If people want to team again you will find your fun will rise exponentially as the xp will rise exponentially with it. It doesnt matter where you go as it will be better everywhere.

Then when you have finished having so much fun you will probably find that you have also been patient. In this time of great patience and solace the devs will have had chance to relax a little from their full time jobs and families and be able to work on some other burning issues. No not Christmas with their loved ones, NC for you. It is a much more important issue. As long as PvE is fixed it wont matter if they have to work New Years Eve or get up extra early in the first dawn light of 2013. As long as PvE is fixed. But hey youre still having fun right? Good, ok chief happy with that.

So yeah once that is done you might find some of these other issues also get resolved. Its all about you right. Yeah right on bro. In the meantime instead of ranting how about thinking about some of the other things that you might have looked at and thought of solutions to that someone else missed. Devs are the same as the rest of us. Human. They have opinions, feelings and emotions. We each have our own opinions and some of them are very passionate. That is one of the things that makes this community so great.

However the shortsightedness of some of its members is appalling. Its the "Now let me log on my....." part that gets me. However the money shot is that last line. That's the one that really sold me. Tank. The one class in the game that you REALLY can still solo PLENTY of the content with.

If you had said Pistol pe or rifle spy I might have had some sympathy for you. If you had said APU or pistol spy I would have definitely patted you on the back and shared your moment of grief. But youre whinging about a tank.... I had to laugh my ass off.

Everyone here knows the game isnt fixed. Far from it. Triv even weighed in on the subject you and you got an official comment. Well about as official as the Dev team can be.

Yet still you have to rant.

GG bro. Seriously, nice one.

Thats what they want in the brainport. Rants. Helps to test the game loads and DEFINITELY helps the morale and motivation of the guys trying to fix the game for you.

How about suggesting something more like this for improvements?

What about making mob dispersal related to zone and climate?

Have jonny 5s moved back to the Dome of York and surrounding countryside?

Have just firemobs around the canyon?

Move Y replicants over to the doy areas too and remove the hacking requirement on them?

Put hazard worms et al around the Apparition caves

Have hovers remain ONLY around TH

Basically have areas where mobs spawn, across 9-12 zones or so around the map?

Doy Tunnels - beef up the amount of non hackable mobs (doy soldiers) and decrease the amount of hackable ones - so that everyone can farm and having a hacker is a bonus.

What about boosting the hell out of the uplink bonuses? Like Plus 50 or something so that Uplink Levelling zones suddenly become uber good and highly sought after. I recall in NC1 before the GR rules came in about locking and unlocking we used to go to Northstar uplink and hunt warbots there with the hack bonus and only like one hacking chip and we could pretty much farm all day (on a non hacking char ordinarily). This way even Tanks could level up there and still get rares.

all of these are constructive criticisms and suggestions.

Other than that all i can say is join a clan and level with your clan mates. Theres bound to be some who will recruit still.