Since the last patch or so it's getting worse and worse with massive bug parade like:

I and a buddy of mine cloned ourselfs multiple times, where you had a copy of yourself infront of you and you couldn't do anything but relog to fix it.
Yesterday i placed some cabinets and couldn't get the loot out with what it spawned many many times.
Couldn't after getting it out add anything saying "this container is already full".

Since today i encountered so many bugs, it all started when me and my buddy had endless sync. After the relog we were standing at Battledome in a massive Warbot Titan spawn. Then we had multiple times were we couldn't read our msgs written to each other, couldn't invite us saying "runner isn't online".

Back in NC after farming a couple of hours i headed to my appa, there was nothing there anymore, all placements gone.
Syncing out of the appa made me spawn in either p1 at the subway or one time at a sewer in pp2.
Got stuck in Sync wanting to enter my other appa multiple times aswell.

pretty sure there is more i forgot about.