If your clan owns an OP you get a portion of the money people spend GRing there (at 4000nc, the clan gets 1200nc). Clan members don't currently get a discount. I'd like to see either the cost removed or lowered for the clan that owns it; or if your clan owns the OP and you GR there, 100% of the GR money goes into clan bank.

Remember in NC1 when failing to hack an OP knocked you down and did damage to you? That was cool.

Needing 4 hackers is annoying. Why not reduce it to 3, with the 3rd being the hacknet one? Wasn't it 3 on NC1? I'm sick of having to move hacker alts around before an OP war. It makes OP fights just that much more annoying to organize. Maybe increase the time between attempts from 1 minute to 2? I don't want to reduce the time it takes to take an OP.

Monks and droners make fine combat hackers, but nearly everyone else needs those points for weapon lore. Maybe reduce the importance of weapon lore, making the aim cap (250%) easier to obtain. Letting people have the option to poke or hack on a fighter would make OP wars easier, and make alts less of a necessity.