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  1. #91


    It just pisses me off that the Germans don't want a single server game because of their beloved one character rule. Its like, you have 4 slots, if you want one character, only create one. Or are they uneasy that the same person can be four different chars!!!!! Pussies.
    Black Prophecron! You know it makes sense!

  2. #92
    Account not active yet Jason Parker's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Serious_Sam
    It just pisses me off that the Germans don't want a single server game because of their beloved one character rule. Its like, you have 4 slots, if you want one character, only create one. Or are they uneasy that the same person can be four different chars!!!!! Pussies.
    To clarify that point: Most people in the german community wouldn't mind a merge anymore. The Problem is on KKs side, they are saying that a merge without loss of chars and items is technicaly impossible and therefore there'll be no merging of any servers.

  3. #93
    Xpertz William Antrim's Avatar
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    Neocron is just like your ex-girlfriend.

    Every now and again you call her up and go back there just to see if its like it used to be. Sadly most of the time it isnt.

    Still theres plenty of fun to be had in the game if you know how to make your own.
    "dulce et decorum est pro patria mori"

  4. #94
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    @Awkward Silence

    Well well !!! cant believe your still here !!! i just popped back for a 'I used to love Neocron' fix and saw your post !!! how the hell are ya !

    my 2p on the whole neocron is, you cant beat the beta 4 days and NC1 !!!! NC2 was a cock up and DOY killed the game for me !!! the crashing was annoying but just made you wanna log back in FAST !!!

    i do miss neocron, it was the best gaming part of my life and i have many memories and screenshots (somewhere), met great people, lost a few girlfriends but had FUN, some people are taking it all to seriously, i think for small developers they did an outstanding job, sure some bad decisions, mainly they took on a game that just got to big for their hands, hopefully 1 day things will work out

    id love to go back to NC1 and get back into it !!! maybe they will make the project open source one day,,, now that would make it in the hands of the biggest development out there ... the people !!!

    ah well, might buy a month sub and come back for a blast one day !!

    Awkward you still on icq ?


  5. #95
    Custom User Title braydagner's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by William Antrim
    Still theres plenty of fun to be had in the game if you know how to make your own.
    unless you try to hack and everytime you get some weird bug where it switches the hack screen, freezes, crashes, and repeats this step until you finally say "fuck it" and dont hack the damn warbot when all you wanted to do was SOMETHING on your tradeskill/droner account while kk tries to get you your pvp account password and eventually give up and go play cs:s for a while to vent your anger because every time you try to vent your anger it gets edited and you get yelled at *takes deep breath* yea...

  6. #96
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    Why don't they make NC2 open source or something..
    or have competitions to create graphic models for humans, mobs, weapons, etc.. This way atleast some progress is being made towards an updated NC.. I'm sure there are some individuals talented enough to do some of the foot work for KK.

  7. #97
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    What everyone doesn't understand is, every single person who writes in this forum about the situation, playing the game, what needs to be changed & etc. All has a different veiw & opinion than each other, how would the staff know what to implement, if they wouldn't be satisfying everyone, its not the easiest job.

    Like alot of you, i like this game but the on going problems with no progress has no incentive to come back, Why dont they just remake neocron, i dont beleive they would have to change much, wouldnt matter about all the balancing of ppu's and all that crap, if we had the population it did at the start then no one would care about the small hiccups. All KK are doing is making new patchs to keep people happy for the mean time.

    My 2 cents.

  8. #98
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    I think the problem is KK made a great game but because it was a first MMO for them it was a learning process so they're starting fresh with Black Prophecy now that they have the knowledge under their belts. But I think that they gave up on Neocron without making it great first.. You can't make a shit game expecting everyone to play it then just give up because it doesn't compete, it would make more sense to make some incredible game and THEN if it doesn't work pull the plug.
    Neocron has the best atmosphere out of any MMO on the market and if it was brought up to date with a new engine, reworked graphics, more content, more zones and the whole no zoneline thing all the new mmo's are doing, it has the potential to turn some heads.

  9. #99
    Registered User Terayon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KaZz
    But I think that they gave up on Neocron without making it great first.. You can't make a shit game expecting everyone to play it then just give up because it doesn't compete, it would make more sense to make some incredible game and THEN if it doesn't work pull the plug.
    They gave up? Neocron was released in 2001. When did they give up exactly?

    Quote Originally Posted by KaZz
    Neocron has the best atmosphere out of any MMO on the market and if it was brought up to date with a new engine, reworked graphics, more content, more zones and the whole no zoneline thing all the new mmo's are doing, it has the potential to turn some heads.
    Thats like a new game. And game concepts like neocron are easy to come by. (Though i was pretty fond of this one )

  10. #100
    Xpertz William Antrim's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Terayon
    They gave up? Neocron was released in 2001. When did they give up exactly?

    Thats like a new game. And game concepts like neocron are easy to come by. (Though i was pretty fond of this one )
    It does need a proper make over from the ground up, there is no denying that.
    "dulce et decorum est pro patria mori"

  11. #101
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    Well if it's not completely obvious, I think the lack of patches and vision for the game indicates they have given up.
    And consider the 'major upgrade' from NC1 to NC2.. Not a whole lot.
    This proves that they didn't make a big effort to turn their first attempt into an improved version, just a slight rework.

    I wouldn't say everyone in KK gave up on the game, there would have been a handful of people doing whatever was in their power to improve it, but there is only so much few can do without the support (mainly financially) from the companies executives.
    KK most likely only JUST made back their investment from developing NC1 and 2 that they don't want to risk investing more into a game that they feel can potentially fail.

    My point is I believe the game can succeed in todays market if they brought the game up to a competitive level. I think the likes of Blizzard have scared off smaller companies but that shouldn't deter these companies. It's obvious NC has a very dedicated fan base but there is only so long these fans can stick it out before they give up because of lack of input from KK.

  12. #102


    I'm glad Neocron is still running to be honest. I'm back after 5 years, and at the moment really enjoying it. Yeah the global population is pretty low, and it has a few bugs... so what. I don't need a massive population to enjoy myself.

    I think people moaning about low populations should consider how THEY could improve them. Hmm, do I really need to gank yet another noob on a trial account who stupidly took out their LE? Should I perhaps help somebody in-game? Could I stop whining about Neocron for five minutes, and perhaps get one new person to join?

    People who help like Logan Ford CST basically keep this game running. That's a fact.
    I'm back!

  13. #103
    Erik Reed on MARS DR REED's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jason Parker
    To clarify that point: Most people in the german community wouldn't mind a merge anymore. The Problem is on KKs side, they are saying that a merge without loss of chars and items is technicaly impossible and therefore there'll be no merging of any servers.
    To clarify this point: You are speaking for yourself, Jason Parker ?

    Did i miss anything last weeks ? Most of your (poor) activity restricts to this board here instead of ingame presence. so who gives you the right (or the arguments) for statements like this one ??

    Pro/Contra for server merging was discussed exhaustively. I do not believe that it is the number of slots which is important for the german com, i guess it is the gameplay style ? Or maybe the wish for a localisation ? Any of this is better explanation for refusals than Serious_Sams "Germanpussytheory"


  14. #104
    Account not active yet Jason Parker's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DR REED
    so who gives you the right (or the arguments) for statements like this one ??
    The right to do such statements is given to me by the laws that grant everyone the right of free speech. The arguments are on the one side given to me by the ability to read threads about the given topic. On the other side I take the arguments from the fact, that a lot of (maybe you like that frase better than when I'm saying most, since this expresses better that of course it's my subjective impression and just my opinion ) the german players playing on terra are migrants from the german servers so from a certain point of view one could say, that a merge has already taken place.

    Quote Originally Posted by DR REED
    Did i miss anything last weeks ? Most of your (poor) activity restricts to this board here instead of ingame presence. so who gives you the right (or the arguments) for statements like this one ??
    Besides the fact, that my poor ingame activity is caused by defected hardware, which i can't afford to properly replace, I don't know, why it should be your business how often I'm online and how much I do post.

    As I said above, I can say whatever I want (as long as I don't break the forum's rules or the law). And if it's my opinion that MOST of the german player's wouldn't mind a merge I'll go on saying so and there's nothing you can do about that, but saying that you have an opposite opinion, which you are absolutely free to do. But please do it without that hostile and arrogant undertone. Whenever you quote people, to say that your opinion differs from their opinion, you sound like you are the almighty himself and it was pure blasphemy to say things you don't like.

  15. #105
    Xpertz William Antrim's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jason Parker
    The right to do such statements is given to me by the laws that grant everyone the right of free speech. The arguments are on the one side given to me by the ability to read threads about the given topic. On the other side I take the arguments from the fact, that a lot of (maybe you like that frase better than when I'm saying most, since this expresses better that of course it's my subjective impression and just my opinion ) the german players playing on terra are migrants from the german servers so from a certain point of view one could say, that a merge has already taken place.

    Besides the fact, that my poor ingame activity is caused by defected hardware, which i can't afford to properly replace, I don't know, why it should be your business how often I'm online and how much I do post.

    As I said above, I can say whatever I want (as long as I don't break the forum's rules or the law). And if it's my opinion that MOST of the german player's wouldn't mind a merge I'll go on saying so and there's nothing you can do about that, but saying that you have an opposite opinion, which you are absolutely free to do. But please do it without that hostile and arrogant undertone. Whenever you quote people, to say that your opinion differs from their opinion, you sound like you are the almighty himself and it was pure blasphemy to say things you don't like.
    What is german for "owned" because I think to be fair that sums up this post nicely.
    "dulce et decorum est pro patria mori"

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