b. APU spells have big power output, but they die fast when a pe, tank or spy fron attacks them, meaning DoT is less or,
    c. All classes, DoT be it spy, tank apu and pe are balanced, which means that DoT together with resists/health pool is balancedand equal for all classes

    Vegah is contradicting himself, when he says that
    Noone beside you would say Apus are fine right now...I think with some small changes they will be allright, but they aren't right now.
    Well, guess what: when i am hearing these words from someone that has played a monk for ages it means that "small" changes are withing the specific accuracy level this games dev's can handle for ballancing. Since skill does play huge role on ths game, there is no way our devs can finetune the game more because they dont have a solid base to calculate DoT as well as speed/netlag and health pool and aiming.
    These are the minimum parameters one has to carefully finetune in order for the game to be played.
    And from hat i can understand here, you all speak of "higest damage dealer" without even hinting to DoT that I speak off

  15. #45


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    Last edited by Nidhogg; 29-02-08 at 01:18.

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