1. #1
    A Nobby's crisps eater! nobby's Avatar
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    August 2003

    Default [OT] Nobby and laptop cooling...

    Hi there guys

    Nobby's been treating himself to unreal Tournament 3 and Call of Duty 4 for the PC ...

    Thing is... they look and run sweet as !

    but... My Laptop turns into an oven inside once the game gets intense

    I bought myself a sheet of metal with 3 fans under, to blow cool air into the vents (laptop sits on top of it.)

    Seems to have done Sweet FA

    I downloaded a temperature tool, and found on idle, my laptop is 60 degrees. once i load up my to server select screen, 70 degrees...

    now when playing, temperatures will go up rather quickly to 80... then 90...

    in the space of 20 minutes.

    At 95 degrees the laptop just shuts off automatically.

    So poor nobby barely gets any rounds in before it dies

    I tried an experiment last night, to see if Arctic Winds would cool my laptop

    So at 3 am... i went outside...

    Minus four outside... but Nobby was determined to see what would happen.

    I must admit even though I was freezing... I was loving my game...

    watching the temps, intense game seemed to hang at 72 degrees for quite a while, (maybe 20 mins)

    Then i noticed they were rising...
    another 20 mins it got to 85 degrees and then 10 mins later... got to 90...

    I decided to stop and i knew it was gonna hit the shutoff mark sooner or later.

    Nobby's arctic wind cooling experiment had failed...
    and so did poor Nobby's body... could barely walk i was sooo numb... but I had done my experiment

    So guys...

    What should nobby buy... or do... to sort this wee problem?
    Nobby...Staying since 2003, and Never leaving!
    Quote Originally Posted by Nidhogg
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hoder
    The hamster didn't read the epilepsy warning today and is currently being resuscitated. Please stand by...

  2. #2
    Bitter Veteran Hell-demon's Avatar
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    Does your laptop play Nc ok?
    I’m going to become rich and famous after I invent a device that allows you to stab people in the face over the internet.

  3. #3
    A Nobby's crisps eater! nobby's Avatar
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    yes it plays fine

    it's more newer games that the laptop gets all hot and bothered about...
    Nobby...Staying since 2003, and Never leaving!
    Quote Originally Posted by Nidhogg
    Noob! Thread closed.
    Quote Originally Posted by Hoder
    The hamster didn't read the epilepsy warning today and is currently being resuscitated. Please stand by...

  4. #4
    Bluenose Jodo's Avatar
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    I don't know what to advise with hardware, but don't sit it near your groin. It's the warmest place on your body to keep your love-spuds warm.

    Don't mention the war. I mentioned it once, but I think I got away with it all right. - Basil Fawlty

  5. #5
    A Nobby's crisps eater! nobby's Avatar
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    August 2003


    I gave my laptop a Good hoover out... (without taking it apart)

    seemed to have done something good

    Temps never seem to go above 87, played COD for 2 hours no sweat

    so i guess i've fixed my little rebellious hot bothered laptop

    uhh do wat you want mods !
    Nobby...Staying since 2003, and Never leaving!
    Quote Originally Posted by Nidhogg
    Noob! Thread closed.
    Quote Originally Posted by Hoder
    The hamster didn't read the epilepsy warning today and is currently being resuscitated. Please stand by...

  6. #6
    (_)_)!!!!!!!!!!!D, TBH trigger hurt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nobby
    I gave my laptop a Good hoover out... (without taking it apart)

    seemed to have done something good

    Temps never seem to go above 87, played COD for 2 hours no sweat

    so i guess i've fixed my little rebellious hot bothered laptop

    uhh do wat you want mods !
    Prop laptop up at an angle (put something under it). Buy 10 dollar fan from store. Point fan under laptop to help cool it.
    wtb my stuff back.

  7. #7
    A Nobby's crisps eater! nobby's Avatar
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    August 2003


    you obviously didn't read the first part of my post then...


    Hoovering the fan slot... vents ... etc... seem to have done the trick
    Nobby...Staying since 2003, and Never leaving!
    Quote Originally Posted by Nidhogg
    Noob! Thread closed.
    Quote Originally Posted by Hoder
    The hamster didn't read the epilepsy warning today and is currently being resuscitated. Please stand by...

  8. #8


    Nobby should take the house's vacuum cleaner and place the correct nozzle to vaccum one of the air grilles to ventilate. Also dont forget to raise the laptop a bit for air to run thru unobtrusively. Your best setting or guide is the air coming out fro the exhaust hole of the machine. You need to run it in the lowest setting so its quieter

    Alternativelly you can try running the game at lower speed settings if that can be done...

  9. #9
    Un-Registered User
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    September 2005


    how old is the laptop? maybe u have unclogged some of the debris which floats around the place gotta remember laptops will suck up more "shit" than desktop pc due to its constant movement also space is vast in desktops than laptop so dont take much to clog up.
    What i suggest and what i do is blast air/gas from a can I buy mine from a shop called "Colemans" item called "Sprayduster" its actually for blowing crap out of electronic equipment costs a bit for what it is but tbh its worth it around £12

    I recommend having the electrics off while doing this too.

    Remember folks dont harm in opening up ur systems and giving it a blast and hoover once in awhile

    Well good luck Nobby and hope u have a better gaming xp

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