Quote Originally Posted by Lupus
A Judge using PE was the basis point for reworking the Pistol skills. In fact I used the info I was given in the thread where I requested player setups for most of the reworks.

With that said I took a PE that was had a setup that leaned towards as much pistol boosting implants as they could get, not including Pistol Combat booster 3, nor any drugs. Then with the exception of DEX since that has to be a minimum of 100, I took 90% of what I got PC & WEP wise and adjusted the skills so that it would be enough to cap the Judge.
The problem is that the majority of Judge users do NOT use full DEX/PC boosting implants.
A judge may be 20 tls above a PE's base dex cap, but this does not mean it is a high dex weapon, even for a PE. I for example (even without drugs) only need 3 dex imps and my PA to reach dex 100.
Balancing something on the basis that is something else is (imo) the wrong thing to do.

Regarding the rest of the changes:
My impression was that though the rifle changes were going in, the actual effects in the end were minimal, the freq calaulation for example was not going to change.
I also was under the impression that the affect of WEP on pistol aim was (although slightly adjusted) was not going to have a large impact on capping aiming.
As a result pistol users would be able to continue as they are, but had the option of gaining higher RoF at the cost of thier other INT speccings.
This meant that given full INT specialisation into WEP for both pistol users and rifle users would mean that pistols were more powerful, but rilfes had the advantage of range. This 'balance' I did not agree with, but a kind of balance anyway.

What actually happened is that now, riflers can fully cap aiming, damage and freq with much less speccing than before. A PE now caps freq at 170 RC.
Where as pistols users will be able to cap rof with as much speccing as a rifle user, maybe need even more.
A pistol user also cannot continue to have as much WEP as before, as aiming has been changed, he HAS to fully spec his INT into WEP, in order to cap aiming.
So where is any sense of balance now? Pistols don't have any advantage over rifles at all anymore.
Both cap freq, both cap aiming, both cap damage, but rifles still have the advantage of range.