1. #16


    The horrible incident with the insane NC player who thought he could cast barrels in city centre.

  2. #17


    Quote Originally Posted by gstyle40
    how about n the n*ts?

    Lol i shot Panthos PE in the nuts with my SH once

    anyways heres my two coins in this party

    Everyone thinks "Ohhh more WoC weapons horray!"

    i think "Wtf wheres my WoC vehicles damnit?"

    So heres my ideas (i know most have been said before)

    WoC Rhino ------- Instead of a lazer its a rocket launcher
    WoC Assualt Glider----- Instead of the wimpy little missle, it is an AoE missle launcher, therefore you dont need to strafe as much and risk loosing your ubar glider
    WoC Trike---- same idea as the rest. but make it have a bigger gun, maybe 5 rocket bursts or just make them do a bit more damage. Tracking maybe? and make it look different than the normal heavy trike.

    For your sanity and mine i wont mention my obsession. (check sig )
    He who knows not and knows not that he knows not is a fool; avoid him.
    He who knows not and knows that he knows not is a student; teach him.
    He who knows and knows not that he knows is asleep; wake him.
    He who knows and knows that he knows is a wise man; follow him.

  3. #18
    trophy hunter SnAkE_BE's Avatar
    Join Date
    August 2003
    viarosso 2


    QUOTE: canuma100

    PSI WOC 1 apu 120----- X ray Barrel
    ok barrel jump in it and insta gib urself

    STR WOC 1 HC 100----- PsiNuke (kamikaze tank dies but he disable Every kind of PSI stuff for 1 min in the zone)
    u what with who?

    INT WOC 1 Res 200----- Scientist Cloak +100 res + 2 BPs then 1BP
    ress is good enough like it is atm

    INT WOC 1 Cst 200----- Power Const tool (everything that build with this tool get min 2 slots)
    if u want to keep it fair then this thing would only ive 2 slots why not a tool that has better chances on better slots

    DEX WOC 1 Rcl 120----- Capture drone (you can capture a machanical Mob and control them like a warbot or a Y commander for 3 mins)

    CON WOC 1 enr 120----- Anti HL PA. Holy lightnings make -70% Dmg

  4. #19


    I hope KK have the sense to ignore the some people

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