In this thread we post our tiny annoyances that could easily be fixed or tweaked (at least we can hope so). We post our small qualms and how they can be fixed. Hopefully these suggestion will make it into the game. These are tiny things that all add up. One papercut is bad enough, but enough of them can ruin your day. All suggestions here must not be associated with balancing, that is a separate issue. Add to the list if you can:

User Interface
•Built in HUD colour changer. It’s annoying having to type in the code, why not streamline it by having it built in to the F11 setting box?

•Extra mouse button mapping. Seems like you can only map up to mouse button four. My mouse goes up to 5 and some special snowflakes have ones that go up to 11 (spinal tap anyone?). Possible to add more?

•Maybe personal preference but the dialogue window is clunky and often bugs out. Can we not have the old version which showed your character in third person and created a cut scene effect? I thought it was cinematic and reminded me of Deus Ex (a heavy influence in Neocron). As it stands it’s all very static and not engaging. I know this is being worked on but I personally would not consider changing something that previously worked quite well.

•New graphic icon for the cloaking device that isn’t a hack tool icon. Gets confusing. Make it so I can tell from my inventory what is a hack tool and what is a cloak from a glance.
•Add an R to the remote tool icons. Again, this is to distinguish from a personal tool and a remote tool.

•”Neofrag - Hovercab your skills with other runners” WHAT!? The other Neocron announcer voice promotes Neofrag properly, but this one is screwed up. Remove it or fix it.

•Military Base gene replicator area is pure ear rape. You have the game’s Industrial music playing over the stripper club music next to the generep. It is a cacophony of ear bleeding horror. Please fix.

Content/Game World
•More psi vendors, and possibly more vendors in some other areas. Breathe a bit more life into Outzone, Dome of York and some parts of the wasteland. Some traders in the more dangerous parts of the wasteland sell useless low level items. Does not make sense. Have them sell ammo and med kits.

•The NExT HQ has a tiny NExT jeep on a desk. Is it possible to make that into a new furniture item for our apartments?

List your gripes and tiny things - just maybe they might go away.