Neocron Ideas

I would like to some sort of in game black market or auction house so people and buy and sell there items they craft and fined a lot easier rather then spamming trade chat for hours of almost nothing. Or when we want to make a player shop we have to have a list of ever thing in the shop on another website that people have to go to rather then just looking on the AH/ black market (BM)

I think we need to take a look in to the PvE of NC. Right now we are in this mode that to do some or most stuff you need a ppu to heal and resurrect the some one when they die. There is also no way for some one to take aggro from the boss or the healer if they get it. So what I am thinking is that we should eather move to a transitional “WoW” styal of PvE of “tank” “healer” “dps”. Or make it so mobs and bosses will not one shot people who are not abusing the in game AI. It always feels wrong to me that the whole time I have played NC1 and NC2 the good leveling spots are the ones that the mobs cant kill you because they do to much damage other wise.

If we did move the “holy trinity” of other MMO's I might say we change Melee tanks to have a shield that can be used to take damage and bash mobs to make them attack the tank. This shield would only work on pve mobs to keep the defense balance out of pvp. Or just change mod damage so tank don't just get one shot by thing or get glitch killed. This would also let us go in to the DOY and WOC tunnels with out need to explote or cheat any thing.

I also would like to see a spy based healing class. One that main stat would be INT and the off stat would be DEX. The class its self would work like a ppu but it is a spy. An idea I had would be to make the healing nanites have a remote use and work like ppu spells for all levels so any one can inject some one with there nanites and heal them or buff them. The spy based healer would also have a resurrection type tool that is like future CPR or like a defibrillator in a hospital.

Giving AOE to melee and rifles, I never understood why these two weapon types don't have AOE. Rifles should have some think like the recoil-less rocket rifle that we had in WW2 for busting tank. We have rocket pistols why not rifles, only feel logical to me. Melee seem like it should have AOE with how many sweeping strike weapons there are. When playing a melee tank I feel like a super hero punching all the bad guys. And if I feel like a super hero why not let me cause all the collateral damage like a super hero. So make a melee weapon with a ground slam or and sword sweeping strike, and why not give the teaser a chain lightning effect.